Diana's POV

Immediately I left the place; I headed to my hotel room. 

Getting inside, I brought out my laptop and my dagger sets. I can't think straight right now. All I could think of was ending everything tonight.

I want him dead, so I wouldn't have to worry about my father getting assassinated while I was away.

It's scary. Even though he's alive right now, my head kept imagining what might have happened if I wasn't there beside him and the bastard succeeded.

The thought that I will still be doing my mission, having dates with my Love and many more, while my father has died here in this town, filled my head.

Yes! I need to get rid of him. If it will cost me my life, then so be it. I'm tired of all this nonsense!

I knew I wouldn't be needing a gun, as it might attract the attention of his guards but I still kept one with me, just incase.