The kid was startled he hadn't expected that the person in front of him knew nothing about his world because it was hard for him to even believe that he was meeting a Grimm in the first place as a Skalengeck he was scared that his head would leave his neck. How was he to know that the guy in front of him knew nothing about his world and what he was but it also left him fascinated because he not dead yet, he could now brag he met a Grimm and lived to tell the tale about it.
"Well first off can you tell me your name first then we can get into this?" Jax said looking him over he was honestly curious as to what the hell was going on right about now.
"Ahh yeah sorry about that my name is Xander Coffin and I am a Skalengeck which is basically a lizard I guess you would say." After he finished he immediately turned and he got pale yellow skin over his face with sharp pointy teeth, along with three gills on both sides of his neck.
Of course Jax wasn't scared by any of this he had fought The Originals and was still kicking but he was excited to learn something knew about then world of supernatural and he wasn't going to let this kid go since he handed himself over on a silver platter. He didn't know what a Grimm was or what a Skalengeck was but he was going to find out all about it.
"So Xander tell me more about this world of whatever it is you are because I have been seeing it all day and I thought I was going crazy." Jax said lying through his teeth since he didn't know if Xander would go along with what he wanted.
"Ahh well first off I am something you would call wesen and when I change like that it is called woge. Of course it sound weird but these are the German pronunciation so of course it is a little weird but it is the only way to describe it since it isn't really a American thing and our lineage has been traced back to there." Xander when he started talking could really talk, "and to answer your previous question a Grimm is someone who can see what my kind truly are even if we don't want them to so we fear you for it.... Grimm's also kind of... Well how do I put it delicately... well they kill my kind Well at least that is what I have heard from stories but you are the first one I met so I don't really know."
Jax was listening intently he was happy to learn about this being a hybrid type thing himself he always wondered if anything else was out there besides them and learning that he was also this Grimm made him happy to learn about this new world. Grabbing Xander's shoulders he decided he was going to learn everything from this kid no matter what it took, "Xander welcome to the circle we all have secrets so now you can know mine too because I also need to know more about this new world around me."
Xander was a little startled but at the thought of learning something new he was happy he was always a book worm, of course his race was suppose to be ruthless but he is going to have a Grimm for a friend who couldn't be excited about new stuff. Jax walked off back to the cafeteria with Xander following him he was going to introduce him to the group and Peter they could all talk about this new thing they were going to experience.
*Somewhere on a long road*
A 1967 black impala was moving down a road heading in a destination two people were sitting in it one with brown hair a tall body with grey blue eyes. He was flipping through a book trying to ignore they guy next to him who was driving one handed eating a burger they got at the last diner they passed. He had a frown on his face while trying to figure out what to do next in the journal.
"Where are we headed now Sam?" The man sitting next to him asked chewing on his burger this was his brother Dean he had gel held up hair that was brown with hazel eyes he was more carefree compared to his brother who was always worrying about things.
"Dad's traces are unknown but after what we just went through I wouldn't expect less, and in here he talked about a town called Beacon Hills in California apparently he found a ghost there that is terrorizing a local diner but he also found traces of a demon so we should be careful too." Sam said reading over the little information that is in it.
Dean didn't really care he just maintained his carefree smile but he was a little pissed off that the place that was haunted was a diner those were suppose to be worshiped for their making of burgers not haunted by damn ghost. He put in a cassette and immediately 'Carry On My Wayward Son' by Kansas started playing.
'Carry on my wayward son
For there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest don't you cry no more'
Dean started drumming his fingers on the wheel rolling down the window enjoying the breeze and life it might be awhile before they found their dad but he was confident that he and his brother could do it. He didn't notice Sam sitting on the side rubbing his forehead he really didn't understand why Dean didn't just get a iPod like the rest of the world it was a new age.
*Back To Jax*
Jax had introduced Xander to everyone at the table he didn't go into why here at the table since you never know who was listening so he just smiled at Hope who accepted anything he did since she knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt her or their friends. Grabbing a drink her started to chug the rest of it since he hand made this and once it was warm it didn't taste good and lunch was ending so he had to hurry and finish it.
When they were finally released Xander agreed to meet them at Jax's place tonight in order to talk everything over, Hope had a feeling she knew what it was since they were always in sync about everything but she would wait with everyone else. Jax just smiled at her but groaned knowing they had to finish the rest of the day at school he was seriously wondering why this place even existed because he would literally be around forever so he didn't need to go now.