Chapter 2 : Waking Up

I began to stir awake. At first it was hard to see. Everything was blurry, and it felt like the room was spinning. This is one hell of a hangover. It was hard to remember the events of the party. However, I remember a weird kind of scary dream. Soon my vision returns, and I sit up. The room is not my room. Its set like a hotel room. With plain modern decorations, and shiny furniture that match the colors. The bed was king size, and riddled with fancy comforters. My heart began to race. I wasnt in my initial outfit from last night. Instead I was in a long white shirt. I gazed around the room looking for anything that was mine. Upon examination I discovered that in one of the upper corners of the room there was a camera pointed at the bed.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.. what happened!" I said to myself. Quickly I climbed out of the lush bed, and scampered around the room shufflinf through drawers. Each drawer I opened had nothing in it.

"Am I in a hotel?" I mumbled. I found two doors. One led to an average looking bathroom, and the other took me to another room. infront of me stood a modern styled kitchen. Black marble countertops, and stainless steel appliances. To the left was a living room. The living room had what appeared to be two windows. However there was a piece of metal that had been painted black covering it. I check it out, and looked for any way to pry it open. However, it wouldnt budge. There was another door in the living room next to the entertainment center. The knob wont budge. Its locked. I gazed up at the ceilings, and there appeared to be cameras in the living room, and kitched aswell. There couldn't be a camera in the bathroom I thought to myself. Quickly I rushed to the bathroom, and sat on the edge of the tub to think. However, I looked up, and yet another camera was watching. I decided to hide behind the shower curtains. Suddenly I heard a door open, and close. My heart was pounding in my chest, and fear consumed me. Footsteps approached the bathroom door. The white door slowly creaked open, and a strong looking hand drew the shower curtains back to reveal me sitting in the tub with my knees to my chest. Quince stood infront of me with a glass of water, and a plate with a pill on it.

"This is one fucked up breakfast." I said with detest.

"Its to help you feel better. You drank a lot." He said calmly.

"I dont WANT it. I WANT to go HOME!" I shouted angrily. Fury took over his expression, as he splashed the water at my face soaking me, and the long shirt.

"Act your age." He said with a spur tone. Then he turned tossing the plate in the bathroom sink, and slamming the door behind him. I began to tear up, and silently cry. After a while I decided to venture out of the tub. I searched the cabinet beneath the sink for towels, however, it was empty just like the rest of the place. I pulled the wet shirt off over my head, buf held it infront of me to cover my bra, and panties. Which were both black and lacy. Cautiously I opened the bathroom door. I immediately noticed there was something on the bed. It appeared to be a white towel, and a white silk robe. I sighed, and removed all of my wet garments along with the shirt. Then i grabbed the towel to dry off my hair, and the rest of my body. Soon after I wrapped my body in the soft silky white robe, and ventured put of the bedroom. Quince was in the kitchen rummaging through the freezer. There were bags, and a couple boxes scattered across the countertops.

"Quince?" I called out softly. He stopped, and turned around.

"What?" He snapped.

"W-When can I leave so I can go home..?" He raised a brow, and laughed. Then returned go arranging the freezer.

"QUINCE!" I screamed. Furiously he turned, and tromped over to me. He then grabbed me, and went into the bedroom throwing me onto the bed violently. Then he climbed ontop, and grasped my throat with one strong hand choking me.

"You arent leaving. Especially if you don't learn how to talk to me. I was patient with you yesterday, but if you dont watch your fucking mouth I am going to slice you up, marinate your meat, and eat every last bit of you." He hissed into my ear.

"What the fuck are you?" I choked out.

"Im not human." He replied. Tears welled in the corner of my eyes, and my body began to slightly shake. A sick grin spread across his face. His tongue slid out of his mouth like a snake, and licked the tears off of my face. With his free hand he placed it on my waist, and let it travel upward. It slowly poked the tips of his finger into the top of my robe. Right before his hand could touch my breast he withdrew it from my robe, and let go of my throat. I crossed my arms over my chest, and crawled away from him on the bed. A buzzing began to come from one of his pockets. He withdrew my phone, and smiled evily at me. My phone had a number of texts on it.

"Looks like people are looking for you." He sighed.

"Can I see my phone please?" I asked nicely. He rolled his eyes, and snapped it in half right infront of me.

"Nobody will find you." He said. Then he got off of the bed, and exited into the kitchen. I felt so dehydrated. When I felt like I could cry again no more tears could come from my eyes.