Her Needed Items

"I need more rest." Diana said.

"Stop taking this as a child play. When you're here on the training field, keep your full focus on training and don't let me see your teeth. You have 25 minutes more." Aroma said with a stoic expression.

Diana angry mode got activated, 'what's with her sudden changes?' She asked in her head and stood up. "Let's move to the next step." She said, with a serious and angered expression. She decided to get it over with and rest in her room once and for all.

She's not the type that give a f*ck about someone who doesn't care about her anyway. They moved to making her jump over obstacles. For starters, she jumped on the ones higher than her knees.

Aroma smiled at her sudden change in expression and was stunned by her energy. Even she couldn't do this much when she started. 

After finishing with the jump, Diana, with her head raised high, as if telling Aroma to do her worst walked towards her, "done." She said.