Flashback 6

Stella arrived at the airport with butterflies in her stomach, she can't believe she's really here. What is jet lag? when she's about to meet her love. She pulled her suitcase along, her eyes searching for Alex.

Alex saw her looking around and smiled sweetly, his pair of eyes glowing. It felt like ages since they've last set eyes on each other, as her waist length hair cascade all the way to her thigh. She's just too beautiful to be real.

He walked toward her and immediately Stella saw him; she let go of the suitcase handle and jumped onto him. He hugged her back, attracting attention, but not for long, since it's the airport. Most of the people just smiled at them and face what they are there for, as such sight is common.

"I've missed you so much." Stella cried, burying her head to his chest and breathe in his scent, feeling contented.

Alex kissed her forehead and pulled her back, "let's go continue at my house," he said, smiling sweetly. He missed her more, but still need to act like a man, they are outside after all.

He helped with her suitcase and they both left the premises. Alex assistant saw them and quickly came down from the car and took the luggage, while the duo went inside the back seat of the car.

Alex couldn't hold any longer and pulled her closer, initiating a kiss, gobbling hungrily on her lips, while Stella also returned it with the same amount of force.

The assistant seem stunned as Alex never shows interest in any woman since he arrived, despite women throwing themselves at him. When he asked him to drive him to the airport, he was curious as to who he wanted to go pick up that makes him look so bright and happy.

He started the car and smiled when his eyes drifted to the rearview mirror and saw them still not letting go, its like he did not exist to them.

By the time they arrived at Alexander's villa, Stella was already asleep. He picked her up and head in, it's like a dream to him; he couldn't believe she's really here.

Stella opened her eyes and let out a grunt. Seeing herself being carried like a princess; she blushed and rest her head to his chest and smiled.

"Why didn't you wake me?" she asked.

"You must be tired, and also, you look beautiful when sleeping." Alex teased as he opened the door to the room he prepared for her.

"I'm ugly when I'm awake?" She asked.

"You're breathtaking when you're awake." He replied, placing her on the bed and pulled up the blanket up to her neck, "rest more." He said.

"Sleep with me," Stella said.

Alex smiled, "this is not the right time, I might do something I shouldn't," He replied pulling her cheek playful, "let's celebrate your arrival when you wake up." He added, and noticed Stella serious stare.

"I meant it." She said.

Alex's eyes widened, "wait! by sleeping with you, you weren't referring to laying beside you but the other sleeping with?" He asked, and Stella nodded, already blushing hard.

"Ouch!" She exclaimed as Alex flicked his finger at her forehead.

"Where are your bravery coming from?" He asked in disbelief, "now I'm worried about our future kids, i guess i will be a strict dad in the future." he added.

Stella pouted her lips, "I want a baby too, Mel's boys are so cute, I want one too." She voiced the reason behind her wanting him to sleep with her.

Alex sighed and kissed her lips briefly, "I'm honored you want that with me, but don't work with another man's time, do it at your own pace. We will get to that, for now let's take things slow." He said, and Stella nodded in agreement. 

Things were going smoothly between them. She spends a month with Alex, touring around and enjoying their relationship, it was so beautiful and heart melting for her, she didn't regret coming. And despite their sleeping under the same roof, Alex didn't have the thought of sleeping with her, at least not when they are seeing secretly without her parents knowledge. Seeing her and being able to hold her is enough for him at the time.

Stella returned and spent a few weeks at Mel's place to spend some time with Ethan and Nathan, before leaving for her town.

Everything was going smoothly, no one suspected a thing, not even Shane, he made his finding and learnt that she went to help take care of Mel's boys and relaxed.

It's more than 2 years, yet she still keep visiting, and ignoring him. Shane began to get worried that Stella will never forgive him and asked to meet her instead of waiting and looking at her from afar, when she returned from Mel's place.

Alex has even forgotten to suspect his quick transfer which seems to be taking longer and longer, since Stella is with him.

Stella refuses to meet with Shane and rejected his calls, as well as deleting his annoying pleading messages. She's in love after all, she got scared when his messages came through, she imagined Alex being with her and seeing such messages from the man she claimed to be her brother; this made her keep her distance more. She doesn't need to act all pitiful that he might be alone, as he is now a grown up man.

Tragedy befall Shane two years after. His father was in a meeting with the members of their underground dirty smuggling business which also involved human slavery, they have skilled warriors who invade defenseless towns and kidnapped their girls, selling them and widening their connection all over, as well as making loads of profits.

Unknown to them, some of the victim's family has planned revenge and has been on their tail for a long time. An explosive device was planted on the location of their meeting, they were all blown up, as well as Shane's father.

His mother had a heart attack after hearing the news of her husband's demise and joined her husband in a few days after the incident. 

Stella just returned from Alex's place and was enjoying her time with her adorable cuties when she saw the news on television. They didn't reveal the reason behind the explosion as they couldn't find any. Those people planned it well; since they knew they were dealing with influential people in the society.

Stella felt bad for him and left to be by her brother's side. Her soft spot got poked by the tragedy.

Alex father who has been in a hot roof with his wife over Alex transfer also saw the news and requested for Alex to come back and return to his vice president position.