
Nathan scroll through Diana's detail and raised his brows slightly. The same details were being viewed by Shane in his office as well. 

"So it's her." Nathan said.

He sighed, he knew immediately that Diana is gonna lead Shane to the family that brought her up if she leaves and get killed as well.

Aroma knocked and opened the door to Nathan's room, with a food tray on her hand. "Where are you going?" She asked as she saw Diana all dressed up and busy braiding her hair. 

"I don't have any business here anymore, Ethan is weird, he lied to me about traveling and all, I'm leaving" Diana said.

"You just thought about that after sleeping for almost 24 hours?" Aroma asked.

"Eh!" Diana was surprised and embarrassed at the same time.

Aroma placed the food beside her, "you should eat and check on your grandma" she said.

Diana stare at her, looking confused, "check on my grandma?" She asked.

"She got abducted last night, she's sleeping in my room." Aroma said and made her way to leave.

"Wait! what!" Diana exclaimed.

"It's just as i said," 

"Take me to her please."

"Follow me."

They arrived at Aroma's room. Grandma was staring into space when they got there. She looked up and saw Diana staring at her in awe.

"Grandma, how did you get here?" She asked.

Grandma burst into tears immediately, " you bad child, why did you come here? Why can't you listen to simple instructions? you're all your mother has, now the man knows you're alive, you want your mother's sacrifice to be in vain? She's such a good woman." 

She really pity Stella and consider her as her child, she imagined her heartache and decided to help her.

Diana had no idea what she had done wrong but burst into tears as well, "grandma, what are you talking about?" She asked. 

"Come with me." Nathan's voice was heard behind them.

"Thank you young man." Grandma said to her benefactor.

"Its fine." Nathan said, "Follow me." He said to Diana and walks away out of the room. Diana follow after him while looking back at her grandma with a confused expression.

"Ethan, what's going on?" Diana asked, immediately they step into his room.

"First of all, I'm not Ethan I'm Nathan."

"Did you hurt your head?"

"Ethan is my twin brother." 


"Sit." Nathan said and watch Diana clean her tears with the back of her palm and sat down on the couch.

She couldn't believe her ears, but now is not the time to mind that, she's still worried about her grandma.

"First, you're not Diana Jade and someone wants you dead,"

Shane and Stella families were friends, which made Stella close to the only heir of phantom corporation, Shane never interact with anyone but Stella. He admired everything about her, but being a proud being since young, he always excuse himself when Melanie and Tony who are Stella friends were around.

He liked Stella, but Stella sees him as a brother. She's not cool with how Shane ignore her friends greetings and all, but she couldn't abandon him; as he pitied the fact that he had no friends. She's the only one close to him, which means he would be alone if she stopped talking to him.

So she coped with his attitude, also because Mel and Tony didn't care about it either. He's a rich heir, Tony is a rich heir as well, it's not as if they wanted anything from him.

Stella begged them not to hate her brother, and they claim they do not hold anything against him, he's the arrogant one. 

Tony and Mel were in a relationship, while Stella is single, most guys stay away from her, and she had no idea why. The only guys singing relationship in her ear is Shane, but she threatened to stop talking to him if he keeps on with his ridiculousness. 

Shane decided to let her be, since he scares away those guys that are interested in her, he believes she will accept him when there is no other alternative, he's willing to wait. 

At the age of 23, Stella met Alex, it was more like love at first sight. It was at a mutual friend's birthday party, which of course Shane wouldn't attend such, even if a gun was pointed to his head. 

He was already appointed vice president of his father's company at that time, he learnt his father is involved in an underworld dirty smuggling business and dived into it as well, which made his father proud and promoted him to the vice chairman at the age of 26.

At the birthday party, Alex was left without a partner, just as Stella. The groups notice their staring at each other and began teasing them.

Mel and Tony, fully aware of Stella strange issues with guy, did their best and shipped the two during all the birthday games, singing and all.

Alex and Stella played along maturely while their inside is battling the strange feelings they suddenly developed for each other.

Stella steal glances at the hot stud with this alluring blue eyes that could mesmerize any woman, his sexy grin and pink kissable lips are problematic for her heart, not to talk of his broad chest and tall manly figure.

Their eyes met which made Stella blushed and bit her lower lip, not looking away. Alex stared at the brave beauty who got caught and was still brave enough to keep staring. 

Alex stood up and walked closer to where she sat. Stella's heart was beating fast as he approached.

"Mind switching seat with me?" Alex said to person sitting beside Stella.

"Sure man." The guy grinned and went to sit where Alex just stood from.

"You like what you see?" Alex whispered into Stella's ear.

Stella gulped at the sexy voice and summoned the courage to face him, "it's n.." She couldn't complete her statement as Alex is still leaning close to her ear before she turned, which made their face close to each other.

Alex was also shocked by the turn of events but still behaved like a man, and raised his brow at her. Stella blinked but didn't look away.

"You guys need privacy?" One of the guys who noticed them said, which made everyone turned toward them. Stella quickly looked away, blushing really hard, while Alex still kept his eyes glued on her. 

Mel and Tony shipping mode got activated immediately, "let's give them some privacy" Mel said, while Tony also joined in.

Everyone started teasing them and walking out of the room. "Guys!" Stella exclaimed and tried to stand up, but Alex pulled her by the waist and stopped her. 

Seeing everyone left and the door slammed shut, Stella look at him, her heart beating fast.

"You're bold, i must admit," Alex said smiling at her, still not letting go of her waist.

Stella gulped, "I guess I am." She said.

Alex scoffed and leaned closer to her, their nose touching each other. "How brave are you?" He asked.

Stella blinked as the fresh scent of his breath assaulted her nose, "this brave." She said closing the gap between them and pressing her lips to his.

She was about to pull back when Alex hand find his way behind her neckline and pulled her into a deep kiss. 

"F*ck! Those two meant business" one of the guys said, as they stare at the two kissing on a laptop. 

Mel was rejoicing inwardly, she always felt bad when Tony kissed her in the presence of Stella.