"Wow That's too much!" Sassy reacted but Air just boringly "that's nothing"
"I'll be a Millionaire here then haha!" she reacted again with her confidence. But Air again responded...
"So ambitious, as if I'm going to violate your rules, tsk dream on Sassy, dream on" then Sassy just "tsk!"
"So can I go now?" she then next asked him. Air "yes" and then Sassy stood up already while looking at her phone...
"I'll be heading first then" then she walked already but she was stopped by Air's hand?
"Where are you going" he's not asking.
"Hmm I have my business this day, why?" without thinking of why did he asked, he said "where?"
"well let me see..." she looked at her phone and decided...
"At the Airport... I'm going to meet someone there"
Air's hand suddenly let go of her wrist and "you're going to violate my fifth rule then already?"
"Huh? I'm not going to violate that or anything ok? I'm just going to meet someone and take note your rules are just effective when we got married officially and legally already tsk!" then she left him already.
Air didn't say any word. He just frowned and called someone...
"Who's one of my wife's closed someone who's going to be here in the country this day?" he asked at the man in the line.
"Mr. Timenez, your cousin Mr. Gomez had just arrived from U.S, he'd been closed to her since they had the same job there..." then he hung up already without making him finished his report.
Sassy wore her sunglasses already while waiting there when suddenly a huge fans run towards the place where she's silently waiting for Vince.
This Vince who had just texted her that he had just arrived in the country already.
Funs seems waiting for him too. Why? Because it's Vince Gomez their ultimate heartthrob Idol from U.S!
Well he's not that so famous but because of his projects before? His arrival at his own home country is a big news!
Sassy hurriedly texted him, she informed him that there's a lot of funs over there so she need to wait for him at the most front of the airport instead, to avoid stampid.
Vince just replied with an "OK" then she walked out of the place already.
She's a model with bad image back in U.S remember? If they caught her? Her stains will be brought out again and worst her home country will know it too. And that's not a good thought.
When she got out of that place already and was waiting for Vince at the most front already? A text came suddenly and it was from...
Hon: Don't forget that tomorrow is our wedding understood.
Oh that was Air, she just named it Hon. No one should demand, she's just,you know. Just let her be haha!
Yes ttomorro's their wedding already she almost forgot. She suddenly remembered that if she had a wedding gown already.
When suddenly Vince finally came already.
"Hey can you help me?" Vince handed her with medium boxes. So she didn't have the time to text Air already to ask if she had a wedding gown already.
After 5 mins Vince's driver came already and then they ride on the car going to restaurant.
"So it's true...You two are getting married already?" he asked from nowhere.
"Huh? How did you-" he cut her...
"Of course I should know, I'm his cousin, he invited me too that's why I'm here actually" then suddenly Sassy hit him at his head.
"Aww I missed that hitting of yours haha!"
"Idiot! I'm your friend but you didn't informed me earlier tsk!"
"Outch that hurst I'm just your friend ugh!"
"Stupid! You're more than that" then she focused on eating her salad again and Vince "but you can only love one and that was Air..." he sounds sad but he regained the next and said...
"Congratulations by the way, you'll finally have him"
"Thank you...I hope I can fix things out properly already haha!"
"let me get out of here so that I can contact someone!" Mr. Sanchez yelled at the man sitting outside the room where he was.
There are three men in suit assigned at his room who's watching him. He can see them over the big glass window, just like that. The glass is so thick made for a person who'd been contaminated with virus.
No one can here him yelling too coz it's sound proof!
Poor Mr. Sanchez. His bag with his clothes was what only left at his side. His phone was ruined already and I repeat, he doesn't have anyone beside him. He didn't bring his secretary or any of his men. So he must be so hopeless this time already.
"Damn! Let me out, tomorrow's my Daughter's wedding already! I'll sue all of you I swear!" he remembered that tomorrow was the said wedding already.
And he need to get off in that room or in that country rather already. So that he can stop the said wedding.
"They shouldn't get married! Damn it! Let me out here! Do you know who you are messing with?!" he is trying so hard, no one can hear you idiot old man!
In his mind... If whoever is the person behind it... I'll kill him!
While the men in black outside suddenly got a call from their boss...
"Keep him for 1 week more." then he hung up already after giving his words to them.
"Bro!" then Gio arrived already to annoy him for sure, again.
"I'm busy Gio." Air responded at his friend. Gio by the way was his friend and I had mention that already right? And well he has a high position too at his company.
Gio was indeed intelligent and efficient behind those doings 'annoying someone' 'till he gets what he should know.
"Oh, you're still working though your wedding is tomorrow already? Damn bro you should relax this day. Take note after tomorrow is your honeymoon already. And Damn I can imagine how you're going to work so hard at her so-"
Air suddenly let go of his tablet where he's reviewing those reports about the company and...
"That wouldn't happen. You can leave now" then he focused on his tablet again.
"What?! No sex? You're kidding me up bro. You know the word of Filipinos about if you didn't have any sex interactions? You'll get "tigang"! Tsk! You should have-"
Air spoke with his emotionless face and cold voice! Gio this time can't do anything anymore so he got off at his office hurriedly.
Air stopped what he's doing and looked at his phone's screen where he can see a picture of 'Sassy with his cousin' which was sent by his men just 30 mins ago.
"I won't touch you...But I will make sure that you'll suffer, this time too." he spoke while looking at the picture.
Looks like he had big hatred at Sassy. What is he planning to do then?
Well it's simple, he's going to marry her really to manipulate the fake contract which Mr. Sanchez done before. And not only with that, marrying her will make her suffer, how?
Well he'll do the same thing that Sassy did to him before-ruin her own choice of someone to love-her life's freedom rather. And he'll do everything to make her beg for mercy to let her go.
Sassy arrived home at 7pm, manang asked her if where did she go lately. Sassy just answered manang that Vince came back already so they had a bonding for the last day of her single life.
"Oh I see...Well Mr. Timenez just asked coz you know your future husband is worried" well Manang and other maids are aware that Sassy and Air were going to marry already. And Air is the one who informed them and explained everything.
They'd also discussed about the absence of Mr. Sanchez at the said wedding already tomorrow and Air said that it's ok if Mr. Sanchez won't be presented. It's just an exclusive wedding by the way.
"Thanks manang, I'm going to sleep already then" and she walked upstairs already without hearing manang's respond.
After taking a shower. She just checked her phone and texted Vince with a goodnight and slept already.
Well she didn't bother herself to text her future husband a goodnight! Stubborn? Yeah! But she's just thinking that he might judge her that she's too clingy and she doesn't like to be judged as like that so that's why!
An old man holding a girl's notebook at the dark side of the room seems so happy when he spoke...
"I'll be with you soon enough at last already, Sassy...My Goddess"