
"We found him." a black suited man said to the person on the other end of his call.

The remaining 9 men, who are also well suited in black with a black shade on their faces, rushed toward the old man, along with the guy that reported that they found him.

The woman petting the old man was seized immediately, "sir! Are you okay?" One of them asked.

"Let her go" the old man said raising his left hand.

The woman was released immediately, "Thank you miss." the old man said.

The woman quickly left, she was surprised by the sudden change in the old man's aura, he transformed from a weak old man into a leader figure within a blink of an eye.

"Sir, he has contacted the mansion, he said he's coming home tonight." one of the men said.

The old man eyes lit up, "That's good." he said grinning. 



"What's wrong with you guys? What did I do?" Diana asked as she kept running at full speed, thanks to the running, her body is back to normal, the coldness has stopped trying to take control her body.

"You stop right there, or you're gonna be sorry once we get hold of you" one of the pursuers said, breathing heavily. They were shocked by her energy, she doesn't seem tired at all.

"Fine! You wanna run? Let's run" Diana said and increased her pace. She has been doing all kinds of exercises to conquer her cold since young, running is one of them, so she's pretty good at it. 

"Ah!" She exclaimed as her head bump into something hard, she touched her head with one hand and extended her other hand forward as she staggered back and was about to fall down.

She felt an arm around her waist, and find herself being held tightly, she slowly looked up and saw this beautiful man, blue eyes that look seductive and innocent, black hair, pink kissable lips, and a broad chest, type that could make a woman lose her sense of reasoning, and wanna lay on it, even just for a night.

The guy looked at her, as she's  smiling like an idiot. He stares at her brown teeth, that was flashing its dull hue at him, he finds her cute despite her ugly face, she looks like a little kid who finds herself in a candy land. Her smile look so sincere.

He saw the incoming mob approaching them and quickly guided Diana behind him.

He wanted to ask if she's fine and caught her eyes glued at his hand, she's busy admiring the sexy veins on his arm that was holding her behind him. 

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, 'seriously? With this ugly face of yours?' He said in his head.

The pursuers stopped in front of them, and was about to talk, while pointing at diana, as they breath heavily from running too much,  when the guy suddenly pulled Diana from behind him, and handed her over to them.

The guys were surprised, but still held onto her tightly.

Not seeming to understand what is going on, "why?" Diana asked the guy with a pained expression, she could have outrun her pursuers for sure.

The guy brought out a handkerchief and wiped his hand. With a disgusted expression, "That's for looking so ugly" he said and turned to leave.

Diana felt her insides burning with rage, she clenched her fist tightly, as she was being dragged away "you're gonna pay for this bastard!" she yelled. 

"Please make me." the guy said and walked towards his car and left.


The old man saw the guys arrived with Diana, and quickly stood up with a big smile on his face.

"Return what you took from him." one of the guys said to Diana, who look confused, by two things actually. 

The strange looking black suited men standing like a robot behind the old man, and the sudden changes in the old man's attitude, 'who knew he could smile this brightly'.

"Thank you young men, she didn't take anything from me, I wanted to talk to her but couldn't catch up with her," the old man said.

"What!" One of the guys exclaimed, while the ones holding Diana quickly let go of her.

The old man signalled to his men, one of them walk forward and extended an envelope to the guys.

The old man took it from him, and handed it to them himself, "I'm sorry boys, please accept this token from this old man." he said.

"Its okay sir, but please don't do this type of thing again, if not for our morality; we might have hurt this lady, please keep your money." one of the guys said, while the others nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry miss." they all apologised to Diana one after another and left, leaving the old man hand in mid air with his envelope.

"Find out who those boys are, I need the report tomorrow,"  the man said with a pleased expression. 

Two of the suited men left to carry out his orders.

"Hmm hmm, I'm here, I need an apology from you as well," Diana said pouting her lips.

"What if I refuse, I tried calling you back, and you let this old man nearly sprain his ankles," said the old man 

"Are you okay? You should sit then." Diana said and held his arm, helping him back to his seat.

"I lied." the old man shamelessly said, laughing at how easy Diana is.

"That's not fair! first, you pretended  to be mute, now that you're talking, you're bullying me." she said pulling his arm playfully.

The old man laughed more, "here is your phone, I'm not lost. My grandson has finally returned to the country after all this while he's been away, and still refused to come home, he has a friend around this neighborhood, so I came to get him myself," he explained, handling Diana her phone.

"You're a good girl, you will make a good wife for my grandson, this old man is being shameless right now, yeah, but I see you're a very persistent lady, I want you to consider this, it's also me asking for your help. I want him to stop doing what he's doing, I want him to be happy," the old man said with saddened expressions. 

Diana chuckled, "you're kidding right?" She asked, not believing her ears.

"I'm not, I had my reason for not replying to you a while ago, I thought you're one of those girls, who are trying to come closer to me, using different tricks, just to get close to him," he said.

"Ok, now I understand, but I still don't think this is a good idea, this is a modern age, you can't just get a girlfriend for him without his consent, he might get angry at you for that," Diana said.

"Don't worry about that, he cared for this old man a lot, i just need to feign some pitiful expressions, pretending to be tired of living and all. He will agree to it for my sake." the old man said, not feeling ashamed of himself.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind a boyfriend, but the problem lies with my face tsk" Diana pouted her lips, expecting some kind of sweet words from him.

"You're indeed ugly, but his handsome look is enough for the both of you," the man said, and felt Diana pulled his arm, "You can't even say I'm not ugly, do you really have to admit to it as well?" She asked.

"This old man finds it hard to lie." the old man said smiling. 

"I don't think I can do it, I really wish to help, but I don't think it's a good idea. I don't have a good feeling about this and also don't want to force myself on someone." she said with a serious face, no longer kidding around.

"You don't have to worry yourself, he is a nice boy, you will like him," the man said and extended his hand toward the men behind them. A mobile phone was placed on his palm.

While he unlocked it, "Who are these men?" Diana asked.

"They are my guards," the man replied as he scrolled through the phone gallery.

Diana was still busy accessing the guard with her eyes, when "here he is." the old man said with pride.

Seeing the same guy who just handed her over to her pursuers a few minutes ago, Diana smirk, " is this your grandson?" She asked.

"Yes, this is Ethan, what do you think?" The old man asked, waiting in anticipation for her reply.

"I think I want to force myself onto him. No matter what; I will be his girlfriend." Diana said, not taking her eyes off the picture.

The old man was taken aback, but still felt glad that Diana changed her mind, he believed Diana couldn't resist Ethan's look.

'You're doomed bastard, I'm ugly? Watch how this ugly girl give you a taste of your own medicine!' Diana thought, still staring at the picture.