The Story of My Life

The day started as usual. Waking up from the nightmares that chase me in my sleep. It is still 4 in the morning. Awoken by the nightmares, I know I can't go back to sleeping, so I ascended from the bed to go to the bathroom to wash my face... Maybe take a poop while I am at it...

I sat on the toilet releasing my frustration, but while I was staring at thin air thinking about nothing, I remembered that diarrhea is one of the symptoms of COVID-19. Remembering my rotten luck, I know that I have contracted the disease. My luck is very bad, as I lived my whole life misfortunate.

I work as a gate guard for my older brother who owns a shipping company. My job is to guard the gate of the company's storage. My story went something like this...

My father, aka the luckiest person in the world, married my mother, aka the unluckiest person in the world. I don't know how my father even fall in love with my mother... If I was him, I would have married a girl more fortunate than my mother. Despite my father having the best luck in the world, he failed to achieve anything in his life, as he lived strictly following the statement "Life makes way". Whatever he wanted would come his way, as his luck gave him whatever he wanted; quick money, a lot of discounts, and a hard working wife that saved 30 years worth of her salary to build a house just to write it on my father's name in the end.

My father died when I was 11 years old, leaving the house as an inheritance for me, my older brother, my older sister, and my mom. As an 11 years old, my money was saved in the court until I became of age. My older brother and older sister were already of age when my father died. My older sister and older brother wanted to sell the house because they wanted their money. My mother and I were forced to rent an apartment which was inconvenient, all while my brother and sister each built their own houses.

My mother took care of my necessities, but unlike the children my age, I wasn't the one to be spoiled. I had to work when I was 14 years old to pay for the things that I want, such as brand new clothes, and other accessories that weren't necessary for living.

My older brother started a business but it failed, so he came to live with us in the apartment after selling his house and losing all his inheritance money. Due to frustration, my brother started beating the hell out of me for no reason. I became his punching bag for quite sometime. I had my 3 ribs broken one day, but my mother didn't allow me to go to the hospital because they were afraid of my brother getting arrested.

Years passed by quickly, and I graduated from high school and got my inheritance. My mother started asking me back for all the money she spent on me, which is a very greedy thing to ask about, but I loved my mother, so I gave her half of my inheritance since she was the one who actually built the house.

She wasn't happy with just half of the inheritance, and soon I was kicked from the apartment that she rented. Homeless and with only half of the inheritance I tried to seek refuge in my cousin's house, but they didn't open the door for me, no matter how many times I rang the bell.

My money won't be enough for me to sustain myself while renting an apartment alone, so I went to the closest WcDonalds to steal wifi in order to search for the cheapest group renting. I found a crowded apartment searching for more people to rent, so the pay was very cheap.

I tried to find a job to be self sustaining, but despite how hard I worked, my employers always replaced me with their family members. It is actually very popular in this country, hiring your own family members and putting them in high positions. My luck is slapping me in the face again, making me face the sour reality of being misfortunate.

My brother bought a house while investing in the Stockmarket when he returned back to the apartment. After getting rich, my brother decided to start a company another time by the time I was kicked from the apartment, but it was another failure. It didn't take months before I ran out of money. I had to beg my family to get back into the apartment. My begging went unnoticed by my family, and I was forced to live homeless for a year, until the day my mother died. I received a small inheritance, and my brother finally agreed to take me back.

Building a small room for me by the entrance of the house, my brother hired me as the gate guard of his house, all while being all smug about his successful life. Humiliating daily in front of his wife and kids wasn't enough for him, he had to bring his friends and colleagues home to embarrass me in front of them.

My brother's failing company started to raise and improve rapidly. I still remember what he said about me when one of his colleagues asked him "Why do you even keep your brother as your gate guard?" to which my dickhead older brother replied "I am just keeping him as my pet that brings me luck. Also, my wife and daughters love to look at him the same way they look at animals in the zoo, a good amusement indeed". I was standing there hearing him talking about me like this, but I couldn't reply because my life depended on the money and the roof he provide for me.

I hate him, his cheating wife, and his daughters. They all were rotten to the core. I still remember his wife's big breasticles when she took my virginity. My stupid brother got a sloppy second without even knowing.

... And this is how my life lead me to this point. Being haunted by nightmares, grieving over my own misfortune, I kept working for my brother. I am getting tired of such living... My sister got married and is now living very far away, she didn't even leave a contact number or anything, she just abandoned us.