Do You Like Me?

"What are you doing Diana?" Ethan asked softly;- so that all the people presented won't hear him.

Diana blinked. Breaking out of her stupor, she cleared her throat and gulped; as she wasn't expecting Ethan to remain this calm, also to the extent if holding her waist to support her 'does he even care what people think about his ugly taste?' she asked in her head.

Ethan suddenly recalled what she said about making people know about his bad taste and chuckled "is this your revenge?" He whispered into her ear.

Hanna was burning with rage as she stared at them, she couldn't hear what they are saying but judging from Ethan expression; she could tell its bad news for her.

Ethan is a very nice man; although he isn't interested in women, he is not cold to them either unless the women passes their boundaries with him. Which is why she didn't want Diana to go inside in the first place, she hates seeing women around him.

Either ugly or not, Diana is still a woman; with a great shape actually, she didn't want to take chances but in the end;- the man she is patiently waiting for, to notice her by giving her all as his assistant is now having another woman sitting on his lap and seems pleased with it.

Feeling Ethan breath on her ear, Diana sprung up, "hum" she scratched her head, "I will leave now that I've seen your face" she said and rushed away.

'It didn't work' she thought and touched her flushed face, 'i just made a fool of myself'.

Hanna quickly stretched out her leg to trip Diana immediately she got to the door; it was too late for Diana to evade it so she made sure to pull Hanna along and they both fell.

Since Hanna was putting on a 5inches high heels;- she ended up twisting her ankles and couple with the fact that Diana intentionally fell on top of her, she hit her head on the floor  and passed out.

"Diana!" Ethan screamed and rushed toward them, the directors also stood up and walked closer to them.

Ethan helped Diana up to her feet and picked her up in his arms, "are you hurt?" He asked looking worried.

He will be an idiot to not know about Hanna's feelings toward him, and he saw how she stretched her leg and tripped Diana on purpose.

He had no idea how they both ended up on the floor but he knew what he saw.

"She passed out" Diana said pointing at Hanna. Just as Ethan thought Diana was trying to trick him when they first met, he believed Hanna is faking her losing conscious as well, "she will be fine," Ethan said and look at Diana closely, "are you sure you're not hurt?" He asked.

"I'm fine so put me down and help your assistant" Diana said still staring at Hanna.

Not minding her, Ethan turn toward the directors who doesn't understand what exactly is going on. "We will continue the meeting tomorrow, one of should help Hanna" he said and carried Diana to his office while one if the directors called help for Hanna.

None of them dare touches her;- since she's is always full of herself, she always considers herself as Ethan's woman and wouldn't accept a single hand shake from anyone in the office, but the good thing about her is how capable she is with filling Ethan's role whenever he's not around and her exceptional look.

Getting to his office, he carefully placed Diana on the couch and examine her legs, which results in Diana rolling her eyes, "do you like me?" She asked out of the blue and scoffed at her own question 'how could someone like him possibly like me'.

She believes their relationship has not gotten to the point where he would choose her over his assistant.

Ethan chuckled at her question, "I'm not interested in women Diana; but I do not dislike you either, you're cute" Ethan replied.

"Still trying to make me overlook what you did hun?" She asked raising her brow, "since you're nice; I might consider it if you apologize right now" she added

Ethan took his seat opposite her and smiled, "like I said then, if it makes you happy then feel free to do as you want" in a low tone "not that it will get to me anyway" he added mockingly.

Diana glared at him, "fine! I will consider today a failure, i hope you're ready for my next attempt" Diana said and stood up with a frown on her face, "I'm leaving now, you should check on your assistant course I think she's badly hurt, not that I care anyway but she's still your employee".

She was about to open the door and step out when she felt a hand around her waist and was turned around facing Ethan face that was close to hers, "you got a sharp tongue Diana, I'm curious to find out if you could use it well when kissing." Ethan said with a smirk.

Diana widened her eyes, "you jerk!" She screamed and kick his feet, "nice move" Ethan complimented, not showing like he felt any pain from her kick.

"You wanna feel my ultimate move that always reduce a man height for a few minutes?" Diana asked with her brow raised, but deep inside her heart, there is a mechanic testing a car engine. A 'vroom! vroom! Sound is clear in her ears, and only she can hear it.

Ethan smiled and released her, "take care of yourself and don't let yourself get tripped easily," he said.

Diana let out a fake chuckle, her inside is shaking by the thought of Ethan's lips on hers, she wonder if someone will really touch their lips with hers.

Of course she knew Ethan was only kidding, probably teasing her "me? Trip easily? So funny, you should check on your assistant dude, she reaped what she show but she's still your employee" she said and head out of his office.

"Did i misunderstood again?" Ethan thought after Diana left.

He walked to his table and dialled a number, "how is Hanna?" He asked.

"An ambulance?" Ethan asked after listening to the reply.

"F*ck" he cursed, "i did it again" he said ruffling his hair in annoyance. He had imagined what could have happened to Diana if it wasn't his grandpa who asked people to get her, and now he did it again.

But he is not entirely at fault; a lot of women has nearly made him lose his mind with their scheme to get him for themselves like he's some kind of tools.

Which is why he found Diana interesting, she also reject his kiss, not like he wanted to kiss her for real course they aren't in that kind of relationship, but Diana kicking her like that is total rejection which made him find her more interesting.


Hanna slowly opened her eyes after getting treatment and enough rest. She saw Ethan sitting on a chair beside her and felt her heart ease, she craves for his touch immediately, "Ethan?" She called.

Ethan looked up from his phone and stare at her, "how do you feel now?" He asked.

Hanna raised up her hand;- indicating for him to help her up, which he did and she suddenly jolted back on the bed like it was accidental; making Ethan fall on top of her as she didn't release him, their lips locking with each other.

Ethan stood up; he bit his lower lip and let out a deep sigh. "I'm so sorry" Hanna apologized, feigning a pitiful expression but was rejoicing inside 'she finally did it, she kissed him'.

Ethan scoffed, "I can see you're full of energy now, i will call the doctor over for you; take some days off till you fully recover," he said and turned to leave.

"Ethan?" Hanna called making Ethan halted his steps and turned around to face her.

"Who is that woman?"  Hanna asked.

Ethan expression turned frosty immediately, "are you tired of your job?" He asked in a cold tone.

"N… no.. Ethan" Hanna stammered.

"Call me sir!" Ethan growled.

"Sir!" Hanna replied in fright.