Flashback 8

Warning: read with caution.


"What!" Stella exclaimed.

She couldn't believe what her parents just asked of her. "How could you guys suggest something like this? You know I have someone I'm seeing, and even if I wish to do something like that; to my brother? Seriously?" She asked. 

"Stella, it's not what you're thinking, it's just to get help for the mall, he just became the president recently and couldn't just help without providing enough reason to do so." Her father said.

"So you want to use me? Ruin my relationship? All in the name of getting help?" She asked.

Her mother sighed. She felt bad about this and also knew she should be the one that understands how much Alex means to her the most. "Stella, we knew about your traveling to New York to see the boy, we are fully in support of him." She said.

Stella was surprised, but had no idea what that got to do with their ridiculous request. She looked at her dad and back at her mom. "What are you trying to point out?" She asked.

"This is just to provide proof that he is entitled to help, we will repay him back after we are back on our feet, we can't take his help for free as well, it's not different from taking advantage of him, so don't think of this as using you Stella. You know your father and I will never do anything to hurt you, we will cancel the engagement after we get the business back on its feet and pay him back." 

"Mom!" Stella exclaimed breaking into tears, "I can't." She cried.

Her mom pulled her in her arms and hug her tightly, "I will cancel the engagement even if I had to put my life on the line Stella. I will never let you get hurt, if you want; I can talk to Alex and beg him on your behalf. If this business runs down, your father and I won't be able to feel proud of being parents to you" she said.

Her father runs his hand through her hair, "I'm sorry baby." He said, feeling bad and ashamed of himself. He stood and walked toward his room with his head low. To him; no matter the excuse they give, it won't change the fact that they want to use Stella, even if they paid Shane back, it still won't change that fact. 

Stella pulled back from her mother and ran out of the house. Getting inside her car; she dialled Alex's number. It's around 5:35 pm, he should be back from work.

Alex moved to one of his villa after his fight with his father, he felt belittled and hurt. He was working on his laptop when Stella call came through. He smiled and picked it, but frowned when he heard her sobbing, "what's wrong? Where are you?" He asked, standing up immediately.

"I'm on my way to your house, are you at home?" Stella asked.

"I will come pick you, don't drive while crying." Alex said worriedly.

"It's fine, i will be there soon." She said and hung up.

Alex paced to and fro in his compound, feeling uneasy till Stella car drove into the premises. He rushed to receive her with worry. He didn't ask anything till they got inside the main house.

Helping her to the couch, he held her face with his palms and wiped her tears with both thumbs, "what happened?" He asked. 

Stella explained everything to him, crying that he did not want to get engaged to someone she considered her brother all her life, even if it's for help purpose. Alex listen to her explanation and understand it's the handwork of Shane, but he wouldn't want Stella to go against her parents.

He could help them, but he knew if he did; he would only add to the problem. First; he's not confident with his position anymore ever since he learnt of his father choice of sending him away for Shane, and secondly; if Shane is really behind it, he will keep making trouble for them as he helps till things get out of hand. It's a risk he's not willing to take, as the person who will suffer the loss in the end will still be Stella's parents.

"Do it." He said.

"What!" Stella exclaimed, looking him in the eye with her tears filled face.

"They promised to break the engagement after the problem get solved, so trust their words and do it." He replied.

"But…" Stella couldn't complete her sentence before Alex hot lips met hers. He kissed her softly, which she returned with full heart, and slowly forget everything as the kiss deepened.

She felt her adrenaline rush as Alex's hand caresses her body. She let out a soft man as his lips travelled down to her neck, sucking on it softly, making shiver run down her spine. She held onto his shirt tightly, not wanting him to stop.

Alex pulled back gently, looking at her with a lustful gaze, he placed a peck on her lips and whispered, "I want you," before picking her up and heard toward his room.

They resume their hot kiss and slowly they found themselves naked. She moaned in pleasure as Alex sucked on her left nipple and play with the right one with his finger tip, for steady tickles. 

After preparing her body with  wild foreplays, he slowly went into her and took her virginity, he claimed her whole heartedly and vow to go the extra mile to keep her in his head.

After their rounds of love making, Stella drifted into dreamland in his embrace.

Waking up the next day, she couldn't find him beside her, but instead a bouquet of roses and a letter. She smiled and opened it, she felt her heart race at the content which only consisted of three words, 'YOU ARE MINE.'

She blushed and slowly sat up, only to see Alex sitting down on a chair below the bed, staring at her intensely. She chuckled at the thought of Alex witnessing her reactions to the flower and letter.

Alex stood up and walked toward her, sitting beside her, he held her neck and kissed her softly on the lips, before pulling back and dipped his hand into his pocket.

He brought out a beautiful silver ring with a shiny diamond engraved in it. Stella blinked as he took her hand into his, slipping the ring into her finger.

He kissed the ring and do the same to her forehead, "I won't let another man slipped a ring into my woman's finger first, even if it's just for show. Do what they want Stella, if they go back on their words, i will take you away from here." He said.