The Story of My Death

Getting out of the bathroom, feeling my body temperature rising guarantees my suspicions of being infected by Corolla Virus. I turned on the old black and white television to watch the news. It is still early in the morning so I am actually watching the 10Pm news of yesterday.

I look at the small screen and wonder "How is this television is still alive until now? if I remember correctly, my father bought it when my mother was pregnant with me!". The television antenna isn't receiving any signal, so I started beating the television with my hand.

The moment it received signal it said "Breaking News! An oil carrier has had an oil leakage near the beach of Muscat. We request from all the citizens to be cautious and to not go there before the leakage is cleaned!"

I cursed my luck as I heard the bad news... I thought I will hear some random news, but now that I heard this it made me wonder "what would make me more unfortunate, to die by COVID-19 or by that oil leakage?". I quickly shook my head to remove the bad thoughts from my mind, perhaps today is my lucky day! I knew it isn't but I know I should think positively.

As I was trying my best to think positively, I received a message from my brother that reads "Go pick my wife, she is sleeping in her grandma's house". Right after that message, I received a message from my brother's wife that reads "Come pick me from my friend's house, if you dare tell your brother I will make your life miserable!".

I went to shower quickly, and then grabbed my car key. I went outside and started the engine of my Corolla model 2000. While I was waiting for the car heat to go down, my dickhead brother came out of the house and said "Wait for my daughter to be ready and deliver them to their school while you are at it".

I acted as if I had no fever and said "Ok". I waited inside the car for 10 minutes... 20 minutes... There was no air conditioner in the car, because it was broken, and it is very hot even in the morning. After 40 minutes of waiting, his daughter came inside the car. After they entered I sneezed once. I dropped them by in the school and went to pick his wife from her lover's house. I tried to arrive as fast as possible, but as I was about to cross the train track, the barriers dropped down, stopping me from crossing the train track. I cursed my luck again as I turned off the engine of the car and said "This is going to be a long waiting!".


Meanwhile in an alternate universe...

"FUUUUUUCK! I sold countless worlds to charge in this stupid gacha game! The summon sale is featuring Miku, the new character in the game with pull chance of 0.03%. Being the god, and also the best gamer in this universe sure is hard! I stopped the time from the whole multiverse except for the game server, just to be the first one to who gets Miku. This multiverse has been frozen for more than 13,000 years! I am running out of time... If the great God heard about this, he will surely punish me!"

My love for gambling in gacha games has driven me to do extreme things. I sold the world where all the dirty clothes go to, also known as Bleach, to a person from another multiverse called Tite Kubo who was willing to give me 90% of the funds he raise by selling videos of that world in alternative universes!

I sold many worlds to raise enough money, and I still can't get my hand on Miku! I need to find a solution! But who would I find a solution? ... Wait a second... I am such an idiot! I never thought about anything in my life! Whenever I needed an answer for a question, I sacrificed a universe as materials that I use in a divination! Divinations are the most convenient way to find answers! At the cost of a universe, a Divination could find the answer for the most complex issues in the world!

I wonder why it took me a lot of time to remember about Divinations... Maybe I was very frustrated with this stupid Gacha!

Without thinking any longer, I sacrificed all the universes that I don't own completely, thus sacrificing the worlds I sold to other people. "What can they do about it? I am a god! They can just go fuck themselves!".

The divination voice sounded out "In order to summon Miku and 9 dupes in an 10+1 summon, you need to kill a human located currently in Earth 33, and summon his soul here. Use the gacha while soul is next to you, and you will summon a Miku 10 times in a 10+1 summon gacha".

I got very excited! That Voidne brat is from the same multiverse as Masashi Kishimoto, the one who I sold Narutoverse! I didn't wait any longer, and peaked into Earth 33 to see Voidne raiding and old car, sneezing and dancing while listening to Three Days Grace. I could see what is written in fate. Voidne would die after 3 day out of COVID-19... Three days are too long!

I can't wait any longer! I pushed his car into the train track moments before the train arrived at the crossing. "Now he will surely die sooner! All I need to do is to pick his soul when he dies!"


While dancing, I felt the car is being pushed toward the train track! I put my legs on the break, trying to stop the car, but to no use! I tried to open the door of the car, but the door is locked! I tried to unlock the door, but the lock is stuck!! And it was at that moment I knew... I FUCKED UP!! I cursed my bad luck as the train crashed into the car, dragging the now rolling cube of metal with it!

I could feel being crushed by the dented structure of the car. Blood started to come out of my eyes, my nose, and my ears. My brain is suffering from a severe trauma due to the hard shaking, but I could still feel, the painful crushing! I could swear that this pain has already laster forever, but to make things worse, metal rods started piercing my guts one by the other, as the train keeps flipping the car as it drags it on its track.

I begged the god of death to come harvest my soul, this was very painful! This hurts so much, but because of my bad luck, it seems that the reaper is on a tea break right now... And to make the matter even worse! The fractions lit the oil, causing an explosion, which I felt fully! The burning sensation and the force it hit me with... At that moment, I could only wish to die... My brain stopped functioning correctly, I couldn't perceive the world correctly... All I could feel was pain, and all I could think of is "I fucking hate my luck! If I was ever to go to hell even after I suffer all this pain, I will curse the god endlessly!".

As if god heard my prayers, the train took a right turn, launching the burning chunk of metal into Muscat's beach, landing remarkably on the leaked oil, causing a huge explosion! My vision turned black, but when I opened my eyes again... I saw... Big Chungus???