An apology

Diana held her breath as her body go down in a flash. She couldn't think or scream. She felt like her heart is floating as she fell and suddenly bam! 

She's not even sure if she's about to touch the ground or not, but suddenly found herself in a warm embrace, with a familiar scent.

The two rolled on the floor, before they stabilized. Diana quickly turned and was laying flat on Ethan's chest.

She blinked and gulped. Her heart beating crazilly as her eyes stared into his, a sweet smile on his face, as the baseball cap on his head fell off, his hair gracing his forehead, with the aid of the orange street lights; his beauty shine at her, making her gulped subconsciously. 

"That was a cute fall." Ethan said, while Diana still kept looking into his eyes, not blinking and just staring.

Ethan reached his hand to her head and removed the hood, before catching a glimpse of her face clearly.