Gang up on Diana

Diana took a day off to allow the swollen part on her body to calm down, as well as the wounds. Her body that seem to endure the pain the previous night were aching her really bad. 

She felt pain all over. All her joints that got twisted before she manages to push Wild away were numb now, that she could barely move.

While the others were in hot training with their teachers, especially those that lost the fight; Diana was enjoying her beautiful sleep, as Aroma agreed to her request to take the day off.

Nathan remained indoors and refused to step out of his room. He couldn't believe he really slept with the girl he always told himself is his sister. He recalled all the times he called her sister and knew he had done what he shouldn't.

By agreeing to her father's wish to take care of her; he couldn't believe he took care of her with his d*ck last night.