After hugging and kissing Hope, Jax moved to the side and Malia appeared looking at Hope with interest and immediately put her plan of talking to Hope about her dreams when she felt her alpha presence. She didn't have the courage to stand up to Hope she knew that Hope was his queen and she wouldn't give it up that easily. Jax ignored her looks and followed Hope obediently up the stairs to sit next to her a Lydia.
Hope completely ignored Malia not because she had anything against her but because she just didn't feel like getting into it right now. After sitting down Jax felt the stares at him coming from people sitting in the audience and also some people in the field. It was pure jealousy and all he could do was scratch his head, Hope did become more beautiful after her blood was enhanced by becoming a alpha so he couldn't do anything about it.
"Who is that?" Lydia asked pointing at Malia who was following Jax like an obedient dog but she didn't say that out loud.
Hope and Jax looked at Malia who in turned looked at Lydia, "I am Malia Tate." Was all she said then went back to watching the game of course she was upset about not being able to speak up to Hope but she was also intrigued by the game.
Jax watched as the game dragged on and could feel something different about the air around it but he was to lazy to care, he started to notice after he became an alpha he was putting small stuff behind him. It also didn't escape his notice that Derek and Erica was standing behind the stands watching the game in secret like they were waiting for something. He shrugged though because he couldn't be bothered to deal with whatever they were up too honestly he just wanted to spend alone time with Hope but she wanted to be with Lydia for awhile longer.
Stiles POV*
Stiles was anxious and couldn't help look all over while chewing his glove since they were behind by a point and there wasn't much time left he was also watching out as Scott and Boyd went at it. They were definitely not getting along well ever since he came out as a wolf but he couldn't say anything in slight fear of being mauled by Boyd himself. Turning he looked into the stands and saw Jax sitting beside Lydia and Hope with a new girl who was also sticking pretty close to him but who looked nervous being around Hope.
When he swept his eyes over the group they naturally got stuck on Lydia drawn in by her beauty he truly believed that she was a gift to this world. What made his heart almost jump out his chest was the fact that she actually looked at him and gave him a smile, he nearly had a heart attack when that happened but he was extremely happy. She also gave him a little wave that he would never forget and he couldn't help but to pray to whoever helped him finally get on her radar enough to actually earn a smile and wave.
He tried to play it cool and waved back letting his chewed glove out his mouth but he just knew that he didn't look as cool as he wanted to be. His back then went straight and he tried to put on the tough guy look but he didn't work it as well as Jax but it did earn him a smile from her again, which made him nervous.
Stumbling in his seat from doing literally nothing he turned back to the game, not before getting a look at Allison with her grandpa, and tried to play off that it didn't just happen. But since all her really could hear was Lydia when he wasn't really trying he could hear her little giggle coming from the direction not to far behind him making his head almost produce steam.
Scratching his head he went back to watching the game but it was over with Boyd sticking a fist in the air since he got the game winner for the team.
Jax POV*
Jax couldn't help to laugh when he just saw Stiles reaction to Lydia it was truly funny to see that and he couldn't help but to laugh with her and Hope. Malia looked at them like they were weird but he would explain it another time. Jax stood along with the rest making there way down the stands they also passed Allison who was looking at them but her grandfather said something I He so she walked with him right over to Scott.
With nothing left to do here everyone decided to just go home there were no parties tonight and even if there was Jax wanted to drag Hope into bed so he didn't suggest anything either. After following Lydia home they dropped off Malia who was reluctant to go back but she need some sort of normal teenage life so she went back home after they said bye to her. Getting back to the house Jax decided to cook for the first time in awhile making full use of his cooking skills making them, chicken fried steak with homemade gravy, with French fries on the side. He also teleported and picked them fresh lemons making lemonade to go along with it.
While they were enjoying their meal they suddenly got a call from Stiles but ignored it since they didn't want to deal with any trouble tonight and they knew it followed him for some reason. Not wanting to be in not Stiles form he called again which they reluctantly answered this time, "GUYS I NEED HELP ITS HERE AT THE SCHOOL AND IM STUCK IN THE POOL CARRYING DEREK HELP!!!"
It only took one second for Jax to answer, "Nah, Don't feel like it!" Then hung up he knew he forgot the plot of the show but he also knew that Stiles had plot armor and wouldn't die so he was safe from whatever they were currently in.