Her Goal

Diana watched the back view of his roommate shielding her and felt touched, but she's not gonna hide behind and escape a fight from those people. They can't just pick on her like that.

The girl charged at Loner as she managed to evade more attacks from him. The two began fighting each other, moving away from the others, crashing onto tables and chairs; making all the other trainees quickly stood up and gave them space. 

The considerate one's picked up the food that could create damages to their skin if not careful and eagerly await more shows, as the others were moving towards Diana crew.

Diana reached out from their back and nodded at her mates that she's cool to fight. The blonde girl was only interested in Diana and quickly charged at her, while the others fell into ratio 1:2.

But they were supporting each other, swapping places with the ones getting overpowered like they've planned everything before hand.