Desperate & Obsessed

Air's anger was massive that time that's why he didn't have the time to control his self already, he just stopped when he saw a blood, he was still holding Sassy's wrist and her wounded finger were bleeding again.

"Bro!?" suddenly Gio came from nowhere and "Villion" a woman with her tight dress followed.

Air came back with his senses and let go of Sassy's wrist harshly saying "Manang!" he called Manang "Master?" only then Manang saw Sassy's situation as she came near already.

"Jesus! What happened to Madam?"

"Get her out of here Manang, now!" Manang got nervous so she hurriedly got Sassy out of there already.

Gio then asked "Bro, what did you-" but Air just started to walk already, he even passed them. Ignored them.

The woman in a tight dress followed Air 'till outside the house "Villion are you alright? What did she-"

But he cut her saying "what are you doing here Dana?" they were both inside his car already.

"Well...I need to talk to you-" but "I'm not interested, Dana" he straightly said "It's not about me. It's about your desperate wife" she's talking about Sassy. How dare she is to call her desperate!?

"Please Villion you have to know something!-"

"Enough, just make sure that it's not none sense" Air calmly said "alright, promise!" The woman enthusiastically said tsk!

After a minute Gio then followed the two.

In her room, Manang was busy wiping her face with clean towel already. She's wet with the food's sauce and etc. She's looking miserable at this moment hayst.

"Madam, what happened?" Sassy from not moving and spacing out then finally came back with her senses and answered manang with...

"I-I don't know, Manang." then she looked at one corner again and ready to space out when Manang...

"Sheila destroyed your cooked beef dish, I've seen her. I can just tell Master Villion then-" she cut her.

"No, no Manang. You don't need to do that. Villion will just ignore it, he won't believe in that. I'm all fine Manang it's ok" then she smiled at Manang.

"You're too good madam...But why are you patiently letting things like this? You should stop as soon as possible already. You're Master Villion's Wife but you've been treated by him as a maid"

Dana requested Air to take her at his bar. They took his dedicated room to talk privately.

"So what about my wife" he started the talk, but it seems like Dana wanted him to re-word his last word. And Dana aren't able to order him so "about your DESPERATE wife?" she emphasized the word. You Hypocrite!

"Just go straight." Air impatiently said while still standing beside the big glass window with his cold aura.

Well yes they've got into a serious relationship before but then it got ruined and Air's felings must be different now from before. But she can't help but hug him from his back saying...

"I missed you so much babe" but then Air "Dana" with his cold voice.

"Well your desperate wife is a stainful and scandalous model at U.S. And here" she gave her phone while still hugging him. In the phone, the video started to play already.

"She had sex with someone those days before the day she just came back in the country"

Later that night...

The whole house is in silent ambience, as always. Sassy were lying on the sofa inside her room already. She didn't cook dinner, because Air didn't inform Manang if he'll go home tonight.

She just decided to eat apple and drink water. She doesn't have vegetable salad already. And she doesn't have energy to do some salads anymore.

She's tired, yes she is. But she can't still sleep it's 10pm already but here she is, still awake while lying in that cold sofa. When she remembered Manang's question.

"...Why am I patiently letting things like this? Simple, I'm not a t*lksh*t. I'm doing my words-fix my self. Marrying him? Letting things like that? Is the way I think can make me fix things..." she whispered while spacing out.

It's crazy...But Vince was right, I can change but I can't love someone else anymore. If it's not him? I might just create my own stain, scandals and worst my downfall to death.

So it's better to follow my heart this time, even if he doesn't really even liked me? I will just go with it just to fix my self. I'll follow the man I've loved...

She's in her deep thought when her phone suddenly rang, someone's calling. And she doesn't have energy to see if who was it calling already, so she just accepted it...

"Hello who's this?" she said with her slowly voice...

"Sassy? What happened? Why you sounds sick? It's Vince" she stopped spacing out and answered him immediately...

"Ah no, ahm I'm just..." she can't find any words to say.

"Sigh ok, it's good that you're not sick. But I'm still worried, have you seen the trending news at the social media already?" then Sassy got her words already saying...

"Ha? No I'm not even updated with the social media already since I came back in the country. Why?"

"Sassy you better not see it're the one who's trending in social media, the same thing-a scandal video again Sassy" Vince fastly said but Sassy did still heard all his statement.

Sassy then just said ok then the call ended already.

It's a no new to her anymore, back in U.S? There were more big scandals than this one scandal this time.

And they're all unproven. So this time? It will be passed later on like a wind too, as they can never prove that video by the way. Coz she knows in her self that she didn't do anything.

Air were still fuming mad while drinking his 10th glass. Well he became mad after watching the scandal of his wife-Sassy in Dana's phone.

"Villion that's enough, let's just go in your room again, you can just continue drinking there" Dana pleaded. But Air just ignored her.

Then Gio came "Bro! Air!" he tried to stop him but he just ignored him too. Gio were looking for him by the way. "Villion let's go-" Dana talked again but Gio...

"I can handle him already, you can go now Dana" but Dana demanded "no! He's my boyfriend!"

"You're his EX-Girlfriend, Dana stop assuming things" but "we're back again, idiot!"

"Dana stop it, he's married, he had a wife already who's waiting for him at home" Dana then can't speak back already, so she walked out of the bar, finally.

"Air...Air what are you doing?" Gio faced Air but Air didn't respond and just finished his last glass...After a minute, Air finally talk already saying...

"What am I doing? I'm drowning myself, I'm drowning my self with those sorts of f*ck*ng drinks!"

Air was mad, he's fuming mad again, specially when...

"And My wife? She deserved what I've done to her, and she'll deserve what will I gonna do to her more!" then he got 3 glass of his hard drinks again. But then when he's going to drink already the first glass? His body finally surrendered with his eyes. He was tired and he ended up sleeping already.

Gio decided to drive him and send him home already.

He doesn't like the thought of Dana taking him then something will happen between them. Coz he know in his self Dana wasn't good for Air. That Dana was a fake Sampaguita and the one who's truly obsessed with Air.

Manang let him in then he layed Air at his bed. After settling him, he then decided to look for Sassy. He wanted to know something. And he wanted to know the truth at the same time!

"You're looking for me? Mr-." Gio cut her...

"Gio, I'm your husband's friend. And yes I'm looking for you" they then shook their hands and sat on each sofa already. Then "How are you by the way?" he asked.

Then Sassy Just smiled and "I'm...all fine..." Gio just nodded and a silence occurred already. Gio were thinking if he's going to ask her or not? About one thing. In his mind...I thought it's easy, ugh! But...I need to ask her, to know the truth!

"Ahm I just wanna know one thing" he started then Sassy "sure what is it?" he then breathed first and "is that scandal in the social media true?"

Sassy then stopped and she didn't respond but after a minute? She then finally answered him with "that, I can't answer you that." then she stood up and "but why?" Sassy ignored him and was walking away already when she answered him...

"Coz you're his friend so you'll not believe me as well" she said while not looking at him already this time.

"Why would I? We're friends, but I'm not a one sided person. I just wanna know your side and the truth" he said with full determination. But Sassy walked again and seems going to ignore him already but she stopped and...

"That scandal was not true" that! That was the first time those words came out from her own mouth to defend herself.

For that long 5-6 years? She didn't fight for any of others' judgements at her. Someone will just defend her and if there's none to defend her? She'll just let them do what they wanted to do. But this time? This time is different already.

"Others conclude what they believe whenever I haven't have really done anything. They underestimate me, judge me and manipulate me. But I'm just letting them, knowing that in my own self I didn't really do anything. Those scandals aren't true. Did I satisfy your question Mr. Madrigal?"