
Warning: Mature Content, please read with caution

A black Range Rover drove into the garage of an exclusive hotel. At the driver's seat; sat Hannah, while Ethan was sitting at the back seat, looking handsome as always, putting on a grey suit, his hair permed all the way back, looking shiny and alluring. He had his eyes closed, with his hands at the back of his head.

"Sir, we are here." Hannah informed, as they came for a business meeting with one of a wealthy CEO in the business world.

"Hmm." Ethan hummed as he opened his eyes and stepped down from the car. Hannah stepped down as well in her knee length red body hugging gown, looking extremely eye catching as always, except in Ethan's eyes of course. 

They walked inside the hotel, and was received by a waiter who escorted them to the right room, where a middle -aged fat man was waiting for them with his handsome assistant who turned out to be the dude Hannah slept with at the club days ago.