Chapter 1 : The Night Life

I pulled up my fishnet tights over my legs, and slipped into my heels. My makeup was on, and my hair curled. Suddenly my phone rang. It was my best friend, so I answered the call.

"Hey girl! You ready to go? Im outside!" She said excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah Im coming! just let me grab my purse!" I said as I rushed around my room to gather my things. Finally once I had all of my overnight belongings I exited my apartment, and locked the door behind me. My friend Rudy was in her car parked next to the sidewalk glaring at me.

"What took you so long Bailey!?" She yelled playfully.

"I was grabbing my things!" I defended. She laughed, and said "Were you packing your whole apartment?".

"No!" I said with a laugh. We then caught up, and she turned on the radio to help pass the time on our way to the party. She explained she didnt personally know the host. However, her other friends did. He threw raging parties, and had tons of hot friends. Even under the influence of alcohol everyone seemed to behave, and respect eachother even though they were intoxicated. Which sounds like a party dream come true. We pulled up to a curb riddled with cars. Eventually we found a convenient parking spot.

"So Bailey.. I know you are taking a break from the dating life.. but I want you to have fun tonight.." She said as she handed me various condoms. I shrieked, and threw some at her. We both laughed, and finally mustered up the courage to exit the vehicle to this legendary party. When we approached the front door two very attractive men answered. One was blonde, and had really short spiked blonde hair with a sharp jawline. The others face was intense, and he had brown hair.

"Who are you.." The brunette asked.

"We are Claires friends. She invites us." Rudy replied without hesitation. The blondes eyes were locked on me like a predator glaring at its prey. The brunette smiled, and shook Rudys hand.

"Im Mark, and this is Quince. Nice to meet you two. Claire is in the kitchen." Mark said. He then moved to the side to let me, and Rudy indoors.

Once we were far enough away from the two men I leaned to Rudy and whispered.

"Quince is creepy.. He stared at me like he was gonna kill me." I said with a chill.

"Hes probably a really nice, and sweet guy. He might just have resting bitch face!" Rudy said with a laugh. We reached the kitchen where Claire, and various other young adults were hanging out. Music was blasting, and people were dancing in the rooms off to the sides. Claires face lit up as soon as she saw us.

"Oh my god you two came! This is gonna be a great night!" She cried out as she wrapped her arms around the two of us. The smell of alcohol lingered in her breath, and mixed with her perfume.

"Did you meet Mark, and Quince!? They are so HOT!" She exclaimed drunkenly. Rudy laughed, and nudged me.

"Where are the shots!?" I yelled out.

"Over here!" A young man replied.

"Come on!" I said to Rudy, and Claire. We went over to the guy who responded to me, and we all took shots that we chased with chilled sprite. He was a brunette with shaggy hair, and chilling blue eyes.

"Are all the guys here hot or something?" I hollared out. Me, and the girls all laughed together.

"Whats your name?" Claire asked loudely. He smiled, and said "Zack!". We all giggled repeating his name to eachother. He smirked, and boasted out "Are a the girls here hot, or something?". We all laughed together. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a pair of eyes gazing at me. It was Quince. He was leaning against a wall drinking what appeared to be red wine. I nudged Claire.

"Whats his deal? Why does he looks so angry?" I whispered. She shrugged, and handed me a shot from Zack. Which I gladly took. As the night went on we became friends with the other party goers, and eventually I lost track of Claire, Zack, and Rudy altogether. I found a door to the basement of the house. I held on to the railing tightly in fear of tripping from being drunk. Once I reached the bottom step I stumbled onto the basement floor which was a soft carpet. In the basement I could see a bar with a large mirror over it. Another living room type area, a bathroom, and some other doors which were closed.

"Time tooo explore.." I said to myself in a silly voice. I meandered over to the lonely bar, and found a mini fridge below. It was stuffed with various beers, and wine coolers. I reached in, and grabbed something pink. A strawberry lemonade wine cooler. Me, and my cold drink made a lap around the sizeable basement looking at all the different rooms. After I was done moseying around I sat at the bar, and looked in the mirror. A strong looking, and toned mad was sitting in the living room area looking in my direction. I swiveled in my chair to see who it was. Quince. Of course it was Quince. Being drunk, and with zero filter I began to ramble.

"Why do you look so angry? What the fuck is your beef with me big booooy? Why do you stare like that? Its really fuckin' rude to stare like that you big shit. Im not trying to be rude, but you have had a stank face on all night. What the fuck did I do ya knob? Ive only just met you tonight!" As I rambled he had gotten up, and started to march over to me. When we were face to face there was a clear height difference. I looked up at him angrily.

"You need a drink." I blurted out. He eyes flared as he snatched my glass bottle from my hand, and smashed it against the wall.

"Oh shit..." I mumbled to myself, as I began to back up so I could walk away. However, he followed slowly. I stumbled, and caught onto a wall to hold myself up. He placed one hand on my waist, and used his other free hand to pin my other arm to the wall.

"Bailey." He said. His voice was so deep, and masculine. I weakly struggled to try to get him to let go. He leaned down, and placed his tongue on my collar bone. It was unnaturaly long. He slowly licked up to my neck. Something sharp poked my skin, and instantly I kneed him in the stomach to get him to stop.

"Stop.." I said with fear lacing my voice. When I looked into his eyes his pupils were now slits. A chill went down my spine, and I wiggled from his grasp and slid down the wall onto the floor. I then crawled between his legs, and made a break for the stair case. He wrapped both arms around me, and slid me into his arms.

"Let me go!" I cried out numerous times. However, he ignored my cries, and placed me on the counter of the bar. He searched around the bar, and retrieved a cup which he filled with some kind of red drink.

"Are you a vampire?" I asked blatantly.

"No." He replied briskly. Then he turned to me, and handed me his concoction.

"Drink." He demanded.

"What is it?" I asked. He then grasped my lower jaw with one hand to hold it open, as he poured the mystery drink into my mouth. I coughed, and sputtered.

"That tasted horrible!" I screamed. Quince pulled a phone out of his pocket. My phone.

"Hey!" I yelled as I tried to reach out. However, my body started feeling numb. Quince unlocked my phone, and I could see hin start to write a text to now all three of my friends.

To : Rudy, Claire, Zack.

Hey y'all made it home safely! I had an awesome time! Have a great time! Goodnight!

Quince then smirked at me as he sent the fake message. I began to lean back, but he pulled me towards him. He then put an arm under my limp legs, and another under my back to carry me. I blacked out.