*Portland, Oregon*
A man with a badge and a gun was standing next to a car while talking to his partner about finally getting ready to propose to his girlfriend of four years. While talking he glanced over and saw a blonde woman but suddenly her faced changed from a beautiful face to something from a horror movie, it happened so fast that he didn't get to say anything before she walked off faster.
Getting into the car he looked at his partner before speaking, "Hey Hank did you see that?" He asked trying to figure out if he was going crazy of not.
"What are you talking about man." The black man said before chuckling at his friends antics responding to the call they just got on the radio.
If it wasn't already clear these two people were police of the great city of Portland, the black haired mans name was Nick Burkhardt he has been living here for a long time after finally settling down instead of following his aunt around. Now he lived a life with his beautiful girlfriend Juliet and was a detective in the police department with a great partner.
Driving down the road they finally reached the place where the call came in all around was police closing of what was a running trail with yellow police tape. Walking down the trail they were stopped by an asian man in uniform who was named Wu, "Victims this way but I hope you guys haven't had breakfast or you might loses it."
After they followed him to what was an arm that was separated covered by a sleeve with a little blood still dripping from it, Hank and Nick were repulsed but they have seen stuff like this before so they still continued on. Walking to the arm they looked it over before Nick decided to speak, "Do we know the gender yet."
"No but we have a pink shoe so I'm assuming that it is female." Wu said leaving them to examine the scene.
Moving around Hank noticed something, "Have you noticed that there are no animal tracks?" He said looking all over but all he found was a boot print, "Look here it's a boot print but whoever could do something like this I don't know if they are someone I want to meet."
Nick also noticed this and they looked at each other in agreement that they needed to find the make of this shoe and start tracking that person down. As they were getting ready to leave Nick could hear something faintly coming from the side and he couldn't help but look over at Hank, "Do you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Hank asked looking confused.
*Jax POV*
Jax was having a weird day of course it was all canceled out by Hope who was being really attentive which he couldn't be more than happy to have all her smiles and kisses. But what had caught his attention was they kids and some teachers around him some would be totally normal and that out of nowhere that would change some are wolfs, snakes,rats, and many more that he couldn't explain but he really just brushed it off for now.
He was no wondering what they should do about the giant lizard honestly Jax didn't see it as a real problem and was thinking of taking Hope on a little vacation away from her for awhile but he couldn't do it right now due to school but he swore to do it during their free time.
At lunch Jax, Hope, and they gang all went to sit down at a random table with Jax pulling out food for everyone since they wanted to either try it or begged for more. As they were enjoying the meal the kid Jax had seen earlier today had walked over to him and tapped his shoulders causing the whole table to look over at him.
"Hey do you kind of we talk in private for a moment?" He asked looked nervous but for what no one could tell. Jax nodded since he was a little puzzled himself.
*Hope POV*
When she got up this morning Hope felt like a brand new woman she had never felt so good, it had been three months since she went to see her mom or dad but they talked daily deciding to give her some space. She also felt a lot hungry after a long night with Jax for some reason even being a hybrid she could barely keep up with his stamina so she was famished when she woke up.
When they got to school and Jax parked the bike she had noticed a group of girls who was one moment normal the next they looked like wolves but she could tell it wasn't her and Jax kind but more like Scott where they couldn't fully change. Brushing it off they went into the school and she immediately noticed that Lydia and Stiles were a lot closer but she didn't want to scream and come off crazy in the hallway so she held it in but after they got close pulled Lydia to the side to talk.
"Spill it all or we are no longer friends." Hope said a little to excitedly.
"Well there is not much to tell after you and Jax decided you wanted to ignore everyone last night Stiles was almost killed by that thing. Scott and Allison were busy so I went and picked him up which made us a little closer of course we aren't you and Jax level but I'm hoping he will step up and say or do something." Lydia ended with a sigh leaning against the lockers she had finally found someone who she might really like but he was to shy to actually do something.
Hope nodded her head she knew that Stiles had his time to be really outspoken and wild but at the key moments he seemed to tense up and fail right when he needed to make a big move. She thought about how when she first met Jax he wasn't shy at all he was confident and knew he would get her no matter what it took to get her which she really liked it was way above others who used her for things.
"Well let's hope things change." Hope said walking to Jax and Stiles so they could all walk to class together.
For the rest of the day it was like a scene from the books of the Grimm brothers she had read with people changing into animals at different times of the day over some act of nervousness, anger, sadness, or happy it made her a little weirded out but she just kissed Jax and everything was better.
At lunch when she was enjoying feeding Jax a piece of sandwich she noticed a kid walk up tapping him asking to talk, when they both walked away all eyes fell on her. She just shrugged she didn't even know who that kid was so she didn't put him in her eyes really she was thinking about what to get Jax for his birthday it was coming soon and she just couldn't decided what do you get they guy who has given you everything.
Maybe noticing her sadness Lydia spoke up, "What are you sad about over there buttercup!"
Hope smiled but frowned again, "Well I'm having a really hard time figuring out what to get Jax for his birthday I mean it is in a three weeks but I can't even figure out what to get him for Christmas so of course I wouldn't know what to get him now." Jax birthday was January 6th and let alone finding him a first she didn't even know what to get him for Christmas.
Lydia and the rest also started to think because things were always so crazy they never really thought about it but now that they did they noticed it was about time for Christmas and decided to do something this year. After talking it over they all decided to meet at Jax and Scott's house for Christmas to exchange gifts but Hope still didn't get good enough ideas for Jax's birthday present but she did know what she was going to do for Christmas.
*Jax POV*
Jax was standing in the hall looking at the lanky kid who was watching him nervously moving from one foot to the next, "Did you want something because I would rather get back to lunch."
Taking a deep breathe the kid looked Jax right in the eye and decided to come right out with it, "You're a Grimm aren't you?"
Jax took a couple of seconds before tilting his head to the side, "What's That???"