It was a beautiful Saturday. The sun shone and the birds chirped.
"Arrg. What the hell? I don´t fit into this dress anymore. Oh nooo." Eira cried out in her room.
"I definitely ate too much. I will never be judging a cooking competition anymore." She sighed in frustration and threw the navy blue fitted dress on her bed. That was the first dress her dad had bought her and one of her favorites.
Frustrated she looked in her dressing room for another dress. But mostly there were just her business attire and her casual clothes.
"There is no use. I have to buy a new dress."
She grabbed her purse and dejectedly went to her car to drive to the mall.
Now she had big money she could go to one of the fashion designer stores with overly pricey clothes but she decided against it. There was no use to buy an expensive dress just to use it one time. While she roamed around the stores she bumped into another girl.
"Oh, I am so sorry. I didn´t look properly." The girl quickly apologized.
"No worries. I am sorry too. Wait... Aren´t you..." Eira squinted her eyes and looked at the girl before her. What was her name again?
"I am Fabiola. Fabiola Beaufort. Nice to see you again Miss Morgan." She smiled brightly at Eira.
"Nice to see you too. What a coincidence seeing you here." Eira also smiled at her.
"Are you going shopping?" Fabiola asked her.
"Yes. I am looking for a dress to attend a wedding."
"I know a store with really beautiful dresses. Shall I show them to you?" Fabiola´s eyes gleamed in excitement.
Eira chuckled lightly at the girl.
"Yeah sure."
They both walked off to a store. Fabiola showed her several dresses and in the end, she found one that she liked. It was a yellow dress that went mid-thigh. The most important thing is that it hid her problem zone really well. Satisfied with the result she decided to invite Fabiola for a drink before going home.
"Want to have a cup of coffee with me? It´s on me as thanks for today." Eira asked her.
"I would want to but I have to go home soon because my parents are going to visit me. Maybe another time.?"
"Yeah sure. Then see you again." Eira smiled and both parted their ways.
With the dress, Eira quickly went home, did her makeup and wrapped her wedding present. After doing all that it was already time for her to go to the wedding location so she quickly took her heels and put on a pair of sports shoes. With the present, her heels and her car keys she walked out to her car. After storing everything safely she drove off.
The wedding was held at a small church and behind the church was a big park where a tent was set up. Eira parked her car near the church and walked into it. She was a little early so not that many people were there. The cool air in the church made her freeze and she clutched her hand together.
"If you´re cold you should wear a jacket." A voice talked to her behind her. She turned around to see a young man standing before her. He wore a suit with a crooked necktie with it and his big black-rimmed glasses and the messy hairdo made him look like he just came out of bed.
"Uh yeah, I forgot my jacket." Eira blurted out.
"I can see that. Here take this." The man spoke and threw his jacket to her.
She caught it and looked at it in wonder.
"Thank you." She thanked him but he was already gone to hear that.
Shrugging she put on his jacket and decided on a place to sit. In the end, she decided to sit in the middle right at the corner.
Slowly more and more people came in and took their places. The front rows were already filled. Three other people who looked like friends of the bride or groom sat beside her.
Then the groom came in smiling brightly while greeting his parents and in-laws. He took his place in front of the altar and waited for his bride to come. The music slowly started to play and the door opened revealing the bride.
Helen grinned when she saw the groom staring at her in awe. She gracefully took the hand of her father and together they made their way to the front.
"Hey, can you make some space for me?" Someone spoke to her. It was the young man from before.
"Yeah sure," Eira answered and scurried a bit to her left to let him sit down on the bench beside her.
He sat down and stared to the front not bothering giving her a second glance.
The whole wedding was beautiful. The bride and groom spoke their vows to each other which brought some of the audience to shed a tear. Finally, the priest declared them as wife and husband and the shared a deep kiss.
Eira clapped happily for the beautiful couple.
Helen and her husband walked arm in arm out of the church to the park. The guests followed them to take pictures with them. Eira decided to wait for a bit before she followed the crowd out. She looked at her right to the young man looking at his phone intently while typing something quickly on it. She took the opportunity to give him his jacket back.
"Thank you for lending me your jacket." She said and stretched out her hand with the jacket to give it to him.
He looked at her blankly.
"... no problem." He abruptly stood up and walked out of the church.
Eira followed him out. When she arrived at the tent the photographer was yelling at the crowd his instructions.
"Now please all the siblings of the groom and bride. Where are the siblings?" His face was red and he wiped his sweat with a tissue. One after another the sibling came out of the crowd and took a picture with the bride and groom.
"Next are friends. All of their friends please." The photographer shouted.
Again one after another the friends quickly went to the pair and took their pictures. A smiling one, one with funny faces, one where the boys carried the couple up.
"Okay, now everyone else who likes to take a picture. Please line up." The photographer wiped his sweat on his forehead.
Eira watched him taking the pictures for a while until she saw Helen wave at her.
"Miss Morgan. Miss Morgan. Come on, take a picture with us." She called her.
Smiling Eira went to her and took a picture with her and her husband.
"Andy let me introduce to you my beautiful boss, Miss Eira Morgan." Helen introduced her to her husband. "Miss Morgan, this is my husband Andy."
"Nice to meet you. I´ve heard a lot of good things about you." Andy greeted her.
"Pleasure is mine. Because of you, I can´t let Helen work over-time anymore." She laughed.
"I am sorry for that." Andy also laughed.
"I am really glad you could make it to my wedding. By the way, this dress is absolutely gorgeous." Helen chimed in.
"Thank you. Fabiola picked it for me. Do you remember her? She was one of the contestants in the top 5."
"Yes, I remember. I didn´t know you knew her?"
"I´ve met her by coincidence and she decided to help me pick a dress."
"While we are talking about coincidence. Andy´s brother came home a few days ago. He just finished college and got his master's in business and IT. Do you want to meet him?" Helen told her.
Eira understood what Helen intended. She needs some more trustworthy workers and if it´s someone she knew it was easier to trust them.
"Yeah, sure. Introduce me to him." Eira accepted the offer.
Helen looked around to see if she could spot Andy´s brother somewhere.
"Honey, it´s no use to look for him here. Why not wait until everyone is seated at their tables. Then we know where he is." Andy suggested.
"You´re right. Okay, Miss Morgan. Andy´s brother sits at the table with my sisters and brothers. I think you will easily spot him. His name is Liam. When I have time later I will introduce you to him properly." Helen promised her.
"Okay no problem."
The couple went to the tent to prepare for the next program of their wedding. Eira followed them and tried to look for her seat.
When she found it she immediately went to her table and sat down.