Flashback 5

It's not Stella first time coming to the company, so she had no issues locating his office, or having to seek permissions.

Getting to the office door, she knocked. It was as though Shane has been waiting behind the door; as it opened immediately. He stood tall and handsome in his dark grey suit, he smiled softly; which is a rare sight for others except Stella. 

Stella walked past him with her brows creased and sat down on the sofa, folding her hand across her chest. 

Shane scoffed at her cuteness and also went to sit beside her, but this time; Stella felt uncomfortable, his word and the tone used, replayed in her head, which made her moved away from him.

Shane frown at her action, but quickly replaced it with a calmness, when Stella look at him in the eyes.

"What's going on? What's with the words you uttered earlier?" She asked, hoping he will tell her it was just a joke, course she's not sure if she can still keep talking to him if he really meant it.

Shane bit his lower lip and decided to come clean, no more laughing it off like he used to, he need to act fast before Alex returns.

"I meant it Stella, I've been in love with you since you're just five, it hurts when you call me brother, course it felt like losing a battle before the war started. The term brother is like a heartbreak for me, so please don't call me brother Stella; i want to be your man, I really love you with the whole of my heart, please be mine" he said reaching for her hand and squeezing it gently, with tenderness in his eyes.

Stella felt all the hair on her body stand, she felt irritated by his words and felt like slapping him for having the guts to say this to her, 'so all those times he said he will make me his wife weren't joke?' she asked in her head and scoffed. 'Here I thought he's the brother I never had, as my mom couldn't birth another child.' 

She snatched his hand from him and look at him with disappointed expression, "brother you… no no, Shane," she corrected herself and stood up, looking down at him on the couch, as he stared at her with a fearful expression, as if not wanting rejection.

This pissed her off more, "you!" she exclaimed, "I can't believe this, you're really shameless brother." she said. She felt like calling him Shane like she wanted to a while ago will only satisfy his want and made him more interested in her. She had no idea what he has been doing to make her look at him all along.

"Listen carefully brother, If it turns out you're the only man left on earth; I'd rather die than be with you as a woman." She said glaring at him.

Shane expression changed after the sentence. He look angered and felt the softness In his heart disappeared, "I always have what I want." He said flatly.

"Well I'm not an object, you can't have me, not in this lifetime or after. And also, I have someone I'm in love with, that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with, so unless you really want me to forget our past and hate you, take those silly thoughts out of your mind." Stella said and turned to leave, when Shane held her hand. He stood and held the back of her head in a flash, kissing her forcefully, while Stella struggled in his arm.

He didn't let go and held her tightly as he gobbled on her lips fiercely, as if trying to punish her for what she said. 

Fear gripped Stella heart as she struggled in vain, she didn't know where the tears came from but soon find them dropping at a fast motion. She couldn't believe Shane could do this to her.

Shane snapped back to his senses immediately he realised she's crying. He released her and blinked as a hot slap was thrown across his face. 

She couldn't believe what just happened, "you and I are over, don't let me set my eyes on you again." That's the only word she uttered before storming out of his office. 

Shane stared at her departing back, looking lost, he had waited all this while and ended up losing it the last moment. He knew how soft hearted she is and believed she will forgive him with time. He only had to wait more. He felt at ease; since Alex is out of the picture.

Stella mother got angry and asked where she got all her bruises from, but she kept silent and refuse to share what happened with her. The back of her neck got peeled due to the struggling, her left hand got deep red and turning purplish from his strong grip. 

She didn't even know what she felt for what happened and decided to pretend it didn't happened, it's so embarrassing and scary. She missed Alex already, she recalled their hot kiss before he left the country and felt her nerves relaxed.

She wanted to hear his voice so much, but felt dirty for what happened and decided to sleep over it and take it out of her mind.

To Shane's surprise, Stella didn't turn up, she ignored him totally and left for Mel place two month after; as Mel delivered a set of twins.

Stella was so happy for her friend and get to meet those cute adorable twins, who look like each others reflections. After staying with them for a while, she was reluctant to part with them, she felt like taking one of the kids with her. She whined to Mel about how she's going to miss them, just as she's crazilly missing Alex.

Even though they talk on the phone and do video chat, It's not enough to cure the love sick. She was able to get distracted with the cute adorable boys, but now that she will be leaving, she felt sad.

Mel thought of an idea which made her think deep, Alex has suggested that she come visit him in New York, as his attention is really needed there, and he's not sure when he will be back anymore.

She said she can't, as her parents will never agree to it, but thinking of Mel idea; she felt hope.

Just as Mel suggested, she took excuse from her parents, saying that Mel needed her assistant with the kids. Her parents urge her to quickly go and aid her friends and send the twins numerous gift through her. 

She couldn't believe it went so smoothly, she gave Alex a call and informed him that she will be coming to see him.

Alex couldn't contain his happiness when he heard the news and happily prepared for her arrival.