
On a Friday night, Eira was still at her restaurant BAZOO to oversee the delivery of the ingredients for George´s "Surprise Wrap". That is how it was officially called now. She was still checking everything on a list when suddenly one of the workers came running to her.

"Miss Morgan! Miss Morgan! Miss Morgan! Trouble! There is trouble. Big trouble!" He shouted while running. He came in a halt before her and panting heavily.

"What happened?" Eira asked worriedly.

"The storage room. The storage room is... the ingredients... they are all destroyed." He panted.

"What do you mean it´s destroyed." A bad premonition crept through her mind.

"I don´t know how it happened but the flour... water got into it. The vegetables are moldy." The worker answered.

"But you checked it before when they arrived didn´t you?"

"Yes, we checked it before receiving it. But when we brought the new delivery in we noticed that they were starting to foul."

"Check this delivery again. Look in every box. Save everything that we can save. Hurry." Eira called out her command and immediately everyone scambled to all the boxes and opened them frantically."

Soon they had checked everything and sadly there was only a small amount that was still useable.

Eira kneaded her temple.

"Okay, get the moldy products out. We can´t use them. About the flour, I will ask George if you could maybe use them. Call the store and ask them if they can deliver us another batch. This time one of you should go there personally and check everything."

She quickly took out her phone and called George.

"Hey. Where are you right now?" She asked him without waiting for him to say anything.

"I am at the market. Why?"

"Come here quickly. Two-thirds of the ingredients in the storage got destroyed. The flour has water in it. The vegetables are moldy." She explained the grave situation.

"I´m on my way. See you." George answered quickly and ended the call.

She inspected all the deliveries herself once again. It really didn´t look good.

"Miss Morgan. I´ve called the store. They can´t deliver before Thursday. The shipping arrives on Wednesday." One of the workers informed her.

She breathed in sharply and really wanted to curse. But she held it in with a lot of force.

"Alright. Look up other shops who could deliver us everything. I don´t care if it arrives on Monday morning. I just want it to be here when we start everything."

The worker nodded and walked off to do as she said.

"How is the situation?" George called out when he arrived.

"It´s bad. Look. This is everything that we could save." She pointed at the corner of the storage room where a few of the boxes were placed.

"That´s not good," George mumbled.

She rolled her eyes.

"Of course it´s not good. It´s literally nothing we could work with. There is no way it´s enough for Monday alone." Eira said in frustration.

"Called the store already?" George asked.

"Yes. Shipping arrives on Wednesday. They can deliver on Thursday." She said dejectedly.

"Other stores?"

"One of them is asking around right now."

"Where is Scott even? He is the supervisor here." George asked while looking around. When he came in he didn´t see that annoying brat around.

"He is out doing some things for me. That´s why I came here personally." Eira explained. At the mention of Liam, she remembered something and took her phone. She quickly wrote a message and put her phone away again.

George had noticed that but didn´t say anything.

Turning back to the original problem he scrunched his brow in thought.

"Maybe I could make smaller portions?" He voiced his idea.

"Not good. People won´t like that. That´s nothing else than giving out samples. I want to give them good portions for a reasonable amount of money."

"Hmmm, maybe I can buy as many ingredients as I need at the market until we get our delivery?"

"They don´t have enough and the quality varies. We would lose a lot of time buying them. It´s an option but I wouldn´t do that if there is another choice."

They stayed silent for silence while there were lost in thoughts.

Eira´s phone rang and she took it.

"Yeah?" She answered it. "Ah... I see... As I thought... Good job. Do you have proof?... That won´t do... Alright. Come back here. I need you here more... Yep... See you." After the call ended her face changed to a grim expression.

"This means war now." She exclaimed and walked out.

George looked at her in confusion. He followed her.

At the door, Liam came out of a car and walked to Eira. She saw him and quickly walked to him.

"Liam. Good job. That was quick." She smiled.

"It´s nothing. How´s the situation?" He asked.

"Bad," Eira answered.

He looked around and noticed George standing behind Eira. He leaned closer to her and whispered.

"A new mail arrived. This time it´s quite interesting. You should see it."

Eira´s grim expression appeared again.

"Show me."

They both walked out of the restaurant while looking back at George.

"George, can you look at the flour. Maybe you can still use it for something." Eira called out to him before she closed the door.

George nodded and turned around to walk to the storage room. He had a last glance at Eira and Liam who took a seat in Liam´s car.

He eyes them suspiciously but still did as Eira asked him.

While in the car Liam opened his laptop and showed Eira the new mail that John had send her. Since she asked him to gather more information about John for her she trusted him about all the things concerning John. That means also the mails that came addressed for her.

"So what did he write," Eira mumbled and had a look at the mail:


Dear Eira,

Maybe you are too busy to see this mail right now. But if you by chance read this I want to tell you something. I can help you with your little problem. You won´t find someone in this city who could deliver the ingredients to you before Monday. That´s impossible. But I can help you. My private storage room is full of everything you need. I am your last hope. Once again I have to tell you that I am the best match for you. How many time do I have to tell you that? I am waiting for your call, darling <3

Your John


"Ew, gross. He is a psycho." Eira called out.

"I know but what if what he said is true. You need help right now." Liam reminded her of the current situation.

"He won´t give me that for free."

"Then what do you want to do?" Liam asked her.