"That's All?"

After a few hours, "done!" Aroma exclaimed, taking off her gloves.

'What!' Diana exclaimed in her head. She watched Aroma put on a new pair of gloves and took out the iron like object in her mouth. 

Diana didn't feel any changes, she looked confused. that's all?" She asked, opening her mouth and closing it. She reached her hand to her mouth and touched her teeth, to her surprise; it's not perfectly straightened like a natural teeth, but actually normal and not pushing out her lip anymore.

Her upper lip is still slightly pushed out because of the impact of it being in that position for a very long time, but could still be helped, it's no big deal, but this seems very easy to Diana.

She was expecting something that will take some effort to achieve, but it's like she had been suffering because of it for nothing. She can't believe this.