The old man

An old man was seen wandering around, he kept checking shops after shops, it's obvious that he is looking for someone.

He stopped and held his knees with a pained expression, he looked exhausted.

"Please move away from the way if you aren't gonna walk, old man" a voice startled the old man, he rise up quietly and stared at the youth talking to him.

"Young man, you can't address an elderly person like that" the old man said.

"Oh! And how should I address you?" The youth replied.

The old man sighed, "I wonder how parents of these days brought up their kids, tsk tsk" he said shaking his head.

"What did you just say, you old hag?" The youth said, glaring at the man.

"Young man, please go on your way, you can just walk past me, but you choose to cause trouble for this old man," said the old man.

"Move away, you don't have any right to tell me where to walk through

" the youth kept arguing with the old man.

Despite how stressed out the old man was, he refused to leave the spot, while the youth refused to walk another path.


Although, Diana wasn't in love with Jeffery, she felt her heart hurt at his reactions, she wasn't expecting such attitude from him, it's so not cool.

She walked aimlessly around and spotted a youth arguing with an old man, she decided to mind her business, as she wasn't in a good mood.

She looked around to see if she can locate a mall and purchase a new sweater, the temperature is a bit chilly, and it's kind of penetrating into her body, and awakening the coldness inside her body.

For the first time in her life, she really wanted the seizure to come, she felt humiliated, she was happy for nothing, she felt like she's being appreciated for who she is for nothing.

She really did not care about his friends reaction, that is how people viewed her from the start, Jeff going back on his words made her feel like she isn't worthy of anything.

But, if she really let herself go into attack now, things might turn out bad, as people might not near her, since they had no idea what brought forward her seizure, they might think she is suffering from some kind of disease and stay away.

She kept looking around and noticed the old man has moved, yet the boy moved along, it's like he's picking on the old man on purpose. 

She couldn't take it anymore and moved closer to where they are, and began eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Young man, please be on your way," said the old man, he could finally detect that the boy is just trying to cause trouble, and he knew what would happen if he let him, which is why he stopped being stubborn and moved, since he claimed he wanted to take the path he stood at, yet the boy kept moving along with him.

Diana frowned and moved closer to where they stood, she believed the boy is going overboard with his bratty attitude.

"Old man please leave the road completely, you can't stand on the road, if you wanna walk, then walk or ..ah..ah" his words were cut short by the pain of being hit suddenly.

"Who the hell are you?" The boy turned around and glared at Diana who just hit the back of his head.

"He is not standing on the road anymore," Diana said.

The boy looks at the old man and discovered, he has actually moved away from the road, and was a bit taken aback, "no wonder he stopped moving" he thought in his head.

"Looking at you, you should be 14 or 15, and you're here picking on someone old enough to be your ancestor, tell me boy, do you have a death wish?" Diana said, poking his forehead with her index finger. 

"Hey, don't touch me! The boy retorted, while the old man that was compared to an ancestor quietly sat down and began enjoying the show.

"Hey? You called me hey!" She said and hit his head again, if she's good at one thing, it's being a nuisance and fighting. 

The boy got pissed and tried to hit her back, and was shocked as Diana caught his wrist and twisted it slightly, she was careful not to dislocate it.

The boy groaned  in pain, "please let me go," he pleaded, he was surprised by Diana's strength, it's like he was held by a man.

"Good! Now apologise to this old man" Diana said, not releasing his hand.

"He caused it, he said my parents didn't raise me well" the boy defended. 

"Then he must be a nice old man, he really phrased it nicely, yet you're picking on him, apologise now!" Diana growled.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry" the boy apologised and winced in pain as Diana released him, he held his wrist and moved far away from them, before cursing at Diana and promised to make her pay for what she did.

Diana ignored him and squat in front of the old man, "Are you okay?" She asked, but received no reply from him.

"He must have scared you, kids these days tend to behave like that to relieve some of the stress they are going through, don't take it to heart" Diana said, but received no reply again.

She stood up and sneezed, she pushed up her blouse to her neck, to cover her chest, as she's starting to feel cold. 

"I don't think it's a good idea to leave you here by yourself " She said sitting beside him on the floor, "do you want me to take you home?, I'm free now, I just suffered a humiliation from my one week boyfriend, you can consider this as a give and take, I will help you and also get to take my mind off the break up.

So, don't mind it" she said, yet the man remained mute.

After talking and talking, and still being ignored, Diana sighed, "I really wanna help, hmm how about this, Should I give you money?" She said. 

"Why are you ignoring me?" She pouted, pulling his hand playfully, yet, there is no reply, the man kept looking at the street, not sparing her a glance.

"Fine! Here" she said bringing out her phone and her business card, "take this, call your family and make someone return the phone to my working place tomorrow, I gotta go, I can't handle this cold much longer" she dropped it beside the old man and left. 

The old man looked confused after her last sentence, "the weather isn't that cold" he thought in his mind.

Before Diana left, he could tell the difference in her voice, it's different from when she first spoke to him.

He looked at his side and saw the phone, "She really left her phone?" He thought.

He stood up and went after her, but he is too tired to chase, "Young miss! Young miss!" He said repeatedly, but Diana is a bit far from where he stood.

"Help! Catch her! Help me!" The man screamed, and attracted some attention, some guys came to his aid and helped him chase after Diana, while he sat on the floor, being pet by a young woman.

"Are you okay sir? Did she stole something from you?" The woman asked, helping him up, to sit down on a wooden chair, near a stall.

"Hey! Stop right there!" Diana looked back and saw some guys coming for her, her eyes widened in shock, "what is going on?" She thought and began running, while the guys who are five or six in number increased their pace as well and chases after her.