Chapter 5

He soon arrived in the village Fuma clan was located in. It was noticeably smaller village than the last one.

Fuma clan is a decently powerful clan. He remembered it being listed as one of the top clans in Naruto universe in his past life. Their members were using chakra enhanced threads, it was their special jutsu. They also had a secret technique not many people know. He remembers it has something to do with barriers and trapping people. He wasn't sure if anyone had mastered this jutsu yet in this current timeline. But either way, he should be careful.

He contacted them like he had contacted the feudal lord before. He was polite and gave Orochimaru's letter to the guards.

Soon he was seated in the room on one big table with a couple of people. There was a fierce looking guy with a big sword on his back. There was also a bald man with thick eyebrows. They were the oldest people in this room. Other shinobi from the Fuma clan appeared to be surprisingly young. Some were even his age! They were all looking at him curiously.

The fierce man who now introduced himself as the patriarch of this clan spoke seriously: "I read the letter your Lord sent, and we're thankful for the offer you have brought to us. But I'm afraid we'll still have to refuse".

Kimimaro looked at everyone around the room and said: "Even though you are a patriarch of this clan, I think that the offer this important must be presented to everyone here, so they can make choice for themselves"

He continued: "I know that you're a powerful clan, but recently due to the sacrifices and losses you experienced during the Great Ninja Wars, you lost a lot of your previous power. I'm afraid that now you're just a shadow of your former self. You clearly lack manpower, I mean, just look at how young you all are. Not to mention money, you lack the money the most. You need it to recover and bring your clan to the new heights. I assure you that the Lord of the Land of the Sound is a great man, he will pay you 10 times the amount you're getting paid now for your services. Not to mention he's a strong person who can teach you a lot of techniques and help make your clan stronger".

He continued, but this time looking at the patriarch: "Look at me, at your age and even younger I have enough power to defeat your patriarch, and that's all because of my Lord. He taught me everything I know, and he can teach you too if you let him."

The patriarch stood up for the table extremely angry, his face was all red and he said: "Good, good, good courage, wanting to steal my clansmen in front of my own eyes. Let's see if you're really stronger than me, follow me now!"

I and all the other Fuma shinobi followed him to the open field, looking like it was used for sparring in Fuma clan. We stood at the center, and all the people around watched us curiously, without blinking twice. I was sure that once I defeat this bear, they'll follow me back to Orochimaru.

The man didn't waste any time, he took out his large sword from his back and attacked me. I paired with the bone spear that I took out quickly, with a surprise following from all the spectators.

Damn, my arm felt numb. I didn't expect him to be that strong. We continued to transfer blows and I realized just how much he was stronger than me. If my bone spear wasn't this much harder than his sword, it would've already been over. He was around 5 times larger and stronger than me. His swordsmanship was also stronger than mine, even though I learned for a while under Orochimaru.

I realized that I must end this quickly unless all of my previous momentum I got from that little speech will be lost. I started popping bones and striking him with sneak attacks from all over my body. Thankfully he wasn't wearing any armor. He was getting more and more injured, with cuts and blood all over his body.

After some time of this, I kicked him and finally managed to get some distance. I immediately started using my 2 strongest attacks. First I pulled my spinal column at the disgust of all spectators.

And I yelled: "Tessenka no Mai ", then trapped him with it.

He was struggling to escape. But I was holding him very tightly. This alone would finish him off if left it for a couple of minutes. But I wanted to make the best impression possible so I used my strongest attack too. Not to mention he was surprisingly strong too, I wasn't sure if he would get out before that time.

"Tessenka no Mai - Hana" I yelled, as my forearm started transforming into a giant drill. This is my hardest bone and my strongest attack. I attacked him with a full force. Everyone yelled as I destroyed half of both of his legs. Coupled with the extreme pressure from the strangling on him I did with my spinal column, and previous sneak attacks, he was left in a pretty bad condition. But this clan had good healers, he will survive for sure.

I looked at a horrified bunch of young shinobi and said: "Now that your patriarch is crippled, you're left in an even worse situation as a clan than before. I think that he was your strongest member as well as the main pillar. If you want you can test my strength too. But I advise you against it, and I recommend that all of you follow me now and go to meet my Lord. He will be very pleased to see you all, and he will grant you some special techniques for sure. You've seen what I can do."

"I'll wait for you at the village gates" He then left. But they didn't see that once he was out, he was holding his hand on his mouth and there was a lot of blood on it.

"So it started, it seems" It was time to start the next part of his plan then.