Touch me, Touch you

After the wedding ceremony, they continued the wedding night at the same place.

Sassy were grabbed by the stylist that the Timenez's arranged for her next look this night.

Gio got his wine already when he saw Air going outside the event. He's so curious most of the time so he did followed his friend later on.

When he got outside? Outside the hotel farther, he saw Air with someone who seems just got arrived. Then After a minute he finally saw that someone.

It was Dana...In his mind...The Fake Sampaguita is here, no wonder...

Fake Sampaguita! Haha ok alright! You know sampaguita? Well it was the National Flower of the Philippines. And it was known for it's simplicity and purity coz of its white color. Fake Sampaguita? Well this Dana for Gio seems a fake simple and pure!

Well he's going to recommend her to Air at first to be his fake wife and replace his long lost wife-Sassy. When he suddenly found out that this Dana is his ex-gf. The one who betrayed him too. So he stopped pursuing her already.

Dana was going to hug Air already when his voice came out finally...

"Why are you here, Dana" Dana got shocked.

In herself she was so confident to be here at his Wedding coz she's going to make him see that she's not what he see her.

The day he found out that she cheated, she was really broke. It even made her kill herself. But when her Uncle told her many options. She then got her confidence again to make him back. And that's what she's going to do right now.

"I-I thought...I-I'm a-allowed t-to have a-another c-chance?" she intentionally voice out her words with her forced broken voice. How pathetic!

"Chance? Yes, you, all of us has always another chance, Dana. But I'm afraid, you can't afford to have it." he then decided to walk away already when he remembered one thing.

"I've loved you Dana, but you're not able to do something to prove that you deserved it." then he finally walked away from her already.

Then Dana's fist suddenly shapen, not with sadness but with anger. In her mind... I will make you come back at me and I'll ruin your fake wife!!

While Gio just watched the two of them. He hurriedly followed Air again when he walked away already. You know he's the man who's always curious!

Air isn't idiot, he can always feel everything so he then stopped and spoke...

"What do you want to know, Gio" without facing him, he knows that he's following him all the way he got out and here where he's standing already.

"Bro...That's Dana, are you going to-" Air cut him.

"I'm not interested with her anymore, if you can still remember, Dana cheated on me-f*ck*ng other guy right" then Gio remembered.

They were friends since grade 1, they're so close to each other 'till now but not that too close anymore. But he surely know that Dana cheated on Air.

They knew that she wasn't a Sampaguita coz she's actually a f*ck girl after his and Sassy's Contract marriage. Dana got in a s*x scandal with someone.

After Air known that? he decided then to have a break up with her already and just pushed through the fake relationship with Sassy....then the next thing happened weren't him to know already.

"Yes, Dana is." he agreed to Air. He can also feel that Air had a big hatred with Dana too. But with the thought of remembering her betrayal. Something came into his mind when Air were going to leave already...

"But how about Sassy?...Yes Dana did betrayed you right? Then why don't you just pushed through this time a proper married life with Sassy already. For in fact the marriage before made you knew that Dana isn't the right person"

"You think Sassy is the right person?" Gio didn't expect him to answer him back with a question that he cannot definitely answer.

"see? You're not in my situation, your statements are useless. Sassy still ruined me before and I'm going to make her feel the same in the present" then with that Air left him already with nothing to say back.

After 20 minutes of changing her gown into a wedding night still on it's turtleneck style but red-orange dress, she finally walked out the room already and headed the event's venue.

She's just looking straight at her way when someone made her arm hooked at someone's arm. Then he saw the guy, it was "Vince!" she was startled. She's spacing out lately you know.

"let me Scort you towards your throne..." he just simply told her. But then when they're near the big door of the event already someone grabbed Sassy From Vince.

"Oh your HUSBAND is here" he emphasized the word but with sarcastic voice. Then he grabbed Sassy's free hand and "my lovely Sassy, cousin will Scort you now (faced Air) and I wish he'll take good care of you..." then he walked in first at the event already.

Then Air immediately let go of her arm saying "I'll let that pass" then Sassy suddenly complained...


Then Air just "you know my rules. You should stick with it or else you'll get poor after we divorce" then Sassy were going to reason out already when he walked first leaving her outside the door.

