The night before the present day

Stella got home and was back to her usual expressionless self. She only smile in the mall and had never smiled with Shane.

"Welcome wife," Shane greeted, as Stella stepped into their huge bedroom.

She took off her shoes, not behaving like he existed. That's how they've been living since they married, its like Shane married a doll, yet he felt contented; seeing her wake up next to him each blessed day is enough for him.

When he makes love to her, she remains in the same position like a log of wood till he satisfied himself, yet he's cool with it; at least he still get to do it.

But now he believes Stella has been preventing herself from getting pregnant and also aborted those two pregnancy because she has Diana. 

"I have good news and bad one, which one will you like to know first?" Shane asked, but Stella ignored him and kept removing her makeup in front of her dresser. 

Shane smiled and walked closer to her, he picked a few stands of her hair and began playing with it. Stella ignored him and kept on with what she's doing. 

Shane, while playing with her hair, stare at her reflection in the mirror. "I met a girl today, perfect age with your assumed dead child, same birth month, blue eyes like Alexander's, same hair as yours, personality and all" Shane said and studied Stella expression, yet she didn't sell herself out; she remained expressionless. 

"Hmm, I guess the bad news isn't working, could it be a coincidence? Could it be that your bastard really died then?" Shane grinned. "I hope so, I refused to believe that you aborted two of my pregnancy because of a ugly thing like that," he added.

Stella is not surprised that he found out about the abortion, not like she cares anyway, so she remained unmoved.

"The good news is that, Alexander woke up from his coma." 

Stella hand shook and dropped the wrist watch she just took off. She blinked repeatedly and picks up the watch, her inside trembling, 'Alex?' She called in her mind.

"That works" Shane said and scoffed. 

Stella slapped his hand away from her hair and stood. Immediately she did, Shane wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him and began kissing her. 

Stella hit his chest, it's not like her strength could work on him anyway, he is incredibly strong. Shane pulled away and tried to pull her clothes. 

"I can't," she said.

"And why is that?" Shane asked still not letting go.

"I'm tired, i wish to rest." she said.

"I insist" he replied.

Stella sighed, "fine! at least let me take my bath," she said.

"I refuse." Shane said and picked her up in his arms and walk toward their bed, before dropping her on it and began undressing her. 

Stella remain still as usual till he had his fill and slept off. She stares at his sleeping face with tears filled eyes and wonder why it's her. "What's my offence to deserve all this? Why me? Why can't I be happy because this maniac claims he loves me? How do i face Alex? When would I be able to hug my daughter?" She questioned herself as her tears fell uncontrollably.


Inside a hotel room in an exclusive hotel, at Sheffield city. A group of armed men invade the hotel, they were putting on a helmet and had their whole body covered up.

Ethan was inside this same hotel, doing video chat with Chris, when the door to his hotel room got blown and those armed me rushed inside, pointing their guns at him.

"What's going on?" Chris asked as Ethan raise his hands in the air and slowly stood up.

One of them shot the laptop, "you're coming with us Nathan." one of them said.

Ethan knew he was being followed since he stepped into the country, he didn't mind course that's how Nathan managed to avoid him.

It's easier for Nathan to find out he's in the same country as him, same as how it's easier for Chris to locate Nathan. The two of them look exactly the same, except the hair colour, which could be deducted as a wig or changing of hair colour.

The group that attacked him are one of the gangs Nathan refused to sell armory to, and they want revenge.

They prepared in advance course they were aware of Nathan and Aroma one flick skill. They knew how deadly a flick of their hand could ruin a person in an instant, which is why they covered up their entire body.

They saw Ethan hand bare, without a leather gloves on and moved closer to him with caution, even without it, he's still skilled and dangerous. 

Ethan look calm and remained in the same spot as one of the almost 20 guys search him for weapons and signal to the others that he's clean.

They were shocked by his cooperation, but believed it was because he's alone.

They shot him with an electric sizzling device, he frizzled on the spot, yet he didn't lose consciousness like they wanted. One of them shot his leg and hit his head with his m4 rifle and Ethan crash onto the floor, blacking out immediately.

"You shot him!" One of them raised the glass in front of his helmet and face the guy that shot Ethan. 

"It's his fault for being able to withstand the electric." He defended. 

"Let's get out of here, who knows if his men will join us here soon." One of them said. They picked up Ethan and left the hotel. 


Inside an underground basement of one of Shane's property, grandma slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a dim lit room. She only got knocked out once, yet she looked like she has aged more.

One of Shane's men was sitting in front of her. Seeing her opened eyes, he took off his shade and stare straight at her. "Who is the girl?" He asked.

Grandma knew about Stella's case, she visited her mall and received a secret letter from her, she also delivered a letter to her secretly, each time she visited her family in the town, to let her know how Diana is doing.

It's one of the reasons why she's always on Diana's side and chased her out when she came earlier, she knew about Stella case and pitied her.

"My child, this old woman had no idea what you're saying." she said.

A slap landed on her face, which made her blacked out once more; as she's too old to withstand it.

"Call me child again and get a bullet in your head" the guy said and relax back on his seat, patiently waiting for her to wake up again.