Big Chungus’s Agenda + The new World

(Big Chungus POV)

'Oops, I didn't mean to torture him this much while killing him... Anyway, I am getting my Miku very soon! So who cares if he was tortured or not?'.

I wore white gloves and reached my hands into the void (actually a rabbit hole on the ground), grabbing the soul of Vodiny I presumed his name was? I don't know, I don't care! All I could care about right now is my Miku!

Thanking the person who invented gloves for his benevolence, otherwise, I would have dirtied my hand grabbing the soul of a mortal.

It didn't take seconds before I teleported his soul here. I could see fear in his eyes once he opened them! Of course, I am the god, he should fear me! But against all my expectations he started laughing and said "Looks like I am in heaven! I didn't know tha-" But I couldn't bother with his speech as I clicked on my phone to summon Miku!

I waited 13,000 years for this! As the animation of the Gacha started playing, Vodone fell to the ground, almost cracking his own head with a stone! I didn't know that souls can hur- I got distracted once again! What is important right now is my Miku! Luckily, the phone got stuck, so I didn't miss anything from the animation!

I am very excited! 11 rainbow balls appeared on the screen! First Ball is opening!! A Wild Miku Appeared!! I started jumping from excitement, using my THICC body to send shockwaves to the surrounding without noticing.

I kept jumping until another Miku appeared in the second rainbow ball! I am very fortunate! I looked at the destroyed forest near me, and Void guy is nowhere to be found! "Sigh... Why does he insist on destroying my fun... The price I must pay for being a jobless god..."

I saw his dead soul on the ground puking blood... it looked very weird for a soul to bleed... I just revived it and said "You are very annoying! I will give you the power that will allow you to survive so don't annoy me!". I thought he'd be grateful, but he raised his middle finger and said "Fuck you Big Chungus, you are the worst meme ever!".

I skipped the animation by a mistake in the moment of anger... showing the result of the gacha as 10 Miku and 1 Justav... All are 5*, but his insult and ungrateful attitude ruined my happiness for me!

I get angry at him and use my THICC body to sit at him, giving him no room to breath. I rolled my gacha again! If I got 15 Miku dupes, I could upgrade her to 6*! I try to enjoy my time enjoying the beautiful summoning animation, but bombarded with insults from Chairne, I quickly skipped the gacha and decide to send him to hell.

I grabbed his weak pitiful soul, and he was begging for forgiveness, but I am pissed off... But as I was about to send him to hell, a good idea appeared in my mind... 'What if I sent him to a world which he will live in for a small time, and then I can kill him when the new character appear in this game! That way I can be the first to get every new character easily!'.

I started laughing and said "Today is your lucky day! I knew you were watching one piece on that black and white television screen! Today, I will send you to One Piece world! Bye!" I said as I threw his soul to One Piece world, but I couldn't help but notice that I only have 14 Miku dupes! I quickly do another Gacha roll, and luckily I got the 15th Miku dupe! Muwahahahaha!


(Voidne's POV)

'FUUUUUUUUUUCK! What is happening! I am still spinning in this tornado... For fuck sake! Was I reincarnated inside a tornado or what! There is also something hitting my head, and it hurts like hell!'.

It took minutes until I felt something hot running on my head. Soon, the black background turned white, I think I am finally out of my mother's womb! The moment I came out, I could feel someone grabbing my head roughly, I felt like I am dying! That person grabbed my head, and threw me, as I felt myself flying, and everything becoming cold suddenly... There is a popular saying "No bird ever flew and got high up, unless as he flew he fell down and died"... While remembering this popular saying, I fell to the ground and started screaming... What kind of doctor does that to a newly born children! While feeling like I would die, my vision became clearer. My body is still souring in pain, and my stomach is angry... I could see a man in front of me fucking a woman which I presumed to be my new mother... Blood is all over the place as the umbilical cord wasn't cut properly, it is still connected to me! I might get infections!

I looked around, the place was dirty, and smelly! What the fuck is this family! Big Chungus I curse you!

I was ignored, crying on the ground, as the man finished inside my prostitute of a mother, another man entered to do the deed, while the old one left the house without even caring about my body that was on the ground! Fuck One Piece! This world is so fucked up... I need to find a way out! I am dying... But I am not hungry anymore? The pain on my head is killing me... But it feels like my head wasn't affected by the hit? What is happening??

Flash back...

Big Chungus said "You are very annoying! I will give you the power that will allow you to survive so don't annoy me!"...

Just what kind of power did that bastard give me!