Chapter 4

He realized that he will have to go to Konoha as soon as possible. In these times of peace, the only way to get Hyuuga genes and the Byakugan is directly from Konoha, and nowhere else.

He also has another interesting idea for developing his powers even further. That was 8-gates technique Might Guy possessed. This technique will go together perfectly with his current combat style. All the more reasons to go Konoha.

He also had to accept the curse mark Orochimaru gave him. Whatever it's powers or pressure from Orochimaru he had to take it. But he'll get rid of it in the future for sure.

Curse mark got him a power surge and he started completing missions a lot faster. He also defeated "Sound 5" ninjas like in the original. Orochimaru was extremely pleased with himself and had him as his number 1 candidate for his first vessel.

Due to the constant use of his Kekkei Genkai, now with curse mark as well. Kimimaro predicted that he will get sick soon. But don't worry, that was all in his plan.

He soon got a mission from Orochimaru to conquer the Fūma clan and the Land of Rice Field. So that his conquest and creation of the Land of the Sound can be completed.

He knows that this will be a hard task, and it's likely that his illness will start showing after this mission.

"See you later, I trust that you will complete this mission perfectly like every other mission I gave you before." Orochimaru said.

There was also an older girl behind Orochimaru. She was quite older than himself, around 10 years older. She was pretty and had purple hair. She looked cold and unapproachable. But she had a certain dose of respect for him as he's Orochimaru's most treasured underling.

She's probably that Guren girl from the original series. I guess Orochimaru collected her too now. He disappeared for a few days just recently, so that's probably it.

Kimimaro said: "I will take care of this mission like always, goodbye sensei". He also said: "Goodbye Nee-san", and she flinched a little bit at that.


He decided that he'll first go to the feudal lord of the "Land of Rice Field" and convince him to allow Orochimaru to annex his territory next into the "Land of the Sound", he created. He will go to the Fūma clan after that and force them to move to Otogakure as the soldiers under Orochimaru, pardon me, experiments under Orochimaru.

He was flying through the forest, hopping on the woods, "shinobi style". He had different hairstyle than in the original. His hair was noticeably shorter and he had a male ponytail at the back of his head, and some bangs falling over his forehead. He wore the same clothes as in the original. Overall he looked very cute.

He soon arrived in the Land of Rice Field and got into the village where the feudal lord from here lived. Strolling through the village people were giving him weird looks. Some little girls also blushed whenever they have seen him. Some of them even tried to talk to him, but they stopped once their parents scolded them.

Him being a kid and alone, coupled with his weird clothes and white hair made him very extraordinary. He was standing out and was the center of attention.

People here looked very poor and dirty overall. Soon he arrived in front of the villa where the feudal lord liver. It wasn't as good as the villa he lived in with Orochimaru. But it was miles ahead of weak houses villagers here lived in. There was also a big wall around the villa and courtyard. In the center of the wall were big doors where a couple of armed guards were standing.

They spotted him and said: "Excuse me, kid, is there anything you want?"

Kimimaro said: "Yes, I'm an envoy of the feudal lord of the recently established Land of the Sound"

They were surprised. The Land of the Sound was the new territory that established just recently but annexed many old powerful lands by whatever means necessary. Sometimes with just too brutal means, like Guren destroying a whole village to spread their reputation.

They looked a little scared and asked for proof. I give them the latter Orochimaru gave me. Soon we entered inside. The courtyard was spacious and nicely decorated with Sakura trees and fountains.

I was told to sit in the garden and wait.

I didn't sit and was strolling around curiously when I saw a little girl with brown hair and blue eyes, picking cherry blossoms and from the ground and playing with them, throwing them in the air, looking very cute. She was a little younger than me.

I startled her, she said stuttering: "Excuse me, who're you?"

I got closer, patter her on the head, and said: "Call me Kimimaro oni-chan, here I will show you a little trick".

I started doing that bone dance but just without bones. Cherry blossoms swirled around me and it looked spectacular. The little girl was amazed and had a blush on her face.

I finished and wanted to say something. But was interrupted by an angry yell: "Get away from my daughter!"

An older man was coming close to me, I'm assuming it was a feudal lord of this place. There were a lot of guards around him, maybe 10-15.

I said a little angrily: "No need to yell man, I was just showing her a trick".

He looked flabbergasted, apparently, he as a feudal lord was never used to being addressed like this.

"Catch that little shit, I need to teach him a lesson, for an envoy to behave like that, where is the respect?" He yelled.

Apparently, he's quite immature and overlooked the fact whom I'm representing today.

They all rushed at me and I said: "Good, very good. Girl, here I'll show you a real deal now, a real dance!"

I had a crazy expression on my face and I licked the bone that I materialized already and started doing my taijutsu bone dance against all 15 of them.

It was a good, but very short fight. Soon they were all dead. Murdered by my bones in a cold blood. They were all armed but to no avail. The feudal lord had already fallen to the ground scared, and his little daughter was crying.

I said: "The Land of Rice Field will be formally annexed into the Land of the Sound tomorrow. Prepare the documents and get on a journey to Otogakure immediately to sign the details". I got closer to him and made a threating gesture at him. Then I looked at his daughter and smiled. He probably passed out from fear after that.

I left the villa and headed to a different village in this country. Fūma clan, here I come.