She's not fool. Air's thinking that she's violating his rule #5 which is she's not allowed to cheat on him. Well Air is somewhat stupid this time, She herself know that she's not cheating on him.

Remember, Vince is her friend! The man behind of her change of being tough this time already. And she's so thankful of him for making her continue her life this far.

After a minute of thinking she then decided to go inside already. Then a lot of person in business and the Timenez's family embraced her with compliments coz of being the Goddess of the night.

"My Daughter is so beautiful, ah no coz she's so gorgeous!" Mr. Timenez claimed her like she was his biological Daughter, he even joked up that she just inherited her Beauty at him. They just then go with the flow and chuckled then nodded in unison.

It seems that Sassy's family is 0% present at the wedding, she just saw manang with Sara and manong Driver there being invited too. Then Vince, the one and only friend of hers this time.

Then after a huge welcome of the family she decided already to eat at her table which was Air's table too. But Air seems still busy with his friends talk so she was left there remembering her bestfriend Donita...

She remembered the day she made her the first one to know about her secret-love with Air at the hotel where she lives. Also the time they baked cookies together for the first time which last when she asked her an advice as she was going to confess her love at Air already.

"No matter what is the result, don't ever change...Cate. Life is a matter of sorts of experience, you should just deal with it. Then someday you'll then realize that taking all the burden either you should or not, was all worth it"

That was the last Donita had a talk with her. Then the next became blank slate of sheets already. They didn't have any connections anymore and worst maybe Donita surrendered looking for her already.

She's spacing out when a tall and handsome guy with his Dark blue suit suddenly came and offered his hand for a dance. She can't reject it, coz she noticed that this was one of Air's family member lately. And she shouldn't reject any of his family members.

"Hi Ms. Sassy Cate" she suddenly looked at him with a shocked reaction. This guy's never talked lately and well he's the only one who called her not Mrs. Timenez but Miss Timenez instead?

"Oh by the way, I'm Valentino Timenez." he danced her with the music. Sassy Just Dance with him with a smile when Air suddenly came...

"I'll dance my WIFE" He emphasized just for Valentino to hear him clearly. Valentino just smirked and kissed Sassy's hand and walked away already.

Air grabbed her hands and placed it at his broad shoulders, next his hands were placed at her perfect waist already. Then lean closer at her ears and...

"They're watching don't make any scandals here if it's not me, your husband" he spoke with warning voice.

Sassy's butterflies at her stomach suddenly changed into a normal internal organs then later on she realized what he's imposing with already.

"I know my limitations...and you just have violated-"

His eyes narrowed...

"You think I will violate your rules? Huh I will never ever violate it, and mark my word I will never ever touch your second handed body. I'm just going to touch you only if it's necessary" then he lean again at her making them like hugging each other. Family's everywhere and they're watching them intimately.

Then when they're not looking already, he's going to stop the intimate position already when his eyes caught something at her slightly opened piece of her dress at her neck.

He saw something, something's slightly dark and...

"Ahm I'm tired already can I go to my room now?" she asked after releasing herself away from him. That's why he didn't get a chance to see clear that something at her neck already.

Air didn't respond when Mr. Timenez suddenly came and...

"You look tired already ija, Air you should both take a rest now. You still have to wake up early tomorrow for your honeymoon in La Union right?"

"Wow La Union? That's my province Dad!" Sassy excitedly commented at Mr. Timenez.

But "We haven't yet talked about it Dad, but you're right we need to take a rest now." Mr. Timenez just nodded and Air pulled her out of the event already.

After 5 mins.

They reached the room that is really arranged for them already which is the same room where they did go after signing the fake contract of marriage 7 years ago.

The moment they got inside, Air were expecting already that Sassy will do whatever she wanted to make him feel that she was so happy being tied up with him already like before. When suddenly...

"Ah I can take that couch later on, but can I take the shower first?" Sassy voluntarily suggested seeing the room with one bed.

He's not expecting her to do such action. But hell he must not be wrong, he can clearly see that she's attracted with him and that it's possible that she can still feel that she likes him. So why is she acting then?

"Ahm I'll...Take that as a yes, excuse me" she spoke then moved towards the bathroom already when in her surprise...

Air pushed her and suddenly she fell in the cold floor which was supposed to be in the bed.

"Stop acting, I know you want to touch me as how you want me to touch you!"