Near Dead for 6 Months

I kept crying on the ground for hours. A lot of men entered and exited the house while I am crying. I lost count. My mother had white goo coming out of her pussy, and her hands and body was full of men filth, it looked disgusting.

She looked at me after the last man left the house, and then grabbed me with her filthy hands. I tried to resist that disgusting mother, but I was a kid after all, I couldn't resist! Her filthy hands stained my pure skin... I was trying my best not to puke right now, but then she talked... Her mouth smell was worse than a spoiled egg and a rotten fish together at the same time... I thought I was going to die from just the smell... It was at that moment I felt resistant to the smell... I started guessing the ability that Big Chungus has given me.

She kept talking to me with her smelly mouth, but I really wished she shut up and give me something to eat, but I didn't want to drink out of her dirty nipples that are now covered with men's filth. She started pulling me toward her chest, so I headbutted her nipples. Soon she started screaming and moving my head with her hand so I would drink her milk. I dodged her nipples until she got bored.

She threw me on this solid thing that she is using as a bed. I started panicking as I saw her grab a knife while looked at me. As she approached me, I started struggling trying my best to move, but I knew with my current body I can't escape from her even if I tried my best! Despite laying on my back, I found a way to move, by forcing my legs against the hard bed to push my body.

She grabbed what is left from the umbilical cord connected to my belly, and then cut it. I started screaming as I could feel the pain! Blood is coming out of my belly! I could feel my stomach getting warmed by my own blood! This is not what fan fictions promised! This is a horror movie!

She quickly grabbed my body and put it on the ground so to not staining the bed with my blood.

My blood started flowing on the ground, as I started feeling numb, no more pain could be felt anymore... This death, despite being horrific, it isn't as painful as the last time. I am really thankful for this, at least I won't feel pain right?

But as I was thinking about how my death was merciful, I found out that my belly button recovered? What the fuck is going on!? This Big Chungus ability means that I can't die in peace? Do I need to die a really horrible death again?

The torturous life with my whore mother continued for 4 months, everyday more and more men came home to fuck my disgusting looking mother, but somehow, she doesn't look like a stick anymore! In those 4 months I learned more about the ability I was given by that weebo god.

So the ability works like this... When I feel like I am going to die, or when I am actually close to dying it activates, granting me extra strength and healing my body over and over again, in that process, I gain a very small power up permanently, but those stack up quickly. For the last 2 months, I started tricking myself into believing that I would die, and thanks to that trick, I didn't need to eat but 2 times in those 2 months.

My baby body is not malnourished despite the lack of food. I also figured out that this is Kuen Village, also known as the village of drought. Baby 5 was born here, so the people here are probably starving to death and they don't care about their children, the women usually get pregnant just to sell their milk. I learned how to avoid attention in this new world. I just need to sleep on the ground and do nothing but sleep on one side then the other, so I don't get my body damaged too much... I don't think the ability could fix permanent disabilities...

I kept tricking myself that I am going to die for another 2 months. I spent 6 months of my life in this world doing nothing but believing that I will die, and thinking about memes since life here is boring... I can see porn everyday but I am not able to masturbate yet, so what is the use?

As a 6 months old, I am able to pronounce some words and crawl, they of course spoke Japanese, but I could guess the meaning of some words after seeing what my stupid mother would do after saying them. Speaking of my bitch mother, she got married to a rich guy last week. I don't know why the rich guy came to such land, but he was staying here trying to persuade my mom to pack her clothes and leave with him.

My mother looked like she agreed, and it didn't take time for her to agree. Lately my mother started looking at me with pitiful eyes, the first time she showed them to me.

Soon, my mother and her rich golden pants picked me up, and started walking away from the village. The golden pants had a gun with him. I suspected that it was finally the time they threw me into the desert... I just wish to never encounter any monster until I am at least a 1 year old, so I can at least climb trees...

Despite me seeing the bright side, my wishful thinking led me nowhere, as those shitty parents put me on the ground near the bank of hungry monsters that look like komodo, maybe they are a distant ancestors of the Komodo. They had 2 horns on their head, and they were full of scales. Their tongue and eyes was that of a snake, and their tail had a sharp nail looking end.

I gulped believing that this is probably going to be how I die, as my parents started stepping backward slowly, leaving me to be the good of those Komodo looking creature.