While Jax and Hope were enjoying their time together Chaos was happening in the group but they ignored it and spent some time alone together. Out of no where time seemed to freeze and Jax was the only thing moving of course Hope already knew about the god that sent him here but that didn't mean he had to show her who he was. After awhile they were still just staring at each other until finally Jax couldn't take it anymore and shout,
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STARING FOR SPEAK!!!" He wasn't mad it was just he finally got some alone time with Hope so he was going to enjoy it while he could.
"*cough* sorry about that I thought you wanted to have a staring contest." This almost made Jax throw the remote at his head but he held himself back and just let out a little growl. "Well I just have to say I have been watching your adventure so far and while I like it everything seems a little boring so I am going to be throwing in some different things so I will give you some choices."
"1: You can keep this boring life and do as you please
2: You can have you memories erased and leave Hope for a new world
Or 3: I will do what I have planned and you and Hope will have challenges you have never seen coming."
Jax thought it over honestly even though his memory was wiped and he forgot the plot to the storyline he was a little bored and knew his answer but first he needed something, "First tell me when you introduce new things to this world how far are you taking it?"
"Not to far I mean there won't be dragons flying around or anything but I will combine some worlds from different tv shows here and also throw in their main characters..... there will be everything from Supernatural and Grimm. I want more but until I see how this goes I won't add more the world will also be expanded just for this reason and the two new shows will start at season 1."
Jax was a little happy because this seemed like a good idea they were also some of his favorite shows of course he would also enjoy non-supernatural shows but he would take what he could get for now, "But why would you need to expand the world in order to add different shows?"
"Well it's because there is going to be a lot more stuff going on from now on, and honestly I have more to say but not a lot of time to do it so I will tell you this, the world hasn't fully accepted you since you still have memories of the past so I'm giving you the option now to forget your past and really be apart of this world."
Jax looked over at this old man but then turned to Hope and her name alone made him smile it was truly a good decision to name her this because she is a beacon of light for people and she gave him just that.....hope. Looking back on everything that has happen so far he couldn't help but agree he had been to focused on changing things and preventing some stuff that he hadn't really lived his life in this world.
"Okay I agree take away the memories of the past I want to really truly live in this world I don't want your help anymore and I will just take everything as it comes." Jax said stroking the side of Hopes face, "But keep all our memories of our time together I don't want the chance of her ending up as someone else this I will be selfish on no matter what."
The old man smiled he had seen it coming and of course he was going to let Jax keep everything he wanted from now on he would just periodically add in a new tv show or movie just to spice things up a bit. With a wave of his hand everything changed but at the same time it all stayed the same in the eyes of everyone else but of course new players were now involved. The old man also left Jax and Hope something to face new enemies they didn't even know would appear yet this place was about to be very chaotic.
*Third person POV*
The world started turning again and a rush of warm feeling went over everyone who had at one time come in contact with Jax and Hope their fates now changed greatly. This was true even for the power couple who didn't mind anything and was enjoying their food watching a movie, of course Jax knew something big happened but he didn't care at this moment he was in peace beyond what he could ever want.
He was no longer connected to his past all that was in this 'Youths' Eyes was the future no matter what he was going to go through he knew he would keep Hope by his side and face it all.
After a delicious meal Hope was comfortable and decided she would spend some special time with her future husband so not letting him get to caught up in the movie she dragged him upstairs. Their phones were ringing constantly but they ignored it tonight it was going to just them in the future they knew it was going to be a long rode so they decided to just focus on each other at this moment.
*Next Day*
"What the hell you two!!!!" Stiles shouted at two people who just walked into the school holding hands smiling at each other.
Of course these to people were Jax and Hope they felt the weight of the world off their shoulders so they didn't really want to hear shouting first thing in the morning but this was Stiles so of course there was nothing they could do about it and had to listen to his nagging. Jax sighed while Hope took Lydia's hand as they went to the side to talk about the progress between her and Stiles because it didn't escape Hopes eyes when she walked in and saw they holding hands for a spilt second before noticing her.
"Ahh well to be honest your not my boss Stiles and I haven't spent much time with Hope in the past two days so I wanted alone time with my future wife got a problem with that?" Jax said slinging an arm around Stiles leaning in close, "Besides shouldn't you have called Lydia so she can comfort you when it was all over."
While they were talking Jax looked to the side and at that moment a kids face changed going from human to something like a snake he wasn't scared by it but it was really freaky. The kid also noticed him and freaked but didn't say anything just back up a little going into his classroom he didn't want trouble and he sure wasn't going to cause any but of course Jax didn't think the only thing going through this guys mind was 'HOLY SHIT A GRIMM!'