It was her Third day being his wife already but it seems that it should be called third day being one of his servant.
Coz as we all know since she lived in his house? All she did was to clean, cook and everything that a servant should do. She should always wake up as early than the boss!
But then this day, she woke up so late. Why? Well what should she get after getting tired doing house works and even got bad treatment?
"Madam! Jesus, you're sick!"
Sassy woke up with manang's hand on her forehead with her worried voice. She open her eyes and manang continued "hurry let's go to the hospital"
But Sassy stopped her and "No I'm ok, I'm just going to take a rest that's all I need manang..."
"But, madam-"
"I'm all fine, thanks for the concern manang..." then she closed her eyes to sleep again. All she wanted this day is to take a rest.
Manang just let her do so, but when she came out of her room, Sheila with her eyebrows suddenly asked "where is she?" manang then faced her. Manang can't still forget what Sheila did to Sassy.
"Madam is sick don't disturb her just mind your own work" then manang left her there already.
"Huh now she's sick tsk!" I must do something hmp!
If I'm just one of the characters? I'll slap this maid grr! She's planning to do bad things at Sassy again hayst.
Exactly just that time when Sheila's walking towards the kitchen? She saw Their boss walking towards the same way already. So Sheila got light bulb at her head and run over him.
"Master Villion, I'm sorry but I can't take this anymore. She's now acting sick this time just to scape her works In the house" she acted.
Sassy were having a nightmare...
She's standing there not so far from them. They were kissing passionately, she feel hurt, pain and so much than that. When Air suddenly saw her, her tears suddenly fell already one by one. Then the woman smiled at her like she had won what she just got-her husband...Air.
Then after a split of seconds? She hurriedly run down from that company and the next thing was.
"SASSY!!" She suddenly woke up by someone's thunderous and familiar mad cold voice. Her eyes got open and it got wide when she finally saw whom the voice belongs to. It was "A-Air?" then in no time a big hand slap her face.
"Ugh!" that was too much! She then closed her eyes and just feel the pain not in her whole body coz she's sick but her face only which Air slapped just now.
"And you're acting sick now?!" Air were fuming mad again. Air remembered too what he had just known yesterday from Dana and it made him pushed his anger this time to slap her hard and...
"F*ck Sassy you're making me mad!" then he pulled her hair harshly and "What's next? You're so good at acting, shame on you!" then he dropped her at the cold floor and left her looking miserable there with tears in her eyes already.
This was a torture already! Air!!!
Manang saw everything. She can't help it anymore so she walked towards Mr. Valentino's territory already. She just knocked once and Master Valentino opened his door. Manang with her deep breathing...
"M-Master Valentino, M-Madam is sick... C-can you send her to the hospital?"
"What? Where's Villion?"
"He left already Master Valentino, p-please she's badly sick-"
"Ok don't worry Manang I'll take her to the hospital" and he didn't go back inside of his house anymore coz he straightly walked towards Villion's house already.
Remember Valentino? Valentino Timenez. That was him.
Gio had his complete research already and he's just waiting for Air now. Well his research is not about the company, it's about Sassy. He found out that Sassy had been always a victim of fake scandals back in U.S.
Well it's true Sassy got huge of men there but according to records? They hadn't even kissed her cheeks. She's just playing them and nothing more anymore.
He's in deep thinking when Air arrived already.
Looking at his Aura, he guessed he was not In the mood and was so cruel again, just looking at his employees his eyes were shouting for complete reports again or else's they're fired already.
He just then decided that he won't bring yet what he had researched this time. Then he worked on his table instead to complete his research about the company's sake.
Sassy didn't know, she can't remember how did she came at this hospital. She can just remember that Air were fuming mad at him that morning and that he also did hurt her physically.
A man in his casual house attire came and "are you hungry?" then she's trying to remember his face when...
"I'm Valentino, can't remember me already? Oh I'll be sad if you do so" he then acted like he was hurt. And then Sassy remembered him already.
"W-what happened? Why I'm-" she tried to sit but Valentino stopped her and...
"Don't move, you're badly sick and I took you here. Don't worry anymore you'll be takin' care here" then he smiled at her while combing her hair with his fingers.
She just let him do so, coz weird but she feels comfortable at it, at him farther
When suddenly the door got opened and in her surprise it was "Dad" Mr. Timenez with a basket of Fruits and a bouquet of red-orange roses.
"My lovely Daughter" then the next minute, he hugged her.
Air that afternoon were busy focusing his self at his work when Mr. Timenez is calling. He then accepted it and "Dad"
"Air stop working now and go here at the hospital, your wife is badly sick and she needs you" the old man's voice were not smooth coz it's hard with his every words.
"What?" he acted shocked. He knows what happened, maybe Sassy's still acting and she's just exaggerating what he did to her that morning. But then he still followed what Mr. Timenez told him to do so.
After 30 mins he arrived at the said hospital already. But he didn't found out Mr. Timenez at the room where Sassy was. He then woke her up and...
"Didn't I told you, stop acting Sassy. Do you plan to inform Dad that I'm treating you bad already? Say it then I'll divorce you and I'll make you fall down on nothing" he said with his warning voice.
Sassy slightly sob and "I-I don't have any intentions to-"
"Whatever, say what you wanna say. I don't care by the way" then he looked away. When suddenly the door got opened and in his surprise it was, His step-brother Valentino.
"Brother!" Sassy was shocked too. She's not expecting him to come back again with box of chocolates? "My Goddess Sis see what I've brought you" Sassy's eyes then brightened, she loved chocolates.
"Is that mine? Brother can I eat that already?" she excitedly asked him.
"Hmm no... Not yet, you should get well first. So take your medicines then you can eat them when you get well already, okay?" then he handed her the box with chocolates "sure, thanks for this Brother!"
Air then suddenly got no place at the picture.
Valentino just then looked at him with a smirk in his lips. He must be doing things in purpose. But then...
"You can leave now, stop flirting with my WIFE" Air spoke with his mad and cold voice.
When suddenly the doctor came in.
"Can I discharge my Wife already Doc?" Air immediately asked with the word Wife!
Then the doctor look at Sassy who'd been still at the bed while Valentino were at her side.
"Well, obviously your Wife cannot be discharged yet. But if you want to discharge her really already, she needs a huge rest and take good care of her specially this days she's so stressed so she need you as her husband the most. And well I recommend you too that take her for 2-3 days vacation in the place she can relax on so that her stress will go away" the doctor explained.
Then Valentino suddenly remembered one thing. "oh if that's the case? My Goddess sister, Do you want to go with me at my vacation in Tagaytay? The place is perfect for you I swear" Sassy's eyes suddenly brithened up more then she nodded repeatedly.
But without their expectations Air suddenly spoke "You're not going with him. We have a honeymoon at your province for 3 days remember" he spoke while looking at her with warning.
"Ahh eh Brother, I forgot. We're going to my province for our honeymoon." she said with sadness.
"Hmm no problem, you can just go with me some other time then" and Sassy's happy face were back again.
When Doctor commented...
"That's good to hear, but please be careful when you do the process of making baby, be gentle with your Wife don't make her tired. Coz being too tired might make her stress back again."