Strange War (1)

Immediately, he open his eyes.

Full of youngster running and putting a suite on his surrounding.

"You, what are you dazing about, this is war so move!"The commander say to him.

Luke want to rebut, but a youngster on his side stop him"Luke stop daydreaming about, we already practice this a million times, hurry fast and put this"A young man pass him a suite.

Is this youngster know me? Why does he know my name.

Before he ask the youngster a loud explosion shook on their place.

"Hurry hurry... You will be killed if you are so slow"The commander urge them.

The ceiling producing the dust on their place and the light turn and off.

Seeing the situation, Luke take the suite and put it in. Lining up on 4 section the commander face them.

"You all listen up! if you want to survive you most remember your role! Know matter what! DO YOU HEAR ME! KNOW MATTER WHAT!"The commander roar the last line.

"Yes Sir."The youngster said on unison.


"YES SIR!"Shouting this time.

Next Luke see the wall slowly opening with red light on the side.

"NOW GO GO GO"The commander give command.

The youngster run fast as they could, when they reach outside the youngster run separately.

Luke don't know where to go.

"Luke, stop day dreaming and follow me"The youngster earlier that give him a suite said to him.

"C-coming"Luke hesitating to follow. On the run, the place is all in chaos, road that have a small little hole every area.

A metallic humanoid with 15 feet tall and on inside a dead person. The place is all on chaos, Luke is full of confuse what is happening.

Reaching the place that they need to go.

The youngster proceed to a old man, Luke follow.

"Sir, what do we need to do?"Asking.

"You little kid, why the two of you is late. Did the weapon put the two of you in your fantasy world?"The old man said.

"No sir!"The youngster said straight.

"Doesn't matter, we don't have time to talk. Go to the station 12 and help Beth."

"Yes sir."Immediately the youngster run and Luke follow.

Passing the station, Luke see the humanoid metal.

Sparkling light and transparent light colored with ancient word that he does not understand. they fidgeting something on the humanoid metal.

Reaching the station 12, they see a middle age woman supervising the other people.

"You two, why the too of you is late?"The woman said."doesn't matter right now, go to SR14 and fix the weapon panel system."

The youngster doesn't want to be nag and take Luke fast. Standing to the front of SR14 Luke sizing it.

Humanoid metal, Dark green colored with blue sky interior and 13 meter tall.

"Luke how many time do you need to be day dreaming, come up here and help me!"The youngster shout on him. Standing on the waist of SR14.

Luke follow upstairs and take all that the youngster give to him."Go to the main system and see if anything wrong to the controller."

Wait.. wait, what's a controller? Luke said to herself helplessly.

"Can i ask where the main system?"Luke ask shyly without facial reaction."Is your brain have a damage Luke!? of course on the front seat. Now go if we don't hurry our army will be crush at any time!"Saying with anxiety.

Luke feeling the pressure too, when he see the other people working fast. And the sound that he heard on the other side of the wall. Talking about wall, Luke see that they are in the a big labyrinth. The most eye catching is there's a big hole on the north side, and you will see a starry sky and a humanoid metal fighting on air. Explosion and dot light he see flying every are. Explosion that will destroy half of the humanoid metal.

"Hurry up..! Hurry up!"A man complaining on the ground"Hurry, hurry... if i don't come up there fast some might happen to Little bunny"Seeing the man with moist on his eyes, Luke know what the situation is.

"Luke your at it again, stop day dreaming and go to work!"The youngster run on the hand of the giant metal. While Luke don't know what to do.

Doesn't matter i just try to climb upward.


"Hawk 3, hawk 3.. do you copy"Hawk 1 trying to find if his still alive.

"Shit! hawk 3 just died like that, is that Mecha a monster"Hawk 4 said. While staring to the White Mecha with interior blue.

"Shit... it's really accurate of what the data said! Fall back! i repeat fall back! It's the White blossom! we can't defeat that monster!"Hawk 1 command the hawk squad.

"Hurry call the Silent stalk and deal on this monster!"Hawk 1 urging them.

White blossom on the other hand smiling on his screen. White hair, red eyes and age 19-21.

"You think i let you escape? think again"Playfully saying. Pressing his gear boost the Mecha move fast.

"Shit..! Hawk 4 dodge!"Hawk 1 roar. Before hawk 4 can react a white blade slit through on his Mecha.


The Mecha exploded and dust of remaining part of Mecha scatter on space.


A escape pod flow through the smoke.

White Blossom follow it to slice.

"No you don't!"Hawk 2 bump him on his side and flow."Hawk 2! go grab Hawk 4 and follow us!"

"Roger!"Hawk 2 grab the escape pod and press on the gear boost. his thruster make a lot of heat.

"Think again...!"The White Blossom roar. Bursting his speed following them.

"Shit! your so persistent."Hawk 2 said on the back."Hawk 9 to hawk 2, just keep running i cover you."

Hawk 9 said, standing far away to them. Adjusting the HS7 and take aim.


5 consecutive shot fire on his heavy weapon.

White Blossom took the 3 shot, one on his shoulder and two on his body.

"Shit! my main system damage how unlucky"Ugly face all written on his face."Count this day as your lucky day. Next time we meet i annihilate you all, hahahahaha...!"White blossom said laughing on wide spread channel.

"Your full of crap! do it and will kill you"Hawk 1 taunt. He notice that something damage the system of White blossom.

"Just wait don't be impatience,"White blossom did not anger a little. He know how to think and can't provoke that easily. White Blossom get back on their war ship that hovering 100 kilometers away.

"Hawk unit retreat!"Hawk 1 said.
