flashback 9

Stella stood nicely dress in front of Shane, as the host announce their reason for the banquet and all.

She felt disgusted as the ring slipped into her finger and look at her parents in the audience, before looking up to meet Shane's intense stare. Shane is the happiest, he finally did it, he claimed her, she's now his and no one can take her away from him unless the person want to taste death.

He has gone deep into the underground business and now in control of a group of terrorists. He leads them and sponsored their training into becoming a worthy assassins for him to use and now, no one dares him. Those that do never lives to see the next day.

All he needed was Stella and his goal in life will be completed. And now he finally have her.

Stella look away from him and look back at her parent who couldn't look her in the eyes any longer, before placing her left hand to her chest, where the pendant of her necklace is located and took a deep breath. Others might see her action as overwhelming joy, due to marrying a president of a huge corporation, but she was pressing Alex's ring to her heart to stop herself from the bitter feelings washing through her with this outrageous event going on. 

She felt like running out of the venue and be with Alex, but knew it was a bad idea and consoled herself with the ring.

Before she knew what was happening, reporters flooded into the venue and just like that, the promised simple engagement which only required the attendance of shareholders and their invited guests, as well as family and friends become aired and soon the news of the engagement spreads.

Shane grinned inwardly as he saw Stella parents enraged expression, as well as Stella drained colour face. The deed has been done and there isn't any escaping from him, she's officially his woman. She can be labeled a slut or euphemize if she is seen with another man by the people.

Alex was watching the news as well, looking as calm as still water. His sister barge into his office and saw him relaxed in his chair, staring at the wall screen displaying the live event.

"What the hell is going on Xander? Isn't that Stella? or am I seeing things?" She asked, looking furious and pointing at the screen.

"Her parents needed his help for their business that is suddenly going down." Alex replied, still looking expressionless and had his eyes glued to the screen.

"What!" she exclaimed, "and you let this happen? Have you forgotten that the dude made dad send you away because of his wants over your woman?" She asked.

"Lana please stop," he pleaded. "You're making my head hurt." He said.

"Xander?" Lana called seeing the pained expression on his face. She moves closer and hugged him, resting her chin on his head. "Why didn't you help her parents yourself?" Lana asked, feeling bad, as she knew how much Alex and Stella are in love with each other.

"Don't you get it Lana? I don't own the company, and unlike me, his father trust him and didn't stab him in the back. I can't fight for her with someone else's property." Alex said, standing up, "I'm tired, please inform my assistant i won't come to the office for a while and i do not want any disturbance." Alex said and headed out of the office.

"Alexander?" Lana called, feeling bad for her brother. He hadn't spoken to his father after leaving the house and comes to work with the belief of  earning a living, he's not treating it like a family business anymore.

Her two sisters are also very capable and can succeed the company, he is not interested in it anymore. He is very stubborn and never forgives easily, once his trust was betrayed.

After the engagement, Stella parent asked about what was with the press appearance and Shane denied having a hand in it. He excused himself and headed toward the room Stella ran to, after she couldn't take it anymore.

He knocked on the door, but Stella refuses to open it, "Stella open up, it's me." He said.

"So? If it's you, so what!" she exclaimed from inside, "who the hell are you?" she asked sobbing.

Shane grinned, this personality is one of the reasons he's crazy about her, who will dare question him about his identity? Only Stella had the guts to do so and make his heart race instead of getting angry. 

"You can take your time and rest, I have to deal with your parent business now, we will talk later." Shane said and smirked, before walking away. "F*ck off!" he heard Stella scream from inside and felt more amused.

Mel and Tony also saw the news and was shocked silly, Mel travelled to the town with her boys who had just turned six, to be there for her.

After learning of the reason behind it, she got angry at her and asked why she didn't seek Tony's help, but Stella said she would never do that, so she didn't regret not asking their help. Her mood lighten up as she cuddle the twins and felt her heart ease. 

They bombard her with questions and gists about school and how much they missed her visits. They were like god sent as she felt better with their company. She couldn't summon the courage to meet Alex since the engagement and has been avoiding his call, locking herself indoors.

Alex also felt worthless and give her space, by not showing up at her door till she feels like talking to him. "I want to say hi to uncle Alex." Ethan said, and Nathan repeat the same thing. 

"Oh! You charming cuties." Stella felt her heart race just by staring at their faces, which usually made Mel sigh hard and always leave them alone, to display their affections.

Stella called Alex on video call and was stunned by his look, he look stressed and somehow, she felt guilty for not picking his calls. Before she could speak, the boys have started waving their hands at him, "hi uncle."they said in unison like they always did, they were inseparable and like doing everything together.

Alex smiled and teased them as usual, he like picking on their appearance, which heard him a good show from the boys.

"Hi Ethan," he said pointing toward Nathan with his blonde hair, "Hi Nathan." He added pointing at Ethan who has a black hair. 

The boys look at each other and switch position in front of the laptop, "he is Nathan, he is Ethan." They both said at the same time, pointing at each other.

"Oh! really? my bad." Alex said and picked on something else, which the boys took seriously not getting the fact that they are being teased.

Stella watch the scene with full heart and smiled softly when Alex eyes met hers.