Eira cooked herself a simple meal and started working. Now that she was at home all alone for a long time it felt strange to her. It was so quiet. She put on some music and started to work. She checked her mails and also looked for the latest reports. Henning Corp. was still out there making trouble for her. Now that the malicious comments were under control they tried to confront Morgan Noodles head-on by taking away their customers.
"What is just his deal? Getting worked up because his son works for my company. So petty." Eira humpfed.
She resumed pondering about Mr. Henning. Her gaze landed on the container Helen had given her. She took it and looked inside. Light chicken soup was in it. It has already cooled down but still smelled delicious. To forget her anger she took the container to her microwave and preheated it. With a newfound hunger, she slurped down the whole container to the last drop.
The soup gave her energy and she continued to work with a lighter mind.
In the evening she decided to stop working and instead relax a bit. She decided to watch one of her favorite movies, Mulan. She was so absorbed into the movie that she at first didn´t hear her doorbell ring. When it rang a second, then a third time with a loud shrill she finally noticed it.
Frowning she walked to the door and cautiously opened it.
"Hello? Who is there?" She asked. A man stood before her with a long coat and a hat covering his head.
"Can I come in?" The man asked. His voice was young. When he looked up at her she could finally take a glimpse of his face.
She gasped in shock.
"What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in first?" He asked again.
Eira gulped and looked around to see if there was someone else. She looked back to the man standing before her.
"I won´t hurt you. Let me in already." The man said annoyed.
She gulped and then nodded hesitantly and stepped aside to let him in.
The man walked past her and removed his coat and hat. His dark hair fell into his face. His clothes were crumpled up.
"What are you doing here?" Eira asked while keeping her distance.
The man turned around to look at her.
"Are you welcoming your guests like this? Can´t I sit down first, maybe get something to drink before I tell you why I am here?" He smiled charmingly.
"No, you can´t. I am busy." She quipped.
He looked around the room and saw the TV which was paused.
"Yeah sure. Busy saving China?" He mused.
Eira blushed a bit.
"That´s none of your business. So tell me what do you want here. You are not my guest so I don´t need to treat you as one."
The man sighed and casually took a seat at the dining table.
"I am here to talk to you. We ended on somewhat bad terms and I wasn´t that nice to you."
Eira looked at him with her mouth hanging agape. She couldn´t believe what she was hearing.
"Mr. John Johnson. Did you fall on your head? Do you know what you did to me?" She asked in disbelieve.
She remembered the horrible feeling when she was drugged and then kidnapped. How John held a gun right at her face. His evil grin spread all over his face. How she really thought that was her last seconds on earth. Then she remembered how still after he was captured he was laughing at her. Because of him, George fought against a group of men and at the end had his fight with his father. How scary it was to know that John had played with her emotions so easily just to let his good act drop and threaten her.
She was disappointed at herself to not see through his act and easily trust him. She showed him her weaknesses.
"You can´t simply come here as nothing happened. You wanted to kill me." She said while trying to contain her emotions.
John looked at her emotionless.
"Well, I am sorry to deceive you that like that but you are a businesswoman yourself. We do a lot of things to archive our goals."
"I would never try to kill someone for that. I wouldn´t try to lure someone into forcefully marry them." She spat out.
"Then let´s get to business. I still want you to marry me. Trust me. I am the best option." He smiled confidently.
Eira shook her head.
"I won´t."
John sighed and chuckled lightly.
"Maybe you can´t trust me but maybe you will believe me when I show you something?"
"No. I don´t want to have anything to do with you. Leave me alone." She vehemently shook her head.
"Fine. I tried to give you a chance. You just won´t take it. Don´t come crying later when you found out the truth." He stood up nonchalantly and took his coat and hat. He put them on again and walked to the door. Eira didn´t make a move so he looked back at her, smiled at her charmingly one last time and walked out of the door.
Eira stood rooted at the ground and tried to steady her breath. She didn´t notice that in the short amount of time sweat was dripping down her forehead.
When John walked out the door and it closed all the tension left her body and she crumpled to the floor.
Her breathed hitched and she stared at the floor blankly. So many things were running to her mind. With shaking hands, she got back on her feet and went to her bedroom. She was so tired.
Her mind was foggy. Robotically she walked to her bed and fell down on it. The moment she landed on the fluffy cushion a single tear traced down her cheek. Her breath was slowly becoming steady again. Her exhaustion made her numb and with a last look to her clock, she closed her eyes.