Strange War (2)

Luke entered the pilot sit of the mecha. He sit on the chair and bewileded on the thing that on front of him.

"The kid said in the main system and see if there's problem on the controller. The question is where is the main system?... ah!... there is it" Luke find the main system that written in the left side.

Despite the weird languages, Luke manage to read the sign. Luke opened the system.

A transparent hologram screen appear right in his face.

*Wossh* With reflex, luke punch the unknown thing but no avail.

'It past through?' *Bang* his hand crush to the metal wall.

"Aww!" Luke cried. 'It fucking hurt!' Luke cursed. Without his power luke find that his power is now a goner. With only 5% of his original power remain.

"What happened on my power. Dont tell me that fuck*ng old man took it." Luke mind wander off. With this power, he can only fight a normal captain in the city or an apprentice magician, In his world.

"Luke what happened! where is the part that have a malfunction!?" The kid just a little while ago sounded. Waking luke on his thought. Luke didn't answer.

"Luke! What is the status! Stop daydreaming!" The kid shouted angrily. Without anxiety that he have just a while ago.

"On it!" Luke shouted back without even seeing where is the young man. "Hurry or where going to die!" His voice comeback on feared.

Luke open his eyes again and carefully examine the hologram screen. He see the part of the Mecha that portrait on the screen with colored blue. He notice the both leg and left hand is red. Written on the side "Malfunction".

"Both leg and the left arm!" Luke shouted outside. "Got it!" The young man answered fast and Luke heard running on the outside.

Luke get out on the pilot sit, when he know there's nothing to do.

"Luke go the Madam beth and ask if there's more to fix. Don't worry here, i can fix this by myself!" The young man said.

"Got it!" Luke walk with fast pace. He walk to the entrance and see Madam beth supervising the others that coming more to help.

"You, you and, you go to the HV37. Next, you and you go to SR23. You and you-" She pointed on luke that just came and continued. "Go to the SR56. Now move! move! move!" The group run on their perspective position."

"Hey let's go" A delicate voice sounded. Luke look on the young woman with small feature and little cute face.

"Let's go don't be afraid, were never gonna lose" She said balanced on confidence and anxiety.

Luke laugh on what she said. "So where are we stationed again?" he ask.

"To SR56, let's go" She run and luke followed behind.

They arrive immediately on the site. Luke know already know what to do. He entered first the metal ladder. "Really boys, they always wanted to be a pilot" On his back he heard the young lady chuckled.

'I don' know what you said. But this is the only thing i know in this weird place.' He said in himself. Luke arrive immediately on the pilot sit and open the Main system screen.

This time Luke didn't panick when the screen appear. luke immediately find the red part on the screen.

"Left foot and left arm!" Luke shouted.

"Got it! i take the foot you take the arm!" She shouted back.

"G-got it!" Luke flustered. 'What? i don't know how to fix this dumb giant' With great difficulty Luke walk to the left side arm of the mecha. He take a look below of how she does this thing. But all he can see that she fidgeting on something and spark will appear. He look again to the giant arm.

'I don' really know what to d-' Before he can finish his thought. A sensation of danger appear on his six sense. Immediately Luke jumped to the ground. 'F*ck it hurt, curse this fragile body' Without a time to curse more he run to the girl and grab her to the side.

"Hey what are you d-"

*BANG!* *Crush sound*

The original standing SR56 is now squeezed on the mecha with the same type. And on below of it a Purple Mecha standing and pointed the gun on the other SR Mecha.

"Curse yo-" The purple Mecha didn't even want to listen and fired his weapon continues without stopping.

The enemy mecha stop and reload his weapon. The surrounding became chaos.

"Run! Run!"

"Call help!"

People that stunned on what happened. Is now starting running.

Two more mecha landed beside on the enemy mecha.

"Shit! we hit the jackpot." One of the mecha said.

"Yeah, this is the maintenance place." The other guys said to.

If their destroy this place. Winning in this battle will became easy. Without the enemy fixing their mecha the enemy will lose without making them lose terribly.

"Then what are you waiting for?" The leader said. But before he can proceed he notice to the side a man and a women hugging.

"Ow! what is this? Are you making a new soldier?" The other guy said.

"Just finish it. We have more job to do" The leader command.

"Roger" The Mech pointed his weapon on Luke and the young girl.

'Shit' luke cursed. He grab the girl on her waist. The girl didn't complain, she scared too and wanted to be with someone else. She close eyes and hug tightly on Luke. She waited before she can have no more conscious, but she heard the man mumbled.

"Cat agile" "Body reinforcement"

Luke mumbled under his breath. Invisible colored coated him. Light blue before Yellow.

The mech fired and 3 big bullet flow. Targeting luke. With great concentration, luke dodge the three bullet and jumped on the weapon. Luke run on the arm to the head and he grip to the neck to not fall. If Luke have 15% of his original magic, he can just destroyed this three mecha with spell. But reality is not on his side. Only 5% and the most unlucky thing is, this body is so fragile that can died if just hit with one death blow. All he can do now is reinforcement the body so it can withstand anything that luke do, without harming his body.

"You little pest" The pilot shake and tried to splat luke with his mecha hand. but Luke will just go to the other side. The lady with Luke embrace still close her eyes because of feared.

"Captain help me!" The pilot ask for help.

"Stay still" The leader said and put a stance to thrust his weapon tip to luke.

Luke jumped upward and land on the other mecha. The lady open her eyes and see that their land on the enemy Mech. Her anxiety increase more, and two another mech face them.

"You little shit!" The pilot that first Luke landed is piss. He walk to his team trying to help to kill Luke. Luke already decided to retreat. But the lady sounded.

"Hey! destroy that Cable! that big blue cable!" She shouted.

Luke see the blue cable on the little gap in the neck of the mech. But Luke doesn't have time to cut it. Luke touch the gap with open palm and poured a magic ball inside. Luke cast a tier 1 spell "Explosion Ball" But Luke upgraded it to Tier 2.

Luke original 5% mana is now only 3%. Luke jumped down and start running. The pilot that he first landed followed him while shouting and mocking. Luke use the advantage of his agile and always dodging using the terrain of the maze place.

"F*ck! this guys is fuck*ng pissing me off! Is this guy a Cat?!" With frustration he shouted. Ignoring his captain command.


Luke spell exploded on the distance. The Mech stop following and look were his team at. He glide back to his teammates with frustration.

Luke didn't stop and run away. Carrying the girl on his embrace.