The whole audience gasped in surprise.
Bear just looked at his opponent and snorted.
The MC also looked in shock at Mr. YX.
The judges could only see the back of Mr. YX so they tried to look at the screen that hung above them to see the face of him.
The judges didn´t show a big reaction.
But Eira did.
She stood there frozen still.
She blinked a few times.
And her mouth would just hang low in surprise.
"Fu**ing sh*t! THAT is a reveal." George Ramsay laughed out loud.
That bought the MC back to his senses and he found his composure and turned to Mr. YX.
"Mr. Henning. I didn´t know it was you. What a surprise."
George Henning combed with his hand through his hair that was a bit messed up because of the cap he wore. He smiled brightly at the MC, relieved to finally to breath properly after he got rid of the face mask. He then turned around to look at Eira.
She still stood there frozen on the spot. Eyes and mouth wide open. Never in her wildest dreams could she had thought of THE George Henning to participate in a cooking competition and actually win.
"Miss Morgan. Are you that surprised?" George winked at her.
She slowly pulled herself together and cleared her throat.
"I didn´t know you could cook. That was good work." She forced a smile out. It dawned on her that the prize was a position as the head developer and chef in her own company.
George Henning, the CEO... no former CEO is going to work for her in her company!
That is crazy!
"Now then we will give out the prizes." The MC continued his moderating.
Flowers were given to both Bear and George Henning. Bear got a certificate for his 2nd place and a check. George became a trophy and also a certificate and also the contract for his new job.
Both of them took their prizes and took pictures with all of the judges.
After that, the competition was officially ending. The audience slowly left the hall. Eira had invited the judges and the two contestants to stay and have dinner with them all together.
They all went out of the front door and entered their cars and drove off to the new five-star restaurant Eira had opened when her father was still alive.
The whole restaurant was closed down so that the whole group could eat in peace without any disturbances.
The waiters brought out plates after plates of food and the atmosphere were light and joyful.
Coincidentally George sat beside Eira. He saw that she was somehow uncomfortable and lost in thoughts. She smiled but it was her business smile.
He leaned closer to her and whispered: "What´s up? Are you sick of seeing food? Shall we leave?"
Surprised she jolted up a bit.
"No... it´s just... I am tired and... honestly I don´t know what to do with you." She admitted.
"What do you mean?" George raised questioning a brow.
"Well, you are still George Henning. Even though you are not the CEO anymore but you are still your father´s son. I can´t just let you work under me. What will people say? Don´t you think of your image?" She explained and looked worriedly at George.
"I don´t care what people say or think. I competed in this competition knowing full well of the consequences. Also, I always liked cooking and working under you will get very interesting, don´t you think?" George smiled at her and winked.
Eira ignored that and just continued speaking.
"If you think that is okay, then I won´t say anything and just see you as my employee."
Their conversation was cut short when they heard roaring laughter at the other side of the table.
"You did what? Did you give him a crème brûlée without an egg? Wohahahaha." James Olivier laughed while patting George Ramsay on the shoulder.
"And what did he say?" James asked further.
"After I shoved him the heavy cream with sugar into his face he got more furious and called me a horrible chef for not making the crème brûleé right. I don´t f*cking care about someone like him. I showed him the recipe and then kicked his sorry ass out of my restaurant." George Ramsay finished his story and everyone applauded him.
The whole evening went by in a flash and soon everyone stood up. They gave each other a good handshake and went their ways.
Eira walked to the parking lot to get her car. George slowly trailed behind her. She opened the car door and sat in the driver´s seat. The passenger doof of her car went open and someone quickly sat down in the passenger seat. She whipped her head quickly to her side and saw George sitting there and grinning at her mischievously.
"What are you doing here? Don´t you have a car?" She asked him.
"Sadly I couldn´t drive with my car today because I could be recognized. Could you give me a lift?"
That was not a good reason. He is still a rich boy. "Where is your driver? Can´t you call him?"
George shrugged his shoulders.
"Sadly I don´t have a driver at the moment. So could you just drive me home?" He asked her again.
Eira decided to ignore his strange behavior and started to drive.
She took the direction to the Henning manor but George stopped her.
"Wait don´t drive to my parent's house. I got my own apartment. Drive me there. It´s in the xxx street."
Eira looked at him sharply but didn´t say anything and just quietly drove him to the said address.
They were almost there when George spoke up.
"Don´t you think that that car behind us is following us for a really long time now?"
Eira looked in the back mirror and nodded.
"I saw that car in the parking lot. It had vanished for a short while at the beginning. It caught up to us again."
George looked at her calm face and smirked.
"Then why are you so chill about it? Aren´t you afraid they might do something to us?"
"They could. But we know of their presence now. Why not find out what they want?" She shrugged.
Eira looked calm on the outside but insider her thoughts were running wild. She tried to think of a good solution to get them out of this situation safely.
"Do you have some backup plan? Maybe an army hiding in the dark and coming to save us?" George asked her.
"No... you maybe?" Eira asked that but didn´t expect him to answer with:
"Yes. Yes, I have one. Gimme your phone." He held out his hand and demanded her phone. She rolled with her eyes.
"Do you have ANYTHING with you? Look in my bag." She pointed to her bag at the backseat.
George turned around and grabbed her bag while answering her question.
"I didn´t bring anything with me that could identify me as George Henning. I had planned on being incognito till the end but when people demand to see my beautiful face I can´t just say no, right?" He leaned back in his seat and winked at her. With her phone in his hand, he tried to unlock it but of course, it was password protected.
George chuckled and grabbed her right hand and held her thumb on the screen and unlocked the phone.
Surprised Eira slapped him.
"HEY! What are you doing? I am driving." She shouted.
"Sorry. Had to unlock it somehow." He grinned.
Quickly he dialed a number and waited for the caller to pick up.
Eira could here faint crackling and then a deep voice answered.