A Talk Between Alphas And Others!

Jax POV*

Jax was still waiting to hear Derek's answer but all he was doing was staring at Jax like he was a foreign creature which only made him chuckle lightly, "I'm serious here Derek, when I'm not with her I can't be a lonely guy who sits at home and wait I need friends too so what do you say." He asked reaching out his hand for Derek to take. Derek looked a little hesitant but after awhile he took it with a small smile that was hard to notice if you weren't looking directly at his face, Jax nodded his head he was glad he could mend fences with the alpha.

"So where did you come from exactly?" Derek asked taking a seat across from Jax.

"Well I was living with my dad until recently before I met my wife.... Hope..... then I helped her and her family with a problem last year keeping me from school so I had to repeat sophomore year..... now I am back for who know how long since this is a big world and there is plenty of things to do." Jax narrated for everyone since it was obvious everyone was listening to their conversation trying to figure out more about this alpha.

"Mhmm" Derek said thinking things over he had heard the name Hope before and could have sworn the girl looked kind of familiar but he couldn't place her, he figured Jax was an open guy so he just came out with it, "If you don't mind me asking what is her last name?"

"Well since we aren't really married yet it isn't McCall yet so I guess her last name is still Mikaelson." Jax said rubbing his chin.

It was like lightning had hit Derek he finally realized why he knew what she looked like, you didn't need to leave Beacon Hills to heat the nightmare tales of the Mikaelson family hell he knew vampires existed but didn't do anything about them because they never came here. He was shaking a little thinking that he was smart for not trying anything when they were in the bathroom he was also grateful that he became friends with this kid and decided that he would befriend Hope too but he had one question, "So you're telling me Klaus Mikaelson just let you date his daughter? And he didn't kill you?"

An explosive laugh left Jax when he heard that he didn't want to laugh at him but it was just to funny hearing that, "Oh no believe me he tried to stop me but Klaus isn't strong enough to keep me from Hope." Jax didn't say more but let that sink in and he could see Derek shuddering in fear.

Derek didn't know if it was true or not but he could believe it since the truth was right in front of him, he couldn't be so cocky if it was true the proof was that he was still breathing and could tell his tale. Nodding his head numb he didn't say anything but let his world get turned upside down, he didn't know what to think he could only just resign to this crazy world hell there was a lizard man running around killing people.

For the next hour Derek sat with Jax and learned some things while also filling him in on the past year of their life, Jax felt it strange like he had heard this or seen it somewhere but he couldn't place his finger on it. Shrugging he ignored the feeling thinking the old man had something to do with it, after talking with Derek for awhile they exchanged numbers and promised to meet up later.


Stiles POV*

Stiles was leaving his house because he couldn't get in touch with Scott or the others and he was starting to get worried after awhile he decided to go off and see if he could find them, getting into his Jeep he decided to stop by their house first to find out. Going by not even Melissa was there so he left deciding to go by Lydia's in hope that they were there and he wouldn't need to travel around, he could just go to Derek but he didn't know if he was completely safe around the three wild wolfs that were there.

Pulling in front of Lydia's house he jumped out the Jeep and knocked on the door this was also an excuse he needed to see how she was doing since they haven't talked in awhile, after waiting awhile Hope answered the door with a huge grin. Stiles was stumped at first cause he didn't see Jax's motorcycle but then came back to himself afterwards, "Umm hey I was looking for—"

"Who is it Hope?" Lydia says coming up behind her the smile on her face drops a little seeing it was him but he took no offense. "Oh it's you.... I thought you were the pizza guy." After that they both stare at him waiting for him to speak but he doesn't know exactly what to say in this situation so he is kind of stuck.

"Umm..... I was...." He didn't know what to say since Lydia wasn't involved in their other life's so he didn't know how to say what he was going to next.

The girls were looking at him like he was crazy mainly because his mouth was opening and closing like a fish who was searching for water, getting tired of standing here Hope spoke up, "Are you going to say something cause we are kind of having a girls night and we would like to get back to it." Lydia giggled agreeing with her.

"Yeah Umm sorry it's just I was looking for Scott but can't get ahold of him. And is Derek's problem solved?" He asked hoping that Jax took pity on him to go and take care so the wolf's won't go raging around town.

"No we haven't heard from them Allison didn't answer my calls either, and Jax is off doing something that we don't know..... maybe he did go help Derek with the Betas." It wasn't Hope who answered though it was Lydia surprising him because she had said something he didn't expect. Seeing the surprise on his face she continued, "Oh yeah I know all about this Hope filled me in earlier unlike you guys who kept me in the dark all the time. Like do you know how dangerous that is I should have at least know like everyone else."

Stiles was to stunned to say anything because he couldn't believe what he was hearing they hadn't told her anything for her safety but here she was blaming them calling them liars. He also couldn't say anything because he was in love with this girl and he knew it was wrong to not tell her but it wasn't really his intention he just never got the right time to tell her about it. Sighing he now really regretted it because he this would do nothing but put them further apart from each other making it even harder for him to get the girl he has been after since forever.

He was going to say something but stopped when he say a playful smile on Hopes face, "why don't you join us Stiles?" She asked looking really mischievous.

He didn't know what to say and Lydia looked surprised to but he wanted to see where this was going so he decided to go ahead and do it, since he hadn't heard from Scott and them he assumed they were together anyway so he left them alone. Entering the house he walked with them to living room where they were watching the notebook Lydia's favorite movie, after settling in he watched it with them after paying for the pizza that they ordered but he didn't say anything.

"*Sigh* I wish someone would build me a house, not that it is really realistic nowadays but if a guy did it for me I would fall for him too." Lydia said looking at the tv screen with dreamy eyes.

Hope spoke up at that moment, "Stiles would you ever build a house for a girl you loved?" She had a playful smile and watched him not even looking at the movie, this also caught Lydia's attention but she pretended that she wasn't listening to the conversation.

Stiles looked at Lydia before answering he caught on to what Hope was doing, "Of course I could even build her ten houses no matter even if she didn't respond to my love because I love her." He said sounding righteous and Hope looked at Lydia who had a small smile hearing his answer, when since she wasn't looking Hope have him a thumbs up for catching on to her plan.