Co Worker Jeff

Getting to the office the next day, Diana could see some of the office workers staring at her weirdly. It has been a while she got this kinda stare from them:- it was when she first began working in the company.

Even though she's used to such stare, she still find this weird. She walked to her desk and sat down not minding them.

Not long after, she was summoned to the director's office. Getting there; she found Jeffrey presented as well and wondered what's going on. Yet, she remained expressionless since she knew she hasn't done anything wrong.

If she hadn't broken up with Jeff, she might be worried but they aren't together anymore.

The director studied her expression and wondered if the rumors are true course Jeff remain calm, which is expected of a man, but he believed he could detect some hints from Diana's expression, yet she remains the same.

"You called for me sir" Diana said and was asked to sit down beside Jeff, facing the director.

"I heard you two are having a relationship" the director went straight to the point and kept studying them.

"They are fake rumors sir" Diana replied flatly. Jeff felt like her reply was like being poked by a needle.

"Hmm" the director hummed, "what do you have to say to that Jeff?" He asked feeling like something seems off with him.

"It's only rumors sir, there is no such thing" Jeff replied. The director turned the laptop in front of him toward them, "how would you explain this?" He asked raising his brow.

Diana stared at the photo of Jeffrey tall figure hovering above her, covered in perspiration. She felt glad that the person who took the picture didn't get the part where she was forcibly hugged.

With a stoic expression, "the company state that we shouldn't engaged in office relationship, it doesn't state that we should not talk to each other, i will never have any relationship with Jeff except from work related one, I'm assuring you that this is a total misunderstanding. If there is a rule that states that we should avoid each other outside the company's premises, then Jeff and I will become stranger after work" Diana said.

The director felt like he just got a slap on his face but knew Diana was right.

Jeffrey felt like storming out of the office as he couldn't take it anymore, every word Diana utter is like his heart was being poked by a needle and it hurts really bad.

He is a coward and he knew it, he realise how much he's crazy about Diana when she brushed for Ethan. He didn't mind if he loses his job as long as Diana accept him again but he's worried for Diana. She told him how much the work means to her as she has been sacked many times.

"I will believe its just rumors and i hope you two follows the company's policies," the director said.

"Yes sir" the two of them said in unison.

The director dismissed Jeff and asked Diana to stay. He explained to her that she will be leaving to Sama town to represent the boss for a meeting in the following week and gave her the necessary documents for the meeting.

Diana felt ecstatic about it:- its the town she originated from and will drop by her grandma's place and give a surprise visit.

They never let her and Rihanna visit the town, but now she has a work excuse.

"That's all miss Jade" the director dismissed her.

Getting to her desk, she started studying the documents and heard her cell vibrated, she picked it and opened the message that just got in.

'Diana, should i quit my job? I'm willing to do it for you as long as you agreed to my plea:- so we won't have to worry about office relationship. Diana i can't get you out of my head, I'm sorry for hugging you yesterday please think about this, I'm willing to wait'.

Diana sighed and look toward Jeffrey's direction while replying his message.

"co worker Jeff please respect yourself and don't get me in trouble or I'm going to report you to the director".

Jeffrey read her test and replied again. " I believe you're still angry with me so I'm gonna give you time to think about it".

After reading the text, Diana decided not to reply to him again. Actually she replied to him in the first place to get hold of a proof that it was Jeff who was after her, incase another rumors spread.


Two days later, based on how important the meeting is, Diana was later given some days off to focus on it and make some findings if she needs any. She was selected course it's her hometown as it was stated in her CV.

Diana had no issues with the project at all, but she wouldn't refuse some days off either. She now has a lot of time to make her moves on Ethan.


Ethan was in a meeting with the board of directors in his company when he was told that a woman is looking for him.

"A woman?" He thought, "did she mentioned her name?" He asked.

At the reception.  

"Miss, your name please" the receptionist asked.

With a smile under her scarf, "Diana" the visitor said.

"Guide her to my office, I will be there after the meeting" Ethan said and ended the call.

"This way miss" the lady walked toward the elevator with Diana.

"Where is he?" Diana asked.

"The president is having a meeting on the 24th floor" the lady replied.

"Oh! What floor is his office located?" Diana asked.

"The 15th" replied the lady.

"I will find it myself, you can return to your post, thank you for your help" Diana replied.

"The president said to guide you to his office" the lady said. After a few words exchange, she later allowed Diana to do as she pleased since she promised to take responsibility if she gets lost.

Getting inside the elevator. Diana unwrapped her scarf, letting her face clearly visible and pressed floor 24.

Outside the meeting room sat a beautiful woman, only one word could describe her 'perfect'

Her emerald eyes is beaming with beauty, her pony tail is touching waist. Diana gulped as she access her beautiful features, she's also dressing like she's at the company for a modelling audition, incredibly sexy.

She stared at Diana with her brow raised, " how may I help you miss?" She asked.

Diana broke out of her stupor and smile before realising it. Before she could reply, she saw the lady squint her face in disgust.

Diana sigh, 'here we go again' she thought and forgot about her so called beauty that got her mesmerized a few minutes ago.

Diana walk toward the big door and was about to open it when the lady pushed her back, "miss, state your reason for being here".

Diana scoffed, " did you just pushed me?" She asked and check the message that just got delivered to her cell phone.

Its from Ethan grandpa, 'gist this old man about the progress Diana, i will wait patiently ".  Diana smile after reading the text, he is the one disclosing Ethan's whereabouts to her.

The lady felt disgusted the more she stares at her, " he's expecting me" Diana said forgiving her for pushing her and moved closer to the door again.

Since the lady didn't behave like a staff should, she has no reason to treat her like one.

The lady refused to let her in and kept threatening to call security on her.

Ethan heard the noise from outside the door, and wonder who is arguing with his assistant, "Hanna?" He called.

Hanna opened the door slightly enough to fit her body and blocked Diana.

Ethan finds her weird, "who is that?" He asked.

"It's me" Diana said and the lady finally released the door, allowing her to pass.

"Diana" Ethan said as Diana walk toward her.

"Why didn't you wait in my office?" He asked.

"I can't wait to see you" Diana said and sit on his lap. Ethan was stunned but still held her waist to support her.

Everyone in the room was awestruck while Hanna felt she got struck by lightning, "she has lowered herself as an assistant just to be by Ethan side, she handled everything while Ethan traveled around for his search for Nathan, 'yet she never got a handshake; yet this lady with a weird face appeared and get to sit on his leg'.