To her dismay

"Not sure. why do you ask?" Diana replied and asked.

Releasing her from her embrace; Jenny moved to her side and looked at her, while Diana returned the gaze.

"You suddenly changed and being someone who had her eyes on you; I couldn't help but wonder why it's so." Jenny said.

Diana smiled at her. 'Fine! since you're so curious, let me show you what curiosity is all about,' she said in her head.

"You wanna know why?" Diana asked.

Looking at Diana exposed flat tummy; she couldn't help but feel pissed that she didn't get to enjoy herself. 

Leaning closer to her tummy, which made Diana wonder what she's about to do, and gritted her teeth as Jenny's lips touched her tummy.

She couldn't help but thanked her star that she stopped her inside the room. She wondered what she would have done, if she hadn't stopped her.