The night before the present day (2)

Outside the basement, two men standing guards outside suddenly got hit by Aroma's needle and crash onto the floor, their body began to turn whitish. Green veins bulging out all over their face as they become a corpse.

Aroma step out from her hiding place with another guy from their organization beside him. "Hey! You're gonna enjoy the killing, while i retrieve needles? This isn't fair" the guy said.

Aroma grinned, "be careful not to get infected from the needles, that's a new invention, i don have a cure yet" Aroma said and walked in, taking down the guard on the way before they could react.

"F*ck you! Aroma" the guy cursed and began to retrieve the needles from the victims carefully.

After Diana appeared and sat on Nathan's lap, they noticed the three guys tailing her didn't leave. They were waiting for her to leave Nathan's crew, so they can continue their mission.

Nathan instructed two men to watch them as well, it was around 9pm that they finally gave up and left.

Aroma and one of their skilled assassins were assigned to follow them and see what they are upto, Nathan knew how tailing works. If they didn't have other alternate plan, they wouldn't just leave.

Just as they thought, Aroma and the guy saw them abducting an old woman; so they followed them all the way to their hideout and waited till most of the skilled assassins from Shane's side left, leaving just some average fighters and one skilled assassin who remained with old woman inside.

Shane men aren't ordinary either, since they were outnumbered, they didn't want to take risk. Nathan wanted to kill Shane as well; as he's the reason he got separated from his family, but he knew to not underestimate his enemy. He will strike when he discovers all he needs to know about his strengths and weaknesses.

Shane also felt threatened since Nathan's arrival. He knew about the former owner of the house Nathan arrived at, since they were enemy. He wouldn't miss a chance to strike as well, but couldn't underestimate Nathan either. 

The man sitting in front of the old woman felt something and suddenly opened his eyes. He moved aside at a fast speed and saw a needle hit the chair he's sitting on. 

He sprung up immediately and dodged another incoming needle. "Show yourself," he said, ready to detect and evade another incoming.

Aroma sighed, "you're wasting my inventions" she said feeling heart ache for her needles that hit nothing. Only highly skilled people could evade her one flick.

She stepped out from the shadow, pulling two daggers from both sides of her booth. "Let's do this f*cker!" She exclaimed with an enraged expression and charge at the man.

The man let out an evil scoff, and pulled out a sword like dagger, as its above the normal dagger size. They started fighting each other with their full strength, while the guy who just finished retrieving all her needles, stood by the door and kept enjoying the sight. "You're doomed dude" the guy said to himself. He knew Aroma will never lose; as it will take more than one man to defeat her.

The man let out a scream as Aroma dagger Pierce into his waist, "That's more like it." Aroma smiled mischievously.

The man tried to move after but couldn't, "oh! don't try dude, that's for making you behave" she said slit his throat with another dagger, "this is for putting an end to the life of asshole like you for picking on an old woman" she added.

"You're so boring, can't you drag it longer, I was enjoying him making a fool of himself." The guy said and walked toward the old woman to pick her up, " shit! what did you injection me with?" He asked as a needle hit him.

"Cure." Aroma replied with a smirk.

"F*ck! was I infected?"

"Just in case."

"Damn you! Aroma."

"My pleasure."

They took the old woman and left.


Ethan woke up and saw a white bearded man in front of him, his wound has been neatly dressed up. His hands were tied behind the chair he's sitting on.

The white bearded man, being the leader of the gang stare into Ethan's eyes. He has dealt with the man who shot him course he ordered them to kill him if he resisted, he had no right to shoot him since he cooperated with them. 

Which is why he's staring at Ethan now, the maniac ruler of that organization with top skilled assassins is here in front of him, looking calm. He found it weird, but chose to believe that he gave up because he was caught alone.

The man took a cellphone from one of his boys, "I will call your people and you will instruct them to deliver the requested armory over, then you're free to go Nathan" the man said.

Ethan scoffed, "I refuse." he said.

The man smiled and caressed his beard, "It seems that you still think you're in your territory Nathan, you asked for this the hard way, so don't blame me." 

Ethan rolled his eyes and scoffed again.

The man stood up and ordered his men to deal with him. They took turns in hitting him to their heart's content, before taking pictures of his bleeding state and sent it to Nathan's people in the country with a message which states, 'we got your boss. Deliver the requested and get him back, else the next message will contain photos of his corpse'.