
Diana didn't wake until the next day, around 2pm.

Nathan has disabled the cctv in his room and allowed her privacy. His men were shocked that he left his room for an ugly girl like Diana and shared a room with one of them.

They were all back under the same tree in front of the house, busy with their business stuff on net as usual.

Their organization deals with selling of armory and executing assasination missions, they took missions of killing prominent people all over the world. 

Not stuff like; my friend is a bitch, I want her dead, or family problem stuff.

Diana didn't wake up willingly though, she felt a hand on her skin, and open her eyes to be shocked by the muscular figure in front of her.

A bald man was tracing her exposed shoulder with his finger tips with a weird smile on his face.

Diana eyes widened. She slap away his hand, yet he didn't budge; instead, his smile deepened and Diana felt her hand hurt from the slap, it's like she slapped a wall. 'What a strong man' she thought.

"I wonder why the boss seems interested in you, but now I get it; your skin is so enticing and soft to touch." The man said.

Diana recalled that she had slept without proper clothing and tried to move away, but the guy held her still. "Easy babe, I'm not gonna eat you until the boss is done with you," he said.

Diana angry mode got activated immediately. She glared at him and throw a kick at his third leg.

"Ah!" the guy exclaimed and grabbed her by the neck, "you bitch!"

The quilt fell from her body and thankfully Nathan has instructed Aroma to help her put on something, as it's a bad idea letting her sleep almost naked in a house full of men with only one woman, which is Aroma.

Despite her neck being held, Diana piercing gaze didn't waver, "that's my ultimate move bastard!" she manage to utter the statement and the guy tighten his grip on her neck with a pained expression, as his other hand held his third leg. 

"I'm going to kill…." he couldn't finish his started sentence as a needle hit the back of his neck, and Aroma appeared.

He released Diana's neck and stood in the same spot with his body shaking, while he struggles to talk but couldn't find his voice.

Despite this, Diana kept glaring at him, not showing like his sudden pitiful state moved her.

Aroma smile at her gaze, if not for Nathan, the guy could have killed her in one move. She likes how Diana didn't show fear despite being in such state. 

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine." Diana replied with a straight face.

Aroma pulled out the needle from the guy's neck, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Aroma threw a kick at his face, making his entire being hit the floor with a crash.

That finally made Diana blink, she recalled hitting the guy's arm and felt pain instead. 'She's so cool' she thought.

She was expecting the guy to fight back, but instead he only stood up quietly.

"Are you crazy Boyle? You want to die? How dare you touches the boss's guest!" Aroma raise her voice at him.

"That bitch hit my balls!" Boyle defended. 

"What are you doing here in the first place?, you'd better hope Nathan didn't find out about this." Aroma said.

"You're on her side? Let's see if you can still keep this straight face if this ugly thing manages to get the boss heart" Boyle said and left the room.

Despite Aroma being a female among them, no one dares her, there are other females in their organization but none is as close to Nathan as those guys outside and Aroma; who is like Nathan's shadow.

Boyle and Nathan are the most worthy to lead the organization, after missions and duels, Nathan surpassed him and was given the role.

He always had eyes for things that interest Nathan and tend to want to try out everything he tries, Aroma had always been in his way and wish he wouldn't piss Nathan off with his attitude.

Since none of them dares to confront Aroma in a fight, Boyle always let her go with standing in his way on everything. 

With a raise of her hand, its either they got poisoned, drugged, paralyzed, infected with a deadly virus, lost consciousness, and many more, which is why she's deadly among them. 

She only teaches Nathan those moves as the ruler and no one else, until she decides to pass it onto someone else or got instructed by Nathan to teach it.

She always had a leather gloves on, customized to fit it her needles invention, all she had to do is target her victim and release a needle. They are so tiny that the victim won't see it coming until it hit them.

"You should take your bath, I will bring you something to eat." Aroma said as Diana, who still kept her gaze locked at the direction Boyle left through. She's not moving at all.

Aroma smile and left the room as well. Immediately she stepped out, "waaaaah!" Diana cried placing her hands to her neck that hurts due to the impact of being gripped by Boyle.

She started twisting it and using her hands to massage it. 'I should leave today.' She thought.

Aroma, who still remain outside the door; listening to her cries, chuckled and felt amused. She admired Diana's courage, she didn't show pain in front of Boyle and maintain a straight face. 

She felt like they are a bit similar, it hurts when Boyle talked about Diana entering Nathan's heart, also when she was putting on a night sleeveless gown on Diana the previous night. She saw the traces of Nathan's bite on her neck.

Yet she maintained a straight face like it meant nothing, but Boyle caught her when she averted her gaze, when Nathan kiss Diana and suspected her feelings.

Boyle joined the rest of the guys outside, trying to hide his face. Nathan raised his head from his laptop and smiled. "Boyle, come here." He said.

'Fuck!' He cursed inwardly and walked closer to him with his head low.

Nathan sniffed the air, "why do I smell Aroma's kick on you? is it my nose or what do you guys think?" He asked and all the guys about 15 in numbers burst into laughter. 

"You got your ass kicked again tsk tsk." Nathan sighed mockingly, "I wonder why you got hit by her, and their aren't traces of brawling. Are you hitting on her?" He added raising his brow.

The guys burst into laughter again and started teasing Boyle who glared at them and made the 'i will kill you gesture to them'.

"Stop getting hit by a woman, if you can't defeat her, then avoid the fight, it's embarrassing to see you with marks from her kicks." Nathan said and dismissed him.

The file he's working on has complete loading, Diana face surface on his laptop screen, as well as all the information about her.

He chuckled as Boyle and the guys started fighting behind him.