She's missing and needed to be found

A black expensive motorcycle drove at a scary speed on a long almost endless field. Aroma being the driver while Diana as the passenger clutch onto her waist tightly, cursing Aroma in her head.

"Oh god! we are gonna have an accident!" Diana exclaimed but the breeze seems to carry her words to a direction, totally opposite Aroma's hearing.

Instead she increased her speed.Diana wasn't sure how they got to where they were now, because she ended up shutting her eyes tightly after the increase of speed.

While Aroma stylishly step down like a supermodel in the middle of a photoshoot section, Diana was puking her guts out at a side.In between heavy breathing, she looked up at Aroma, "that's not fair." she said.

"I'm sorry about that, we won't get anything done if I didn't do that." Aroma explained. It isn't part of training and she knew the speed was too much."Okay." Diana said and stood up.