The Komodo King... is a Sheep?

As my bitch mother and her stupid rich husband started to step backward slowly, the komodos finally took notice to our existence. The glared at me with murderous eyes, as I started to back away slowly scared for my life. My mother saw me trying to cling to my life, so she started having thoughts to save me. I saw it all, her grabbing her human shaped golden chest and trying to stop him. As the golden pants noticed my mother's hesitation, he pulled his gun and shotted at me; piercing my arm with bullet, making me unable to crawl.

My mother was shocked, but it was already too late. The komodos have heard the gunshot, and started to rush toward us. My ugly mother started running with her husband, leaving me with my injured arm to be food for the komodos.

I turned my head and looked at the bank of komodos rushing toward me, but... Out of nowhere, appeared a sheep! The komodos were chasing the sheep toward me! I started cursing the sheep, and the golden pants rich son of a cake... My death is going to be caused by those idiots... Every time I think about my death, I remember that retarded Big Chungus... But I am still weak against fate...

I could see the sheep rushing toward me in slow motion, as everything started to slow down near my death... The world became colorless, and I felt that I was watching a movie in the 70s... But it was too realistic! Maybe if they had a cinema back then?

'Huh?' I just realized that I was floating on the air! I fell on something very soft, so I took a firm grip into it! Clinching to my life! It didn't take seconds until I realized what happened! While I was thinking, the sheep headbutted me, launching me in the air... I wasn't paying attention, and the pain in my hand was so intense that I didn't feel the headbutt.

The komodos were still following us, I was too focused in the komodos, but it wasn't until I heard gunshots that I remembered that rich son of a pancake wants me dead!

The sheep started dodging the bullets? No... The stupid rich guy didn't even know how to shoot that gun, he was shooting at the air! He even emptied one shot in his own leg, and another on my mother's.

I started laughing at the scene! Serves you right bitches! But when the sheep got too close to my parents, it fucking transformed into humongous Komodo! It was twice the size of the other komodos! The once fluffy sheep became a scaly lizard with legs and horns! the fluff I was holding to became scales; and with the huge momentum of the now big lizard, My hands got pierced by the scales as I was holding into them.

It did hurt a lot, and I could feel some of my bones shattering from the surprising speed boost. I was too focused on my own dilemma again, that I forgot to pay attention. I could only feel the Komodo jumping up while opening it's huge mouth, crushing both my mother and her husband in one bite!

The two dead bodies dropped in the ground, disfigured and crushed. I was scared, but at that moment, the huge Komodo transformed back into a sheep. It shook its back to get me off of it. I feel down on the ground and I thought that was it, my sure death... But it used its head to head to push my small body toward the bodies of both the gold digger and the gold mine.

I didn't understand what it wanted, but it soon bite into the guts of my mother and put some of my mother's intestine in front of me. I was disgusted, but I could notice that the other komodos have surrounded me. So I tried to force myself into eating that disgusting meat pipe full of processed food... Yeah, I'd rather curse than make you puke your food...

I grabbed the squishy intestines with my now recovered hand and took a bite. It tasted like blood, just a thousand time worse! The sheep looked satisfied, and before I could tell, a lot of komodos came and started eating. I who is trying my best to hold my puke, gave the intestines to the sheep as an offering. I made sure to bow my head, and the sheep accepted my offer, as it looked very satisfied with me accepting it as the leader of the pack.

After that accident, I lived on the back of the sheep for 6 months, but life was getting better and better. At the start, I was forced to eat raw human meat, and raw animal meat. Soon, we started securing resources, enabling me to make fishing traps, as I was able to walk when I was 8 months old.

From hunting fishes, to hunting animals that live in this land of drought, the progress was smooth, and in 4 months, we raided the village that I came from and my brethren feasted on the people of the village! If Baby 5 didn't leave the Island yet, then she is probably killed by the komodos.

As I became 1 year old, the komodos became the indisputable overlords of this land! No one could resist them, not even a bit. Soon, the Komodos started breeding other animals so they can increase the population of their food!

I lived 6 bad months, and 6 good months, so I guess my life is fair... Despite being content, I started itching for an adventure! So I tried to mimic the sound that the komodos make when they leave the den. The sheep seemed to understand what I meant, so it went to the nearest boar, transformed into a huge Komodo, and then took the boar down.

It tore apart the boar's leg easily, and threw the leg in front of me. It wanted me to have a feast before I leave... It was a sensible gift! So I gave it back a necklace I made from the teeth of the rich donut, wishing it good luck.

After eating the boar's leg, I went to the village and grabbed all the money that was there, and then started walking toward the shipyard... There I found nothing but a small boat with a small chest in it...


I opened the chest to find out that it was a mimic! It grew arms and legs and bite me to death... A red huge "You Died" Appeared on the screen. I smashed my controller on the ground and shouted "You've been Cliff Hanged God Damn It!"