Flashback 7

People arrive at Shane's mansion to pay their condolences, being the kind of people who didn't associates with people due the stupid feeling of being superior to everyone; most of the people aren't really sincere, while some just pity Shane for loosing both parents at the same time. 

While some overreacted just to get on Shane's good side, as he will be leading the whole cooperation soon. Stella parents give their full support, they filled in the space that needed relatives for him and didn't let him felt alone.

Yet Shane remained unmoved, before following his Father's footsteps, he got warned about the danger, so he wasn't too surprised, he only pity his mother a little bit, but still she isn't innocent as well. They are both bad influence to him from the start and he's not someone who let just anyone into his heart. No matter how hard he tried; he just couldn't feel love for people, but superiority. He only search for weaknesses and explore it to the point of making people submit to him.

The only person he felt something for and wanted to see hasn't arrived, all those visits are annoying him, Stella's parents care is bothersome, he didn't ask for those, he only want Stella to come. 

Just as he was still thinking about her, Stella had just driven into his mansion premises. Putting on a black A shape gown, with her hair tied in a neat bun. She looked more mature and beautiful. She parked her car in the garage and made her way in with a heavy heart. The thought of losing both parents at the same time is cruel, she imagined how Shane must be feeling presently and felt her heart broke for him.

Seeing her entered the living room, his expressionless face finally show some emotions, he stared at the girl that was the reason he was sure a heart reside in his body. She has matured more and look more captivating, his woman, his everything.

Stella who had no idea what's going on inside Shane's head burst into tears immediately she set her eyes on him, and felt heartbroken at the weak expression on his face, which is for her, but she believes it's for his loss.

Stella mother look up and went toward her daughter, as she has been receiving female guest, while her husband helped with the males and those that came for business connection and recognition.

"You're here, how was your trip?" Her mother asked. 

Stella shook her head in response, she didn't want to talk about trip now, but she understood her mom is worried about her. "How is he?" she asked looking over her mother's shoulder and staring at Shane who stares back at her, not breaking his gaze for a second.

Stella mom had no idea how to answer her question, Shane has always been detached and always maintain an emotionless expression with everyone, it's not different now, so she had no idea what to say, as nothing has changed with him. 

Hearing no reply, Stella felt more worried and excuses herself. She walked toward Shane, who kept staring at her till she sat beside him. "Are you okay?" Stella asked holding his cold arms and squeezing it gently, looking at him with worry filled expression.

Her gaze stirred up the feelings that wasn't there before, the feeling of accepting the dead to be dead and not be dramatic about it vanished. His eyes turned bloodshot and he slowly pulled Stella into his embrace and let himself mourn his lost, he let himself think back to the moment he shared with his parents, although they weren't the loving type; they still provide him an easy life. They are gone now and he won't be seeing them again.

He hugged her tightly, a drop of tear trickled down his cheek, while Stella pat his back and consoles him.

Stella parents were shocked by his sudden change and excuses themselves from the room; giving them space.

They felt at ease that he finally show the befitting emotion of someone who just suffered a loss.

Their relationship return to how it was before Shane went beyond his boundary with her. Shane knew it was pity she felt for him, but still held onto the opportunity and was glad she's back to his side.

Their relationship didn't remain smooth for long, as Shane discovered Alex was back in the country, and they are seeing each other.

Alex fought his father after finding out the main reason behind his transfer from his sisters.

Immediately Shane succeeded the company, his next action was causing trouble for Stella's parents mall. Everything started going wrong for them which was unlikely. Shane offered to help, but made things go worst underneath.

If waiting wouldn't work on Stella, he planned to trick her into submission. He offered to support them with his corporation but claimed he had to engage her first, as the other shareholders wouldn't take helping friend as an excuse to risk their neck in their mess.

Stella mother rejected immediately, but her father find it reasonable; as Shane made it sound business like, he didn't suspect any other motives behind it except wanting to help.

After their meeting with Shane, "what do you mean you're gonna think about it?" Stella mom asked her husband, looking furious. 

"Relax Anna, it's just an engagement. It can be cancelled anytime, he clearly wanted to give a logical reason to fully help with his power, without getting questioned.

Everything is for Stella in the end, things are getting worse, we've shut down three sections and already planning on doing the same to the jewelry section. We need his help, it would affect Stella if we get ruined, we had no idea where the problem is coming from." Stella father explained.

Her mother finds it reasonable, she wasn't worried about the engagement, instead she was worried about Stella, since she has someone she's seeing. Her man might not see things the way they are viewing it and might break up with her. What man would want another man inserting a ring on his woman's finger; when she isn't an artist. 

But in the end, it will still affect her if the business goes down, the man might not find her worthy anymore, they want her to be well off on her own; not depending on a man for everything. They decided to go on with it.