Working on her weight

Diana was laying naked inside a bathtub consisting of cold water and ice cubes particles everywhere, her entire body red, her face flushed, her left arm covering her nipple area, while the right was covering her private part in the tub.

Aroma was sitting on a stool beside her, each time the ice cube liquidize, she will help her add more into the water.

She kept shaking her head as Diana kept covering herself, embarrassed that she's naked in front of her, but the burning didn't stop and Diana needed her help. Diana was the one who pulled her clothes in the first place, as she couldn't handle it, so; it's not Aroma who asked her to be naked.

"You're a complete idiot, I think I should reconsider teaching you the one flick technique, course I'm sure you will kill yourself with it" Aroma said as she stood up and walked to the door. Someone just came to deliver more ice.