Third Person POV*
The next morning Hope, Lydia, and Stiles woke up in Lydia's living room from a night of watching The Notebook five times since the girls couldn't get enough of it no matter how many times they watched it. Stiles honestly had the best night ever for once he wasn't trying to track down supernatural and he got to spend time with the girls of his dreams, Hope was the ultimate wingman not even Scott got him this much time with her. It even got better after they finished the movie after the fifth time.
Last Night*
The movie had just ended when Hope suddenly jumped from her seat, Lydia was startled and a little sad thinking she was leaving but she walked into the kitchen and came back with a bottle, "Alright guys one round of truth or dare before we go to sleep." Taking the bottle we all sat in a triangle form before she started it off spinning it before it landed on Lydia, "Truth or Dare?" Hope asked practically bouncing in her seat looking excited.
"Dare, I love a good challenge." Lydia answered with as much enthusiasm as Hope was showing.
A sly grin crossed her face before she tapped her chin, "I dare you to kiss our boy Stiles here."
Lydia wasn't put off by it instead she smirked moving closer to him, Stiles though was trying to get his heart to start again because as soon as the words left Hopes moth he was preparing for the worst not her to move closer to him. When she was less than a millimeter away from Stiles she heard his breath hitch which made her giggle it wasn't much for her to do this but she could see that he was struggling a little trying to stay calm. It didn't escape her notice that he rubbed his palms on his jeans trying to get rid of the sweaty palm, after a second of letting him know it was going to happen she leaned in and kissed him taking his breath away. He want the only one effected though she also was short of breath this was the most time she had spent with Stiles and he wasn't as annoying as she thought no, she thought he was quirky and kind of cute with the stuttering he did when she was talking to him.
They went from a light kiss to fighting each other their tongues intertwined with a bit of saliva leaking out, they were so lost in the kiss that it wasn't until they heard Hope cough that brought them back to themselves. Breaking apart the both looked a little embarrassed by what happen but couldn't deny that it was a good kiss, Lydia was a little surprised by how great of a kisser he was but she wasn't going to lie and say that she didn't like the kiss but she played it off well. Stiles on the other hand was trying his hardest to come back to earth he couldn't believe his luck with what just happened and he was going to think of some way to thank Hope later for doing this for him.
The trio all looked out the window at the sound of a motorcycle pulling up in the driveway, it was Jax who was walking up to the door with a backpack on they had completely forgot about school. Hope rushes to the door squealing in delight when she saw he was holding a Tupperware full of breakfast sandwiches, she immediately grabbed them not even saying hi to Jax and going to eat her food. Stiles and Lydia were curious why she would ignore Jax for food but when they smelled a deliciousness in the air they quickly went up to the food that she had opened staring at it like hungry beast that haven't eaten for years. When Hope noticed them she gave them each a sandwich Jax had made enough for Hope and Lydia but he didn't know that Stiles had stayed he didn't find out until he pulled up and saw his Jeep out front he would have made more if he knew.
"So did you guys have a fun time last night?" He asked holding Hope from behind while she finished her food, he brought her school stuff while he came so they could go straight to school.
"Yes it was amazing we are definitely do this again right Lydia and Stiles?" Hope said bouncing with excitement it was a little bump having Stiles over but she enjoyed it by the end of the night especially being able to get these two together.
"Yes this was the best of course we are going to do this again. And I don't even mind Stiles being here with us." Lydia replied.
Stiles scratched the back of his head nervously he didn't want to answer with Jax right there but he nodded his head agreeing with them he enjoyed the time spent with them so he didn't mind another night if this. Jax looked between the three and was glad that Hope made friends on her first ever sleepover, he gave her a thumbs up and she looked down shyly but was glad that Jax was proud of her for doing this well on her first try at making friends.
After breakfast Stiles and Lydia were hooked and when they asked him if he could cook for them again he denied them right away, it wasn't until Hope asked that he agreed. After that they all go ready for school except for Jax who waited texting away on his phone with Derek about nothing really since neither one of them really had a topic in mind, all they worried about was the lizard guy running around town but Jax didn't know who it was anymore than he did. They all left Lydia's heading to the school surprisingly Lydia rose with Stiles who looked over the moon about that, Jax gave a light chuckle as the drive off with Hope filling him in on what had happen last night he also told her about his new friendship.
When they got to school they saw everyone was already in game mode banners and signs hanging everywhere supporting the lacrosse team they had an amazing season so far and we're going to make it to the playoffs so everyone was hype. Stiles pulled in next to them and Scott was now with them but he looked like he was still trying to figure out how Lydia and Stiles got so close in just a night, he also wanted to figure out she knew so much but they didn't say anything and Stiles was like a love struck fool.
Allison showed up with her mom since she started teaching her and everyone knew it was to keep Scott away from her so she only came over after he went away. Inside the school everyone besides Lydia, Hope, and Jax spilt up because they each had different things to do, Scott and Stiles had to go to a morning practice while Allison went to see her grandfather in the principals office. The trio were laughing in the hallway just wait for school to start and Lydia even didn't look at Jackson even though he walked right passed them since he had been rude to Lydia she had been slowly distancing herself from him, to no ones surprise.