This is your end girl

Immediately I got to the window, which has a sliding glass in it, I peeped and saw him having his hands around my mom.

Unknown to me, each time they had sex, my mom wouldn't sleep all through the night and remained in his embrace, shedding silent tears.

Coupled with her encounter with me today, she wasn't in a perfect shape. She suddenly look up and our gaze locked.

I saw her nose running, while tears streamed down from one eye to the other and then down to her pillow, damping it.

The bastard arms were around her waist tightly, with his face buried in her neckline.

Immediately my mom saw me; her eyes widened in horror. I lost my sense of reasoning at the sight of her tears. 

I planned on sneaking in, but I ended up hitting my head hard on the glass, to leave a crack, leaped up with my hand on the upper frame of the window and use my knee to forcefully break the cracked glass, due to my headbutt.