Scene, an Acting a Trick

With her sports car she herself alone arrived at the wedding sight at 4pm.

The wedding will be held at the Event venue of Golden Cross Hotel Restaurant, and it'll be an exclusive night wedding.

Then a text from Air came.

Hon: Room 1113

He's talking about the room where she's going to have her make up and wedding gown.

She then just say "Ok" seeing his text and didn't actually reply. Then she walked inside the hotel already.

Air at his room were still standing in front of the big glass window while spacing out for an hour already. He has still 1 hour to waste while waiting for the wedding.

The wedding is at 6pm at his hotel. And Well this is the same day, same day that he and Sassy got married by a contract which is actually a fake one, 7 years ago...

He can still remember...

The contract were all done already and they're now at their room at the hotel of Sachez's which Mr. Sanchez's arranged according to him like the contract signing.

"I can't still believe it, You're my husband now" Sassy uttered with her smile and a small tears at her eyes.

"But I have a girlfriend, don't get exaggerated" Air responded while massaging his forehead for drinking too much.

"B-but, I-it's ok! A-as long as you're not going to b-betray our marriage f-face to face" she tried not to speak with broken voice while seeing her man being annoyed after getting tied with her.

"Sassy let's talk about fact. I just did it to fulfill my Dad's wish. After satisfying him, we'll have divorce already. Understood" then he finally left her alone in that room the next.

He came back in the present and...

"Same place? Same thing should happen." then walked towards his suit already coz the wedding is about to begin after 30 mins from that moment.

Same place? Hmm let me say, this Hotel is the Sanchez's actually and it was named Black Cross Hotel before.

But now? It wasn't Sanchez's anymore, coz Air owned it already that's why it called Golden Cross Hotel already.

Same thing? He's just going to fulfill Mr. Timenez...and take revenge in addition.

After finishing her make ups and dressed with her white turtleneck style wedding dress? She finally took the red-orange roses in wedding bouquet manner already.

She's so beautiful, looking gorgeous!

She's the one who made her make up transformation.

She gave extra gorgeousness at her looks this day. Coz for her this day is going to be a quite no ordinary day.

So things must be at least special and different!

She suddenly touched her neck with a relief in her self.

Looking at herself at the mirror wearing the wedding gown?

"At least I won't be worried about you already" she's talking about her neck. There's something there that the wedding dress' didn't failed to hide this time.

A knock suddenly stopped her from appreciating her looks specially with the wedding gown.

"Come in!" she said then Vince suddenly came in.

The moment he came? he saw how Goddess his friend was. So He can't help but say...

"You must be entitled Goddess of the year!"

"Oh thanks Vince, but I'm not even a colored box..."

"Because he didn't even liked you?" Vince added to her words.

"Yes, coz I'm just an empty box for him, You know haha" she tried to ease the sadness which is growing inside the room already.

"Well he's too blind. You're more than that." Vince helped her to avoid the sadness then.

"Oh by the way the wedding is about to begin already, Ms. Cookie Girl" he teased her. But...

"Stop thaaaaat Mr. Cute, hmp-hahaha!" then she didn't made it as a big deal anymore, When he called her Cookie Girl.

At the wedding venue, Air were near the altar already. This part of the hotel were really dedicated for wedding events, there were also small but beautiful altar at the middle and so on so forth.

There were only Family related and some part of the company member who'd been invited. They were just 100 in conclusion.

After 10 mins, the wedding got started already. And it started with the wedding song which is You Are the Reason by: Calum Scott...

There goes my heart beating

'Cause you are the reason

I'm losing my sleep

Please come back now...

As the music plays...Sassy started walking through the aisle with red carpet already without someone behind her when Mr. Timenez suddenly offered his arm and...

"I'll be your Dad's place for the mean time. I'll be your Dad soon already by the way" suddenly a single tear fell from her eyes.

She hugged Mr. Timenez, the one she's looking for from the moment she came in the venue. After the hug she then hooked her arm at Mr. Timenez's and they walk at the red carpet going to the altar already.

There goes my mind racing

And you are the reason

That I'm still breathing

I'm hopeless now...

Sassy felt every lyrics touch at her heart... It was really what she feel right now. Well she's the one who picked that song actually. The song speaks from the heart, and just by now? She had chosen it with her heart.

Air saw the scene when Mr. Timenez offered his arm, but it didn't bother him to look at her.

But the way her face looked he saw different things there. Her face which full of happiness bothered him instead.

He remembered her face before when they got married 7 years ago, she's so happy but what he was seeing this time seems not like before already coz what he see right now is more than that.

The music suddenly got instrumental when Mr. Timenez handed him Sassy's Hand already.

He's going to take her hands fully already when Mr. Timenez suddenly...

"Take good care of My Daughter and love her more than you could love your self, Air" then Mr. Timenez gave him her hands already and walked his way back to his chair.

After 30 minutes...

"You may now kiss the bride..." the Priest announced already. This is the time that the wedding ceremony were going to end finally.

Sassy's eyes inside her vail made an OO.

In her mind...Oh my God! he's going to kiss me? Idiot Sassy! you forgot? thank God you're brushing your teeth and mouth properly behind those bad habits before, smoking! But is he really going to kiss me?...

She scolded her self and even asked in her mind. She even remembered that she'd been engaged with smoking at U.S before.

Then Suddenly...No, he's not going to kiss me... he didn't even liked me, for him I'm just an empty box and he wouldn't dare violate my rules, No intimacy right?

But then in her surprise? Air removed her vail and handed her right cheek with his left big and soft hand! then...He lean closer to her face inch by inch then he's going to kiss her...

So Sassy closed her eyes already...then

This will be my first kiss...thank God!

But then after a split of seconds her excitement got broke when Air's other hand cupped her left cheeks and he kissed....HIS...yes he kissed his! He kissed his thumb which nearly touching her lips in her left cheeks! then the scene got ended.

The guests were happily seeing them specially the moment they witnessed Air kissed her. Never thought that they were tricked by him.

They also seems seeing a beautiful and perfect couples at the moment. But little did they know? all what happened was just a scene an act a trick!...

Sassy's world stopped...Air's hand was't placed at her cheeks anymore. She stared at the man in front of him and then she felt cold.

She just came back with her senses when an after shock followed, Air lean closer to her ear and whispered.

"You think I'll kiss you? You're wrong, I don't even liked you"